A federal judge ordered the recount in Michigan to stop immediately—effectively ending Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount, and sealing Trump’s victory both in Michigan and in the national Electoral College.
U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith, who had initially ordered Michigan to start recounting ballots in the first place, agreed with Republicans in the latest court fight—that Stein had no legal standing to request the recount, since she wasn’t an “aggrieved” candidate.
Simply put, because Stein won so few votes, she had no chance of winning Michigan, even if there was a recount. So, Goldsmith ruled, she isn’t legally able to call for one under Michigan state law.
Stein’s legal team had argued that the recount wasn’t to change the results, but to test the integrity of the voting system. Goldsmith threw out that argument, citing that Stein had made only “speculative claims” about voter fraud, rather than actual evidence that electronic machines were hacked.
Shortly before Goldsmith’s ruling, the Michigan board of elections voted 3-1 to kill the recount, if Goldsmith ruled in the Republicans’ favor. So the recount has now been stopped.
Stein’s last remaining option is to appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court, asking them to intervene. But it’s considered unlikely that they would.
With the recount effectively dead in Michigan, Trump will receive Michigan’s 16 electoral votes. For Hillary Clinton to win the White House, she needed to win all three states that Stein was attempting to recount: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Without Michigan in play, the recount is essentially moot.
Stein faces more court fights before a recount can take place in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin’s recount is currently underway—but the results there have only increased Trump’s margin of victory.