New Study Reveals Border Barriers WORK

A new study has revealed that border barriers do, in fact, work.

According to The Washington Free Beacon:

The analysis, by University of Illinois at Chicago economist Benjamin Feigenberg, provides empirical evidence that the construction of border barriers—in this case, the 700 miles of border fencing authorized by Congress in 2006—cuts migration both in the areas where they are constructed and in adjacent territory.

In total, Feigenberg estimates, a fully fenced border would deter some 86,000 people from crossing the border every three months, at a cost of less than $2,000 per person deterred.

These findings provide robust empirical support for the idea of constructing a barrier along America’s often-porous border with Mexico—a proposal long-supported by Republicans, and President Donald Trump in particular, but vociferously opposed by Democrats. The failure to support more border fencing, once a bipartisan goal, may have helped drive the recent wave of immigration that led to a crisis at the border.

To reach his conclusions, Feigenberg examined the results of the 2006 Secure Fence Act, a bipartisan bill signed into law under then-president George W. Bush. The bill called for the construction of some 700 miles of fencing along the Mexican-American border; a subsequent appropriations bill put the exact location of the fencing at the discretion of the secretary of homeland security.

Direct fence construction reduces immigration by 27% while adjacent fence construction reduces immigration by 15%. These numbers are profound and a major affirmation of President Trump’s argument.

  1. And nobody that doesn’t read this article will not hear of the findings! Amazing! Let us not forget and bring it up to the opposition constantly!

  2. Anyone with half a brain can see that putting up a Border Fence along our Southern Border will keep not only “illegals” out BUT STOP TERRORISTS USING THAT POROUS BORDER TO ENTER OUR COUNTRY.

    It’s time Americans take care of Americans — not democrats choosing to let in uneducated, easily swayed illegals to vote in the Left’s sick and twisted legislations! That is the ONLY reason the Left wants those illegals inside out country.

    It’s interesting how the Left “quickly forgets” its promises to those ignorant people once they are inside the U.S. until the Left needs their votes to pass their own power grabbing legislation.

    Believe me, like the Blacks, illegals are nothing but “tools” to be used — and the Left doesn’t care one bit about any of those individuals. Sad for the Blacks and for the illegals!

    Time for ALL AMERICANS TO WAKE UP TO THE ABUSE BEING DONE BY THE DEMOCRATS! They will use you, but toss you on the trash heap after. They truly have no hearts but are just a bunch of empty shells walking around! They ARE “USERS & ABUSERS!

    As for our Southern Border: BUILD ‘EM HIGH, TOUGH AND INDESTRUCTIBLE! Then tie all the idiot Mayors and Governors, who encouraged Black Losers Mayhem, to the wall to help them remember to protect Americans at all cost from ignorant groups like “Black Losers Mayhem”!

    FYI: when those Black Lives Matter demonstrations turned into Riots and destruction, BLM NO LONGER WAS DEMONSTRATING BUT CAUSING CHAOS AND MAYHEM. ↔”FLOYD WAS FORGOTTEN”↔ AS EACH MEMBER DESTROYED OTHER PEOPLE’S PROPERTIES, It no longer was a demonstration to fix our Police Training but slipped over into Riots to destroy anything and everything!


    Oh I forgot. YOU BLM were only listening to your teacher of evil acts, George Soros. Next time BLM (if there will ever be a next time — you “DESTROYED YOUR REPUTATION BY RIOTING”) you need to kick that “3 headed snake Soros” to the curb and stop listening to his lies. Maybe, just maybe, someone might believe what your true nature is…maybe.

    1. You want to believe that BLM is a social justice movement for racial injustice. It is not. That is a pure ploy to deceive not only their followers but everyone else. Read the words of the founders on their own website.

      BLM is a front name for a group of Marxists dedicated to the complete destruction of our country. There is no reform only demolition. If they succeed the very freedoms that empowered them to destroy us will be extinguished FOREVER and every citizen will become a slave to a new Marxist State. For those who value the cause that for BLM is only a political pretense…run away and start a new group, because ultimately BLM must receive the recompense for their deceit and violence.

  3. At a cost of less than $2,000 per person deterred?

    When one considers the actual cost of illegal immigration from those who were not deterred or at least screened there is no cost but only dramatic savings on infrastructure, government subsistence payments, and criminal incarceration. If Mexico would reform itself we would not need a wall. Until then the walls must be built.

  4. holy cow, did this come out of a University of Chicago profs mouth? This guy has to be the last republican left in Chicago.

  5. 27%, WTH, the president better get back to the drawing board and either make the fence higher or figure out a way to add electricity to it. I think the study was put out to tell everyone there would have been better ways to stop the illegal immigration, ways that the libs had proposed. I’ll bet they were surprised when folks deemed 27% a roaring success.


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