Fox News Hosts Dismantle CNN’s Argument That No Anti-Trump News Orgs Exist

By nrkbeta (Rather, Tur, Dowd & Stelter @ SXSW 2017) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld recently took the time to slam CNN over a claim made during a segment aired by the network that stated that no news organizations exist to tear down President Trump.

According to The Daily Wire:

“When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left tearing down Trump?” Stelter asked a guest on his show.

The guest responded, “There really isn’t and what I would say, it’s really a diet of this type of information that a lot of these voters are getting.”

“Oh, to be this dumb,” Gutfeld responded. “So, so, wait, there’s no anti-Trump network? Wow, even CNN admits nobody watches CNN. But look, even if you despise Trump, you’ve got to admit this deception dares you to laugh in its face. There isn’t an anti-Trump media company? Hell, there might be two dozen with CNN leading the ‘hair on fire pack.’ The only reason every Trump book goes to number one is because it has two cable networks doing its P.R., which explains why two recent massive surveys say media is overwhelmingly biased and cannot be trusted.”

Carlson slammed the same segment on his show a few hours later, saying, “CNN took a quick break from its usual programming, encouraging looting and pointless mask-wearing outside, to take some jabs at this channel.”


After showing his viewers Stelter’s clip from CNN, Carlson responded: “That’s a really good point, nobody criticizes Trump in the media, and I think what we need more of: people attacking Trump. Turns out, the people who work over at the Cable News Network don’t watch it. They watch this channel full-time, so we dug up some clips of their edification.”

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