Biden Gets Blasted for Misleading Attack Against Trump

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden is getting backlash over a deliberately misleading tweet he posted Thursday night about President Trump’s handling of widespread violence in Democratically run cities.  

The Democratic presidential nominee went on the offensive after the President called him out for his campaign’s silence in the face of the rioting and looting happening across the country.  

During his speech at the Republican National Convention, Trump said: “We must never allow mob rule, we can never allow mob rule. In the strongest possible terms, the Republican Party condemns the rioting, looting, arson, and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities.” 

The President went on to say that the problem was an easy fix, the democratic leaders of Portland, Kenosha, Minneapolis, and Chicago simply need to make a call, and the government will restore law and order in hours. 

He condemned Biden and his supporters for their silence as mayhem reigned in Democrat-run cities. “They never even mentioned it during their entire convention. Never once mentioned. Now, they are starting to mention it,” the President accused. “Joe Biden’s campaign did not condemn it. They donated to it. At least 13 members of Joe Biden’s campaign staff donated to a fund to bailout vandals, arsonists, and anarchists, looters, and rioters from jail.”

He stated that it’s up to the Dems if they want to stand with anarchists and flag burners, “But I as your president will not be part of it. The Republican Party will remain the voice of the patriotic heroes who keep America safe and salute the American flag.”

Biden’s response: “Every example of violence Donald Trump decries has happened under his watch.” 

His tweet is a clear misdirect, completely disregarding the President’s repeated offers of federal assistance to the affected cities and the Democratic party’s unilateral decision to reject and outright resist any attempts to stop the violence by the Trump administration.      

   Twitter responded with swift brutality.


  1. When did I lose the trust of Democrats? When they told the nation that President Trump was not their President. We vote in America to determine the Will of the People. YES, in our past losers can hate their President, but when the election results are counted the winner is LEGALLY YOUR PRESIDENT. Move on and get over it. The Democrats will never admit defeat. If we accept this from our officials that were legally elected to office, what does it say about elections in the nation? It means that VOTES only matter if you are a Democrat and if you happen to disagree with the Democrat Party you are a TRAITOR to you nation. Let it be clear, right or wrong, my vote does not make me a TRAITOR. When I hear the garbage coming out of politician’s mouths today, I have to ask myself who are the real TRAITORS IN AMERICA? Those who vote freely to express their choice or those who want to suppress our vote? If the 2016 election taught the politicians one thing, it would be the fact that people still have the power of their vote. I also have to look at the Democrat Party today and compare it to the Democrat Party of our past. Sad to say, but this Party today is not the same Party the voters believed in. Past Democrats loved their nation, it’s history, it’s people, it’s flag, and followed Rule of Law established through our US Congress. This once proud Party should be insulted to have DEMOCRAT to describe it’s Party. There is nothing DEMOCRATIC about SOCIALISM. It seems to me that if the Party can not get the legislation it wants, then turn to the people and promise the people the dream of a utopia with SOCIALISM. Who would not love a free ride through life?

    1. Earlier this year the old school Democrat party splintered into 3 additional parties which coalesced into one new party. This new party I call the SOCOFA party has hijacked the Democrat party name thus rendering the Democrat party a non-viable party. Now the 2020 election is only between the Conservative and SOCOFA parties. The outcome will mean we shutdown the U. S. and shred the Constitution and become a SOCOFA country.
      SOCOFA is the far left party nane I created earlier this year. It stands for:
      SOcialist COmmunistic FAscist
      That’s our choice this time. SOCOFA or Conservative, pro U. S. .
      Our choice results in either:
      USA OR USA —
      United States of America OR
      United Socialists of America .. yes the Constuition is nullified and so is your vote from now on.
      Reality, not hyperbole.
      Spread the word.

    2. “Move on and get over it.”
      Exactly. We didn’t like Obama, either, but we accepted he was our president…grudgingly, but we got over it and tried harder the next time around.

      And I don’t remember ONE instance of any conservative burning down any cities.

      1. We didn’t like BJ Clinton or Jimmy Carter either. It is still debated which, Carter or O’Bamma, was worse given that Carter only had 4 years to do his damage to our wonderful country, and O’Bamma had eight. Regardless, those were the worst 20 years.America has ever endured.

      2. i agree but because he was black you couldn’t disagree with him then be called a racist! i just didn’t like his we have a president that does what he said he would and they hate him because of his personality.i didn’t vote for his personality but for results!

      3. And there was no big mob of rioters waiting outside for the Dims when their Convention was over. No idjits screaming in the faces of the Dim/Socialists as they left their pitiful DNC. No, the cops didn’t need to protect people as they tried to get to their cars, because there was nobody harassing them. It’s totally ridiculous the way the Left is behaving AND it’s dangerous!

    3. The ride is not free if you have to surrender all of your freedoms to the almighty STATE.
      The civil war was fought to free the negro race from slavery. Who will fight to free us if we voluntarily sell ourselves into enslavement to our own government? LIVE FREE OR DIE!

  2. Joe Bidet is living in such a fog that I’m surprised that he could even put those three sentences together. Wait. What? What’s that you say? He didn’t.!!!! Someone put those words together for him? Oh. I see. Yep. He’s such a lost cause that he CANNOT put 3 sentences together by himself. Especially if he has to leave out the name calling and the swear words. Poor thing. Well, it won’t be long and the Demoncraps will either put him in a home, or he will have an “accident”, or commit suicide with three bullets to the back of his head.

    1. All he represents a noise (voice) for those writing his responses etc. After listening to him for 47 years you can tell in any speech etc, most are not him. The puppet master is running the store.

      1. You can always tell if a speech is one that Quid Pro Joe wrote~~ it will have been stolen from somebody else. He not only is a liar, he is a plagiarist. And he not only steals from other writings, he steals money… and he gets away with it!!

        1. Dr. Embry, he doesn’t have time to write his own speeches. He’s too busy kissing little girls and talking about kids playing with his hairy legs and how he loves it when kids sit on his lap.

  3. Joe Biden has a history of being a useless politician. He is only supported by other “useless” people. Unfortunately, there are way too many of them in the United States.

  4. harris is pushing bidens buttons already, sher is the one behind , the riots and not condemning it, and of course soros is paying her to do just that. STOP SOROS and STOP HIM TODAY. CUT HIM OFF, and watch things change. slowly but it will start to change, cut off the head of the snakes, soros,obama,clinton,dcnp

      1. These riots are FINANCED and I think mostly by Guess Who?
        The FBI should be following the money! Anybody financing anarchism should be charged as such for treason!! Why isn’t this happening? Every rioter should be questioned as to where their pay is coming from. what I have seen is that most of them are little spoiled babies of rich parents and would fold if asked.

      2. Yep. And he should be arrested for WWII crimes against his own people, the Jews. He is sickening and he hates Pres. Trump. I don’t know how he’s still alive~~ I guess his god, Satan, is keeping him propped up.

      1. Okay, here’s what I don’t get~~ She had to drop out of the Primaries before they even started because she only had 2% support. Now suddenly she’s the Dims’ knight in shining armor? Come to rescue us from our “pitiful” lives?! This is so messed up.

  5. Biden does NOT have the ablity to run the country Kammla Harris does NOT have the ablity to run the country–Since when in the history of the Constitution has any on campagined for the Presidency and not be able to function then as we are all aware have the so called VP take that position? It is time that We as the American People to stop this charade that the DUMBORATS have created and to bring OUR Country back to the America that we all love.

  6. As I have stated in other posts, the responsibility MUST be clearly laid at the feet of the democrap Governors and Mayors. NO president has the authority to interfere with state politics as laid down by our Constitution. To use President Trump’s words “If they ask me, I will help”, that is all he can do. This is just another lie being offered by Biden and his minions.

  7. You have to expect Joe to say things like that. After all, he’s dealing with a brain that’s essentially Swiss cheese.
    No offense meant to the cheese.

  8. Biden couldn’t tell the truth, if he a lot was Reading it off a teleprompter, or if he was overdubbed!

  9. Senile sleepy Joe Biden has been downgraded to senile, empty headed, lying Joe Biden; in other words a Democrap schmuck!

  10. Creepy,racist,perv,dementia,slo,joe your are an embarrassment,incoherant,incompetent,jackass. u can’t think for yourself, u can’t even read a telepromter properly, and your bff bathhouse barry soetoro, says u sure don’t have it, or will get it, and says don’t think u won’t fk this election up,like u have already done.Americans aren’t stupid enough to vote for some one that doesn’t have a clue where the hell he is half the time.U were part of the failure that elected DJT, and part of the problem that will re=elect him. u are a lost cause and everybody sees it.

  11. That’s not a real smart thing to say the president has no control over the mayor’s and their cities and very little if any control over the governor’s

  12. If you do not want your second amendment rights then vote for Biden…I will be willing to go without having a gun just as soon as all the politicians get rid of their security (including being guarded by the police) and their own weapons. For all those who want Biden in office so they can get free stuff…you need to remember no government has anything to give until they first take it away from someone else. That is why socialism does not work. Everybody wants to share in what someone else owns. But, the system stops when nobody is working and nobody has anything for the government to take to distribute. So, the government decides they must just keep it all to prevent showing a preference to the people. If you are a part of the government (at the top), you like the system. If not at the top you are just powerless to stop it at this point. Do it now and vote for a free nation to remain free. Biden is not that free nation nor is his vice president pick. 

    1. SOCOFA (SOcialist COmmunistic FAscist) or free Conservative Republic.
      USA 🇺🇸 or USA (United Socialists of America).

  13. I remember in 2016, when then candidate Trump was speaking at one of his rallies. A Liberal Democrat heckler was escorted by Trump supporters out. President Trump said get him out of here and if you have to ruffle his feathers go ahead, I will pay for the bail. Well, everyone took it as a joke and we all knew he was being funny about it. Democrats right away critized him for saying that. But now we really know who the real hypocrites are. Democrats are instigating and supporting all these rioters, looters, and arsonists, to include violence. And they are bailing them out. Biden and Pelosi are a party of distruction and will help their supporters continue with it.

    1. Sad to say, but I fear if the Democrats win this election, it will be the LAST free election in this country. They appear to be setting up of martial law as we speak. If the Second Amendment is trashed, which is what they are pushing for, and the police are defunded, which is part of their platform, who will protect the people. The Democrats, of course. The unrest they have encouraged will continue to the point that martial law will be declared. The First amendment, already damaged by the far left with attempts to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, will fall. And every other amendment that protects the American people from the totalitarian, socialist, communist government that the far left wants to establish will fall by the wayside. A casualty of leftist ideology. Don’t let the democrats fool you. Obama goal was to fundamentally change the United States. The only reason we aren’t in worse shape is that he expected Hillary Clinton to complete his goal – to make America a “Third World Nation”. He apologized for America’s greatness. He promoted racial unrest and he continues to do so. The Democrats continue to do so. Rather than striving to learn from the past and seek to correct our problems in the future, they strive to erase the past. Did we make mistakes in our mast as a nation? Yes. But let us learn from them and not repeat them.

    2. Democrats have taken jokes (for normal people) as truthful all the time. The have ruined late night comedy because they have no personalities! My kid even says don’t they get a joke? I educated him on liberalism!

  14. Give this man a break. After all he is Biden and we need to sympathize with him as he advances into full blown dementia.

  15. Biden must truly believe along with the MSM and the entire leadership of the DNC that all Americans are stupid. Watching televised news reporters talking about the mostly peaceful demonstrations while you can see cars and buildings burning in the background as they speak. There is only one thing that cause creepy Biden to creep out of his safe space basement and throw down his Covid 19 mask and bash Trump for uncontrolled violence in Democrat held cities all over our country. Poll slippage. America has been watching the lying MSM for months trying to put insane construction on the rioting and violence. Guess what? Despite the relentless Anti-Trump rhetoric the voters aren’t buying this latest load of manure. The President didn’t start these riots and he has offered the resources of the federal government to assist the governors and mayors of these Democrat enclaves to end the violence… and they have rejected his overtures. What did they do instead? Capitulate to the demands of the rioters to defund their police forces? Unless you are a mindless fool you could never agree to that this course of action. It will result in not less but only more violence. Yet fools elect fools. Our only salvation will be that the rest of this nation will show the Democrat party that lawlessness and disbanding law enforcement is the type of governance the rest of us have no intention of supporting in our Cities our States, and our Nation. Vote them all out of office this November and recall the rest.

  16. FACT 1 the democrat ran Cities are willing to Destroy America and Blame it on TRUMP , this is why they are insisting to Blame TRUMP , they must thing we are all stupid . TRUMP 20/20 take back Our Country Vote Republican NOW

  17. IMO, the Democrats think the Republicans are stupid and will be complacent. They are all but conceding the race, using Biden as their sacrificial lamb. The star of their show is Kamala Harris. They want to see how she performs on the national stage. I think their bottom line goal is to try and make Trump’s second term a living hell, with continued protests and new impeachment attempts. If Kamala is well received (even if they lose), she will be their front runner in 2024 and Michelle Obama will be her running mate. If somehow, God forbid, Biden wins, he will step down within 90 days, due to advanced dementia, and Harris becomes POTUS, and Michelle becomes VP.


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