Trump Responds to Wisconsin Governor’s Plea for Him to Stay Away From Kenosha

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Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has publically asked President Trump to stay away from Kenosha, Wisconsin. [RELATED: Wisconsin Governor Tells Trump Not to Visit Kenosha]

President Trump has responded telling Wisconsin, “I will see you on Tuesday.”

According to The Daily Wire:

President Donald Trump plans to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin, to survey the damage inflicted by the rioters and looters, despite the governor’s request that he stay away.

In a tweet Monday morning, the president declared that Kenosha would be embroiled in great chaos if the governor did not accept his offer to send in the National Guard.

In another tweet, the president denounced Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and promised to “go in” to the city and clean up his mess if he doesn’t.

As The Daily Wire reported on Sunday, Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers pleaded with Trump to stay away from Kenosha, fearing that his presence would “hinder our healing” and “delay our work to overcome division and move forward together.”

President Trump has called Wheeler a fool. Tensions between the two peaked after a right-wing protester was murdered. [READ NEXT: Clash Between Pro-Trump Caravan and BLM Leaves One Person Dead]

  1. He is a damn fool to allow his pride to b over ridden by ignorance rather than common sense…..If the problem with these anti-s isn’t drugs,,,then my belief is,,,there is something mentally seriously wrong with all of them,,, and I’m not just talking about the protesters…I’m talking about anyone that opposes being free or wanting to learn about what pure freedom truly is…


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