REPORT: Chris Wallace was Furious With the Trump Family

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Chris Wallace was reportedly furious with the Trump family and their mask-wearing practices during the first debate.

According to The Daily Wire:

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said earlier this week that he was “pissed off” to learn that President Donald Trump’s family neglected to wear masks during the first presidential debate last month.

Speaking with Washington Post reporter Geoff Edgers in an Instagram Live interview published Sunday, Wallace said, “After I had the luxury to think about it, I was pissed off. That’s a technical phrase. I mean, did they think that the rules that applied to everybody else didn’t apply to them?”

“I was upset when it turned out I’d been on the stage in a uniquely vulnerable position, and we found out 48 hours after the fact that the president had tested positive for the coronavirus,” Wallace added.

The Trumps and their guests were photographed in the audience of the first presidential debate without masks, which Wallace later complained about.

Chris Wallace also said he was jealous of debate moderator Kristen Welker who received positive reviews for her performance.

  1. Chris when it comes to anything Trump you always get your knickers in a twist. Time to just admit your a full fledged dem and would vote for the devil himself if he had a D after his name.

  2. Worst moderator of the 2020 election cycle. He is the reason I stopped watching Fox when his program is on. He has s bad case TDS. Fox do your viewers s favor and retire him.

    1. Since Paul Ryan got a job with Fox they have done a complete 180. If it weren’t for Outnumbered,, Hannity, Tucker, and Mark Levin they wouldn’t have anything. I used to watch The five but the long speeches by Juan Williams completely throw the timing ofthe show off.

  3. I still don’t understand this big bromance between Wallace and Brian Kilmeade. Kilmeade has Wallace as a regular on his radio show every day and, in my opinion, it’s ruining his show. Kilmeade needs to dump him.

  4. C. Wallace … poor lil fella…. Why isn’t he upset that his buddies the Dems.. in cohoots with the CDC… Chinese—WHO… all kept this disease a secret/// And remembert folks what the Dem/Communists were doing the first 4 months of this year…. 24 hours a day 7 days week.. GET DONALD TRUMP..Seems lil Chris hates too much….

  5. After his ABYSMAL lack of JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY acting as DEMEMTIA JOE BIDEN WING MAN (man ?)at the “DEBATE” of HIM and Joe Vs Trump, CHRIS WALLACE SHOULD JUST STFU !!! and FAUX NEWS FUX is REDUCED TO ANOTHER MSM lame news outlet of PROPAGANSA for the DNC Toilet !

    1. How many nationally recognized journalists support Trump?
      I remember when America was great, Fox was 7/24 pro Trump.
      What happened?
      Did they finally look into his soul?
      They came up empty?

      1. No, it went liberal after Murdoch’s son took over. They have been going more liberal every year, especially since they hired rino Paul Ryan. Most of those journalists you talk about are nothing but mouth pieces for the demonrat party and hacks.

  6. I no longer watch Fox. To me they were complicit in Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris doing well in the election. They may be balanced, but they need to decide who’s side they really support. I don’t have a statistic but I suggest Mr. Biden appeared on Fox at least close to as many times as Pres Trump. Whereas the liberal networks showed Pres Trump very little if at all, at least he was never shown in a positive light. I watch Newsmax and OAN now. I truly enjoyed many Fox employees, Hannity, Tucker, Dobbs, Ingraham, Bongino to name a few. Would turn the station when Wallace, Cavuto, Williams, Judge Napolitano, etc., were on. Too bad Fox began leaning too much liberal compared to conservative. And why? No other network gives a darn about the conservative voice, except Newsmax and OAN. Fox viewers need to move to conservative networks.

    1. AMEN!!! Williams is the worst but Wallace is close behind. Since the sons took over Fox has gone liberal….too bad!!!

      1. They threatened to do it a couple of years ago. Very stupid move! They may lose all of their viewers and their best talent may move to Newsmax

  7. If Wallace didn’t like the venue and was concerned about mask wearing, why didn’t he just bow out and another more fairer moderator take his place. Who the F… does he think he is, his prima donna attitude deserves a good S…kickin.

    1. It is precisely the same campaign strategy that CASTRO used to come to power in CUBA!!! Almost as soon as he GOT into power, the very newspapers that promoted him and his campaign were absolutely MUZZLED unless they printed only the STATE’S propaganda! This strategy was repeated in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua!!!

  8. Welker is no different than Wallace, they both do not like Trump. Welker interrupted Trump 30 times trying to keep him from responding to Biden’s comments, Biden tow or three times. Welker’s reviews can be credited to Trump how refrained from braking in as much as he did with Wallace. Both are liberals and do not like Trump. And this is why, today I sent an email to Fox News informing them I have ceased watching their programs, save Tucker, Hannity and Laura.

  9. The real problem with Wish Wallace. Is the wonderful moderating Welker did. If you are not part of the solution, you must be part of the problem!

    Weller was “IN CONTROL”, and asked more equally fair questions between the candidates. Welker nailed it. Wallace prejudice came through, loud and clear.

    Wallace needs to go to an anger management course, and Ms. Manners. Although, he is too left to help. He needs to move away from Fox news. Although, Fox news, seems to be moving further LEFT than is imaginably.

    Tell Wallace, CHINA, SOMALIA and RUSSIA are looking for anchors. So Anchors away and bon voyage schmuck!

  10. F U Republicans you failed us by not speaking out ,FU Bill Barr you failed us by mot doing your job,FU DemonRatz you all can Rott in hell I’m done with FOX and the corrupt media , I’m getting my guns and I’m ready for the war

  11. Would somebody PLEASE call the wahhhmbulance for Chris – he is a second rate pundit who never had an ounce of patriotism in his veins. Ship the whiner off to Venezuela where he and his thinking are one on the same

  12. The Wallace’s – father and son are 2 punks, like I’ve run into during my years with the LAPD as a Detective Supervisor in Narcotics. They are both wimpy, very weak looking for males, and neither have ever given an indication of having any sense of having a moral compass
    It’s really amazing how father son cowardice runs in a bloodline. I can’t imaging you two bringing more cowards into the world.

  13. When Chris Wallace comes on the Fox you can hear the clicking sound of channels changing. However, with Fox’s very obvious change to liberals and Never Trumpers I think Fox will be knocked off their perch soon. AONN, NEWSMAX and Newsy are pulling up fast behind them. No one can serve two masters successful. Fans are very angry that Fox pulled a deceitful trick on the President by announcing a fake Biden win. The liberals don’t watch Fox and the conservatives are fed up with Fox.

  14. Wah Wah Wah, time for Cris to join MSNBC and take Juan with him.
    Can,’t take to much Hannity anymore either.all he does anymore is repeat himself all the time. I am sure there is other news he could talk about.

  15. Chris Wallace makes me want to vomit. Frankly nearly all of Fox News are Socialist Communists as well. Only Tucker, Hannity, Laura Ingram are conservatives. I pay 60 bucks a month for a TV package just to watch 3 shows on Fox News. Its time to move on and just get my news from the few reliable internet website.

  16. Chris Wallace inherited too many of his father’s liberal genes. He’s like an arrogant petulant child. To me, he’s in the same category as “Fredo” Cuomo.

  17. Shame the virus didn’t get this nasty little man whose jealousy of Trump and his family has been barely concealed since 2016.

  18. Hey Chris, you are a second rate journalist who is really a liberal demorat who hates PRES TRUMP. Guess what Chrissy baby, we feel the same way about you. I just wish Fox would fire you because of you we will not be watching FOX NEWS ANYMORE!

  19. so he is aware of the hypocrisy of MSM journoes in the white house putting masks on for show, we have seen the film footage . Even Chris Cuomo is in trouble in his apartment for refusing to wear a mask , how dumb does Chris think people are ? and we know masks are a frikken waste of time, even seriously counter productive ! doesn’t he do any real research !?

  20. Chris Wallace is a piece of excrement. He is a horrible bias anti-Trump man. He is a disgusting phony living off his father’s reputation. I hope he gets exposed as the garbage fake journalist tjat je os/ he is.

  21. Wallace is a boring nobody who has betrayed our citizens and our country itself. Stop watching this liberal hack and hopefully when he has no audience left or a small one they will finally put him out to pasture where he belongs!

  22. Really Wallace?!! You mean you DON’T have any bigger concerns than the Trumps not wearing masks??!! YOU NEED A LIFE!!!!!

  23. I can’t stand Chris Wallace. He is so arrogant. Who is he to judge anyone? He tries to act like he is not biased when everyone knows he is. He thinks he is a great journalist when in actuality he is just another talking head for the lying, cheating Democrats.

  24. Chris Wallace, you are the worst reporter on Fox News and when I see you, your face makes me sick and you repulse me!!!! Kristen was a better debate moderator than you because you stink at it!!!! President Trump had to debate with you while you went easy on Biden!!!! The Trump family was pissed off how you treated President Trump so unfairly when you went so easy on Biden!!!! It’s a shame you didn’t get Covid instead of President Trump!!!!

  25. Fox News needs to get Chris Wallace, Donna Brazille, Bret Baier, Juan Williams and Dana Perino and all the other Democrats on Fox News off and decide if you want a Democratic Network or a Republican Network that is not Fake News!!!! You used to never have all those Democrats on Fox!!!! It was ridiculous that your ignorant Business Director called Biden won Arizona 3 days before all the votes had come in and he stood by it all before all votes came in!!!! You all report more fake things anymore like CNN and MSNBC!!!!


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