Georgia Will Launch a Second Recount

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The state of Georgia will launch a second recount after the Trump campaign alleged there were “false” election results.

According to The Daily Wire:

Georgia will begin a third recount of its election results on Tuesday after the Trump campaign requested another one over the weekend, alleging “false results.”

The Georgia secretary of state’s office announced the additional recount on Monday evening during a press conference. The Trump campaign criticized Georgia’s first recount, which took place over the course of last week and uncovered two errors worth thousands of votes each on Saturday….

The Trump campaign is legally entitled to a recount upon request with the costs of such an operation covered by Georgia state and local governments, according to Politico. The first recount in the state was initiated by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as a way to ensure the integrity of the state’s election process after he took heavy criticism throughout the primary and general election over how the process was conducted.

The Trump campaign’s call for a recount additionally asserted that election officials should audit signatures on mail ballot envelopes.

The Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger claimed that he does not see the additional recount changing the results much.

    1. Agree , they will always come up the same if include the very same fake votes they must think we’re stupid what a waste of time !

    2. The Dumbs Can’t count!! That’s why when they get into Power, they rackup Budget Deficits Ad Infinitum and therefore debt as well. They try to do too much for the ppl they favour and less for the ppl they hate (read: Repubs). Lefties are famous for they’re lack of Accountability in the way they spend Money. All I can say, America, is I hope you Repubs hang onto the Senate and the Presidency! Good Luck America, the good Repubs and President Trump. Thank you Freebie, ATB and TC.

  1. “The Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger claimed that he does not see the additional recount changing the results much.”

    The operative word here is “much”. Even if the recount shows a difference of one vote, it shows that there are discrepancies. That is not good enough for the voters of this nation. Perhaps the Georgia Secretary of State doesn’t see it as an issue but the voting public does. There should be NO discrepancies what so ever. Discrepancies prove that the system is inadequate. Someone is cheating and someone is being cheated.

    1. We have proven our ability to perform advanced calculations for putting people on the moon and returning them to a fixed location with pin point accuracy. Now, we can’t accurately count voter ballets. Nah, my belief is that the issue is with Political corruption on both sides of the isle.

  2. The system they used wouldn’t even be used for emails Connected to the internet? You just can’t do that. To be “Secure” it can’t have ANY outside inputs, not a USB port, Wifi, just the ballots being counted. At Lockheed, no computer could have any “Inputs”. Send results, yes. But should have internal validation, and balancing. Being able to “Change” any data? HELL NO! In over 25 years I never ever could have put that system into production! Where the “L” was the “Internal Auditing” department???

    1. Agreed. But I cant get out my head how the repubs could let this happen, after they have been saying for months that the system was set up for massive fraud.

      1. Biden admitted it all himself …

         “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
        – Joe Biden, October 24, 2020

  3. It is dam shame we have people running our states that can’t run a voting system to make sure there is no cheating going on , the people really need to take a hard look at who and what we put in our offices, this is a disgrace , we have went a long way backwards, what a disgrace.

    1. The signatures should be verified. Illinois did not even require and identifications to vote, that a reality. No Identifications means anyone can vote and that’s unfortunate.

    2. Absolutely, Edward!!! I will NEVER understand how or why so many of our citizens keep electing and Re-electing people that are PROVEN LIARS, CHEATS, AND KNOWN CRIMINALS !!!!!

    1. What, you don’t think 60 years is enough? Democrats have been cheating at least since 1960. The spineless republicans have done nothing.

  4. The question is are we going to do anything about this absolutely stolen election and the answer is no!!!! Republicans do not have the balls to do anything about it because THEY DO NOT LIKE TRUMP!!

  5. Hi Walkin O’Shea Raffensperger can count his money from China. So they blew smoke on him… Buy Out or U.S. Constitution? We MUst keep these Klowns on our radar
    I keep praying for a turnaround in the Electoral College and can’t wait to see a total meltdown of Biblical portions on the View. I just may have to tune in for that one. What will there trained seals (Er-audience do.
    GO USA!

    1. I agree, there must be a way to have the counts done by those out of state and who would give a rats rump less which party won, but would be more honest than what we have right now !!

  6. It won’t matter, because they aren’t really re-counting and verifying, they’re just going through the motions.

  7. The election was rigged all avenues should be explored to get an official fair election result, that will not occur at the hand of democrats ran cities. The democrats planned this long before the voting started, an should be exposed. PRESIDENT TRUMP won this election and all evidence should be decided by the U.S. SUPREME COURT. President Trump won and should never concede to theses thieves.

  8. Biden administration has to be overthrown or this country will turn into
    third world. It will take a revolution asap.

  9. IF a person claimed a name and signed a card in the name of the one who has legal right to the name…. IF that signature on the card matches the frauds signature……………it would still be said to just fine…..even tho the name has been stolen !!!!! Will not work, something more….Photos on each voters ID card………


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