Trump Issues New Election Rigging Claims, Trump Pardons Former Adviser, The Next Big Move

The White House from Washington, DC via Wikimedia Commons

Trump Says FBI & DOJ Could be Involved in “Rigged Election”

President Trump on Sunday said his administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI could be “involved” in an alleged widespread voter fraud conspiracy plot in the 2020 presidential election.

There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud, but Trump on Sunday — in his first TV interview since the election — continued to say that the election was “rigged.”

“This is total fraud,” the president said on Fox News. “And how the FBI and Department of Justice — I don’t know, maybe they’re involved. But how people are allowed to get away with this stuff is unbelievable.”

[CONTINUE READING at Boston Herald]

For Allies Who Need It, Trump’s Tough Love is the Finest Love of All

High above the West Coast, flying home from a diplomatic mission to Asia, National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien reflected Monday on the notion that tough love is the finest love of all. Sometimes only a close friend has the concern or the courage to say what other won’t: Put down the fork, put away the bottle, and pay your bills, before you get into deeper trouble. Far better to hear such advice from a friend than from a boss, business partner, or banker.

“It’s counterintuitive to some on the Left, who believe that subservience, acquiescence, and enabling our friends somehow helps them,” O’Brien told me. “What helps them is to be candid, truthful, and frank with them about what we can and can’t do, and what we need them to do.”


Trump Officially Pardons Former Top Adviser

President Trump has officially pardoned former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn was President Trump’s first National Security Adviser who was fired and then subsequently prosecuted for allegedly lying to the FBI about contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Could This Be Trump’s Next Big Move?

If Trump’s campaign challenges in court fall short and he does not get a second term in the White House, it’s still unlikely we’ve seen the last of Trump.

Two sources “familiar with conversations” inside Trump’s sphere told Axios that Trump is speaking with his advisers about running again in 2024.


Trump Adviser Tests Positive for Covid

A top advisor to President Donald Trump’s campaign said Wednesday that he has tested positive for the coronavirus, six days after attending a controversial press conference led by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

The disclosure of the Covid-19 diagnosis by Boris Epshteyn came as Giuliani, the Trump lawyer who led that press conference, headed to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for what was being called a hearing by the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee on the state’s election.


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