Future GOP voters are keeping it simple they want the future of the GOP to look Trumpian and GOP legislators to be “more like President Trump.”
According to Town Hall:
The party has changed. We all saw this in 2016. Four years later, the transformation is complete. President Donald J. Trump is the Republican Party. Those on the Hill unwilling to fight could see themselves out of a job soon. Well, maybe not all, there are annoying folks, like Mitt Romney, who will probably represent their states for life given the demographics, but the Olympia Snowe’s of the GOP are either being primaried out or forced out. The party is more populist. It’s bluer collar. And to the liberal media’s chagrin—actually is more diverse. Trump gained among non-white voter blocs and nearly doubled his share of the LGBT vote. He did suffer marginal losses with white working-class voters in the Midwest, but those voters can and will probably come back once Joe Biden screws up the economy. Yet, we’re not here to discuss the 2020 election. This is about the future of the GOP. Nearly 75 percent of Republican Party members are quite clear regarding what they want to see the GOP become in the future. Three words describe the trend: more like Trump (via
Three of four GOP supporters want their legislators to “be more like President [Donald] Trump” in 2021, according to a Rasmussen survey of likely voters.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters was taken December 21-22, as GOP legislators debate how to counter or cooperate with President-elect Joe Biden and how to regain the House majority in the 2022 midterm elections.
The poll asked: “As the Republican Party reorganizes itself next year, should it be more like President Trump or more like the average GOP member of Congress?”
Republicans picked the “more like President Trump” option by 72 percent to 24 percent, while conservatives split 67 percent to 28 percent.
President Trump has hinted at running again in 2024 if Biden is sworn in as President. This poll makes it clear that if that happens he should run unopposed.
Absolutely!! The Establishment members who think that if Biden is inaugurated, they can reclaim the party are nothing but FOOLS!! Any of them in elective office will be primaried out at the first possible opportunity.
Biden will be inaugurated..
Primary out all of them.
Regurgitated is more fitting term.
Ignore this troll, he is on every site with his TOTAL BS! Yeah its to make us all want to BARF!
Then I will be coming out of the closet in all my glory!
Stay in your closet Hess!
AND, you are a “girly boy”! 😄😂🤣
Come on out of that closet you precious little fairy fruitfly!
You are disgusting.
Albert– I have an Albert in my powder room. He is an alligator who holds a roll of toilet paper. I can see the similarity. Two Alberts and both inanimate objects
Trump has made this country the best it has EVER been. He and politicians in his ilk will always have my vote and my kids and grandchildren.
Don’t you mean Mr. Harris will be inaugurated ???? biden is nothing more than a puppet on a string that will be cut very soon and then you libtard/socialist morons will see exactly what a POS the lying,phony,hypocrite who lives in some fantasy world really is. What is for sure — if either biden or harris actually get to the Oval Office — it will be the worst single day in America’s history and people like you will find that out very quickly.
You are wasting mental energy with Herr Hess.
I like it when I get attention…especially when men give me attention. 😍
You puke!
Albert Hess? Rudolph Hess? Hmmm… seems interchangeable huh?
True Dave H but what gets me is how has President Trump hurt anyone? He has lowered regs on Business, given Everyone I can see an Income Tax cut, given many more ppl Jobs until the Wuhan struck, embraced Minority communities like LGBTQAI++, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics. Some of them may not like him in some way but he has embraced what it means to be an American. I know a lot of ppl are Emotional and so attack him on that basis but from every Practical measure, he has succeeded Admirably! Good Luck America, the good Repubs and President Trump!
David Holt has been programmed. TDS in his case will be terminal, the only functioning brain cells he has now are devoted to growing nostril hair. He and Hess have made it clear there is no intelligent life in their respective basements. In this case my the swamp overflow and flood their basements..
Here’s betting if they,(She) get in, America will never vote again!
Why should they your vote doesn’t count
Unfortunately you are correct. They’ve tried for decades to remove Christianity from America~~ they will destroy our beautiful America and Christians will be pushed underground. Mr. Trump has got to stay in OUR White House or our kids and grandkids have no future.
The Lord Knows them that are His Dr Embry. They will stand up for Him in their Due Time and speak His Truth to All. If they are True Christians, if they get killed for the Gospel they will be raised up at the Lords return. Good Luck.
The worst day in history is who started all this. Obummer
Actually he just sped it up…it has been slowly going on since before Wilson….Khrushchev warned us in the 50’s that they would take over without firing a shot….and we did not listen…well McCarthy did and we know what happened there…
These little snotnosed marxist indoctrinated babies don’t even understand what a socialist/communist governed country looks like because their commie professors lied to them! They’ll be sucking their thumbs crying for their mommies if it comes to America because they will be cold, sick, hungry and forget about their electronic toys and free stuff. BLM/antifa will invade their house just in case they have anything these terrorists want! It will be too late at that point for the little “grasshoppers”, there will be nothing left but the d-y-i-n-g!
There are no words to describe your low level of ignorance and stupidity! You are nauseating and literally would gag a maggot! 😳🤢🤮
Be happy none who are commenting know your location……….YET!
I think there will be MORE Freedom Caucus candidates in the future…VOTE THEM IN!!!
We can make that happen.
YES WE ARE VERY TIRED OF THE RINOS. they are there for the pay check only and thye are not working for the people. time to go
We all are tired of those fake Republicans aka RINOS
it was always themselves, SERVICE-to-SELF
why are we paying for those freeloaders at the upper echelon?
bad enough our taxes go to the other end to help with air fumes to micromanage the budget while the Fake Republicans/RINOS line their pocketbooks and their family tree with $$$ our taxes?
If that is not enough they have to cheat behind our backs with foreign interests?
Rinos are 60+% of registered Republicans.
Our tax dollars?
How much has Trump Inc. paid in taxes?
Trump’s companies employ over 20,000 Americans. How much do THEY pay in taxes? A lot more than YOU, I will wager! You Idi0t!
More than you no doubt.
You have no idea.
I’m sure it is a h*** of a lot more than you — moron !!!!
Shut up twit and go away. You add nothing to any conversation. You are neither clever nor bright. The only person you impress is yourself.
You are not only a troll, you are a waste of time.
Biden won.
Biden will be the POTUS.
Trump will not.
Biden may be president, but not because he won. Seeing how popular he will be in comparison to President Trump will be interesting. Some mandate!!
Biden didn’t win. Pres Trump will start his 2nd Term as Scheduled. GOD’S JUSTICE will continue to expose and destroy all wicked deeds involving the DNC-Democrats, Joe Hunter Biden-family members-money laundering kickbacks, lies Alliances with evil pagan foreign nations-people, Dominion-Smartmatic voting ballots stealing cheating, and all connected, involved. I decree in JESUS NAME.
Kiss me big boy! 😘
You are a disgusting degenerate! What a Pig you are!!
Geeeeeeeeeez, Hess, you should be czar of the world, because
You are such a genius. In conclusion, after reading many of your pathetic post, this opinion is BS from me. As I have been told throughout my 70 years, there is an idiot born every minute, and most live. Think you qualify.
My opinion is that Biden will be our POTUS on Jan. 21.
Are you taking any bets?
Probably more than you since you probably are on welfare
Any one notice all the demonrats in the arms of the Chinese. Always wondered how many got rich so quick. Never think for 1 minute that wall street and BIG corps, aren’t behind all the dems BS! ALL for themselves and to H with the AMERICAN PEOPLE!
Big corps leadership lean strongly Conservative.
Rich people tend to lean Right.
GREEDY is Mitt Romney’s middle name! Utah should recall hium! He ius not for you!
Rinos are 60+% of registered Republicans.
And this figure comes from where? Ur-anus?
My hover craft is full of eels.
Your A$$ is full of worms.
Look at the the Senate override of Trump’s veto.
The Senate is done with Trump.
And we patriots are done with the senate! Wonder if the squad could open a brothel? After all, they’ll still get paid for screwing everyone. But now that I recall their faces, NAAAH!!!
Albert you do not know much that figure is just another number you Democrats make up just like the fake news get lost in your fantasy and do not come back with your BS.
How many Republican Senators voted against Trump’s veto?
If you do not do what Trump tells you to do you are a RINO.
No, if you’re a weak minded imbecile, with no backbone or balls to do what your constituents elected you to do, THEN you’re a RINO. Rhinos are an endangered species; now so are RINOs. You’re REALLY Mitt Romney writing under Albert Hess aren’t you?!?
And you are a 100% idiot. I told you to stick too your own forum. Hit the slummy trail .
Trump hits the trail on Jan. 20.
And lying, cheating, scumbag communist are 100% of registered democraps. No coincidence that their mascot is a jack ass.
Trump needs to STAY. These fools the Democrats and rhinos never seem to learn a lesson truck but the republican party back from death he is the future and these rhinos are back stabbers their stuff suits they don’t do anything for the American people it’s off of them Trump should run again if he does not stay in the office and get these guysn gals out of there there’s a problem with our country
At this point we still need the RINO’s but we won’t in the future. I hope somehow Trump pulls this out and the cheating dems will be gone.
There are more and more RINOs everyday.
And there are more and more RINO hunters everyday. Oh yeah! And We have the guns!
I agree with you. This is the Kingdom of Heaven Update; “O LORD The GOD to whom Vengeance belongs. O GOD of Vengeance, let your GLORIOUS JUSTICE be seen! Arise, O JUDGE of The Earth. Sentence the proud to the Penalties they Deserve.” (Psalm 94) GOD’S VENGEANCE has been RELEASED into The DNC-Democrats, Joe, Hunter Biden-family members-money laundering, kickbacks, lies, deceit, cover ups, Evil Alliances with corrupt pagan nations-people, Dominion-Smartmatic voting ballots stealing cheating, Facebook-Mark investing enormous monies to overthrow this Presidential election, and all connected involved with wicked deeds. I trust GOD’S VENGEANCE TO REWARD all Rebels with incarceration and All that GOD will MANIFEST into All involved. President Trump will start his2nd term as Scheduled. No weapon that is formed against us (all who agree) shall prosper. U decree in JESUS NAME.
As a conservative, I’m with the majority here. But my primary wish is to get even with democrats who pulled off the outrageous and colossal flimflam we’ve all just witnessed. The important people probably are buffered with too many layers.
But the little people who trucked ballots to Pennsylvania from New York need to be put under oath and required to name names. I want those who multiplicated votes by re-inserting ballots again and again to admit what they did and name names. I want those who dragged cases of ballots to their counting tables after watchers were sent home to — name names. I want those who shut down the counts late at night at the same time to — name names. I’d like to see everyone involved in the errant states to be thoroughly deposed.
I believe I’m much like most other conservatives. We want the criminals to be indicted, tried, sentenced and made to serve time. If the judiciary cannot reach the big guys, stick it to the little people who did the dirty work and disallow probation or parole. If the government can spend $30 million investigating an obvious hoax, it can spend millions to fix the election process. Hopefully, the ’22 and ’24 elections won’t find any ground level criminal volunteers.
Wow!! Very well stated, Gene. Agree 100%
“get even”
Will you do that by cheating.
Re-READ the comment! Gene stated exactly what he meant. You Idiot! Illiterate imbecile.
Who are the little people who trucked ballots to Pennsylvania from New York?
Where did the people in NY get PA ballots?
Trump lost.
Me so sorry..me no savvy…me stupido!
OMGOODNESS!!!!! For once in all of your ridiculous comments, you are right!! Slimy? Yes. Savvy? No. And it’s estupido, stupid.
Albert Hess, why do you care? You appear to be happy with the outcome of the 2020 elections. Cheating and all.
No cheating Albert that is only for you Democrats who can not win election with out cheating.
How many Republicans are in jail for voter fraud.
Republican congressman charged with felonies related to illegal voting
This article is more than 5 months old
Steve Watkins changed voter registration address to a UPS store in Topeka, Kansas, in 2019, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported.
HOUSTON — A former Houston police captain was arrested after allegedly running a man off the road and threatening him at gunpoint — what prosecutors say was part of an elaborate attempt to find evidence for a false conspiracy theory of widespread voter fraud in Harris County.
Mark Aguirre was working on behalf of a powerful Republican megadonor’s group to investigate unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud when, in October, he allegedly pulled a gun on a man described by the Harris County district attorney’s office as an “innocent and ordinary” air conditioner repairman.
Aguirre was arrested Tuesday, according to the Harris County district attorney’s office.
A general election for the seat in the Ninth Congressional district was decertified by North Carolina State Board of Elections after credible allegations of absentee ballot abuse arose. Officials became suspicious when 61% of the vote-by-mail ballots were cast for the Republican candidate, despite the fact that only 16% of the mail-by-ballot were registered Republicans. Multiple people, including the Republican candidate’s son, expressed their suspicions that a political contractor illegally organized the collection of absentee ballots and completed empty mail-in ballots. The Board of Elections ordered a new election to fill the seat and the contractor was subsequently indicted.
No! We do it by voting. Only Democrats do it, and everything else by corruption and cheating. They are the scum of this country just like you are.
Ronald Henry, a 2015 candidate for trustee in Luther, Oklahoma, brought several absentee ballots to be notarized by Mayor Cecilia Taft. It is illegal for a ballot to be notarized without the person signing being present. Ronald Henry entered an Alford plea to the charges and received a five-year deferred sentence.
He probably got a deferred sentence for being stupid. No one is so stupid as to ask for a notary to stamp something they do not witness being signed. Maybe it was the FAKE NEWS again.
Well let’s all thank God that this election didn’t determine a “candidate for trustee in Luther Oklahoma “. I don’t think we could bear the crushing responsibility of electing a trustee in Luther Oklahoma. Oh the world historical implications would’ve been monumental!! THAT’S ALL YOU GOT??? You’d be hysterical if you weren’t so amazingly irrelevant and dense.
No doofus! You’re obviously dumb as a post AND can’t read. Gene is a patriot! Patriots don’t lie and cheat to “get even” like the democrud communists like you do. We love and believe in the constitution and rule of law. IF dumbass Joe and the ho do get in, there will be a reckoning. You best hope the patriots don’t respond the way you “people “ do; with riots and killing. You’ll never survive.
Finally someone with clear eyesight and common sense.please add me as a friend on Facebook.
President Trump has managed to lower the level of the swamp. Others have erected a flimsy dam in the breach with this pirated election. The dam is far weaker than it was in 2016. We need to remain vigilant in our efforts to see it removed.
Yes, Trump has fired so many of his appointees.
Biden will get rid of the rest.
HAHAHAHAHAHA — ol’ gropin biden will have to ask the prostitute before making any decisions — if he is allowed to make any at all.
Albert Biden is not going to run the White House it will be done by the Billionaires who got the Election stolen and got the Trojan Horse nominated along with Harris who will tell Biden what to do and when to do what they want done.
The White has been run by a billionaire (750 million?) for four years now.
It’s all over on the 20th
Actually, this will be the Brown Bomber’s third term if Joe is elected. Romney would probably not be so hard on Trump if he knew that Joe also bragged that this fraud method was also used in the 2012 election where Romney lost to the Brown bomber.
Who are you kidding, Mitt? Biden can’t recall where he is let alone anyone’s name!! How’s he going to get that all done and continue sniffing and fondling women and girls?
Yes, all republicans should be like President Trump and not caves just to get something passed. Wake up Republicans we the people want people that are willing to fight for the American people!
Yes, all Republicans should be like President Trump and play golf.
Sorry, too busy counting our money! 🙂
Thans ducky baby…kisses! Mmmmwahh! 😘
And I’m positive all dummycrats are like you: Lying, cheating, communists, who live off the teat of the government.
There is NO doubt, Trump has been not only the Peoples President, but his accomplishments are unparalleled. It is a disgrace, that everyone who have said otherwise, are demented, and should be punished to the extent of the law. Trump is absolutely 100% correct, our Judicial, House of Representatives and Senate, have been compromised. The swamp has not been drained. It will take another 4 years under a Trump administration to complete the job.
Americans who agree, have been maliciously brain washed. If they want Trump to leave, they are blind, deaf and DUMB, and are not true Americans.
Trump can prove he won, with documents. 81% of all voters, voted for Trump. Further, the Biden crime family, are under indictment in the Ukraine, and several judgements have been rendered in their courts against the BIDENS. Just as Obama did. They have fleeced several countries, for billions of dollars. All through the auspicious of President Obama and Vice President Biden, while they were in office. All proven without any doubt. Now, Biden, wants to rape America, but on a much larger scale.
Those who stand wit5h God stand up for truth, justice, and freedom.
Hey, you voters in Utah, is Romney REALLY liked there??
He got 62.7% of the vote, a number Trump will never see.
I should know…I’m a member of the Moron Tab and Apple choir.
He got 64% of the vote.
Trump can’t manage to get a majority.
NO MORE DEEP STATE. We need legislators to work FOR the people NOT THEMSELVES. Like or dislike President Trump’s manner, no one can deny that he loved America and all its citizens. He supported the Constitution and the rule of law. We want this type of representation. No more Deep State that only works for themselves. Term limits necessary and line item bills. No more pork to waste our money and enrich lawmakers. Actually we want President Trump and no more lying media either. No more corruption.
If the party doesn’t change, they will implode. Stabbing the president in the back for the past 4 years hasn’t helped their cause any. I became an independent because of the Rinos that are still lingering in the DC swamp. I would actually love to see a populist party evolve out of this disaster.
Edward it will happen before the 22 mid term elections and 24 when Trump takes back the White House and fix what they F— Up.
Gerald is the personification of as deplorable delusional.
And you are the personification of a used douche bag.
Trump has been stabbing Republicans in the back.
It is what born Democrats do.
You would know about what born demoncrats do, wouldn’t you Alboring? At least you admit that your band of communists are back stabbing cowards!
Rinos outnumber Republicans.
I am an ‘always Trumper’, but what does it matter if the elections are crooked and a vote doesn’t count for squat. i think I’m done. Just let the Democraps appoint who they want and move on as the country goes to $hit.
Are you crazy. Giving up is a cowards way. We have to fight for our freedom. I want my family to have a better Life.
‘always Trumper’s are pure $chit.
Republicans must Primary ALL RHINOs from now on. They can say goodbye to their China checks….
How many checks has The Trump Organization received from China?
How are the First Lady’s’ fashions’ doing there?
She only manufacturers in shops that do not allow pre-teen labor?
After voting 48 years republican done with party Mitch won’t stand by Trump and won’t do a clean vote on $2000 time for a new party the Maga party
Why you deserve a $2,000 check?
What did you do to earn it?
The Republican party will be DOA if the RINO’s (carpetbaggers) don’t get out. Just like our ‘red flag’ guber Dupsy. Follow the money. Just because they have an ‘R’ by their name doesn’t mean they are constitutionalist. Just money grubbing theives.
Coldstone ice cream in Red china anyone ?
The republi-con party needs to be flushed out.
Of registered Republicans what percentage are RINOs?
Good point Al. And they should be weeded out.
Thanks sweetie….a great big sloppy wet kiss for you! 💋
Agree the GOP has got to chyange and be more like Trump! President Trump did mor for this country than any other president has ever done and he did it whhile having to contend withn the likes of the dem party and their investigations! the Repulbicans in Congress better get with the program and stop being self serving and if they don ‘t, then they snhoyld change to the democrat party. The President worked for all Ameircans and they know it! It is only the “[rogressives” of this nation that want to DESTROY it! And WHY is that?? IMHO,thgose that seem to hate America should leave it! People that WOKE or the counter culture shoyuld leave tyoo! Enough of the Political Correctness and other BS. This is America, the land of the free and home of the brave! LOVE IT or LEAVE IT!
We the people just rejected Trump.
For the GOP to win they have to Dump Trump.
Yes, yes, yes!!!! So very tired of the globalists war monger RINOs that are just as guilty of destroying our Constitutional Republic and in the case of pierre delecto compromised with him and his family with CHina….they MUST go! With kammie in charge and the deep state do not know if our Republic can make it 4 years without the commie/marxists completely taking over! We ALL know it won’t be biden!!!!
I’ve been saying for years that this is what real conservatism and Republicanism look like. The Washington establishment Republicans just can’t seem to “get it”, probably because they live in the swamp. They can also die (politically) in the swamp.
This is a damn big wake-up call to all Republican politicians in both houses. If they can’t perform, then get the hell out before you’re given the boot. Simple and to the point. Conservatives are watching.
Discussions like this will soon be meaningless.
The people of America may want a conservative, traditional, Trump style America, but the Democrat Terrorists don’t. They have proven that their rich, anti-American billionaires can control all “elections.” Look at how many conservative states have leftist radical governments at all levels, because the people’s vote is now overridden by Democrat Terrorist money. Once total power is taken, any objections will be squashed – witness Communist Russia, Nazi Germany, RED China, Cuba . . . .
Both parties can commit voter fraud . It should be easier second time around. How do you distract from the real issues ? Easy . Create as many genders as you can with men and women , run the sick narrative with bathrooms . Dumb you say ? Don’t doubt me. Half the people are dumbed out and that is all you need.
Any American citizen who wants to protect his or her rights as an American citizen, and wants to protect America as a republic that allows citizens to have freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and freedom of religion, would never vote for corrupt Joe Biden. President Trump is fighting for America and for American citizens. When I voted for President Trump in 2016, I was not a Republican. I became a Republican after voting for President Trump because of President Trump. The Republicans need to embrace President Trump and his policies. That’s what we want. Hopefully, President Trump will be able to remain in the white house after he shows all of the evidence of voter fraud, and the espionage committed by China, with all of the corrupt election officials, politicians, judges, and media outlets that are also owned by the Chinese Communist Party who have been trying to undermine our country to force the USA into socialism. It’s not going to happen. We stand behind President Trump, and if it takes a war, we are ready.
The days of Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, et al are over in the GOP going forward!
The only problem with that idea is that there are far to many RINO’s out there. One example is is Bush and the nobody from Ohio. They both think they know how to do it better than TRUMP. We all know they are nothing more than liars and wolves in sheep clothing. As far as Romney here will be gone in the next election NO ONE is going to forget what he did to the United States the dog catcher could beat him.
If Biden/Oboma/Harris gets the White House, Amercia will pay a heavy price. There is noone stronger than Prisident Trump and that is why the Dems, Liberals and Rinos want him out of office. But there are more Americans that want/need him to stay in the WH..China, Iran, Russia, and all the rest of our enemies are laughing at Hidden Biden because he has the back bone of a guppy..Lord God have mercy on us and out great country <><
Those of us who voted for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020 are fed up with politics as usual because that elitist brand of politics always ends up with the DC swamp dwellers of both major parties enriching themselves while the rest of us foot the bill. So, a word to the wise, the establishment Republicans–RINO or otherwise–will lose standing with their voter base if they continue to stick to their present modus operandi. We will primary them and vote them out of office, replacing them with candidates who are more interested in doing what’s right and just rather than what’s financially beneficial to their individual bank accounts.
Speaking of Rinos–I sure hope that Sarah Palin primaries Lisa Murkowski who is a flaming Rino and almost always votes with the Demomarxists.
Fox News really blew it when they named Biden as the President elect. A fake label at best .Fox should really bring back Megan Kelly and let her run the Fox Network.
To the Trump Train News, you can F— Off with your Obvious backing of Slow Blow Joe as the President. He is Not the President Elect and unless things go really wrong he will Never be President! Slow Blow Joe will Never get the chance to Screw up the Economy that President Trump Built from the Basement that it was under that Black Charlatan! I think President Trump has done enough to Earn Re-Election despite the Obvious Fraud against him! I hope you approve this comment to show that at least 1 person in Australia has the Guts to back Your President, Good Luck America and the good Repubs as well.
For several elections, the result has not been about who we voted for BUT, who counted the votes. 2016 was a real turning point. It was reported then that Dominion machines had switched notes and percentages were off, according to exit polls and polling place workers. DNC underestimated the percentage and the states needed to turn the Electoral college, and had no way to turn up the correction percentages in the machines. This time the error detection rates were turned to zero. Never before have so many out of compliance ballots been allowed in the 6 swing states. They also had a back door to “correct” the switch rate, ..then they contrived multiple ways to bring in “mail in ” votes to be “counted” in a time period when the count was physically impossible to achieve, with no Repunlican poll watchers allowed to be present.
Now lame stream media, biased social mediaand hitech, censor any mention of these frauds, trying to please their DNC puppetmasters.
If their was no fraud, wouldn’t the DNC relish a clean paper by paper count?
In 2016 President Trump asked for a investigation, and he won then. WHY would “clean” politicians not investigate then? They knew fraud would be found, but the rigging failed.