These Policy Victories Reflect Trump’s Presidency

Gage Skidmore Fickr

President Trump has had a tumultuous presidency to say the very least. While years from now many will look back and remember Trump for two impeachments and the recent Capitol siege his real legacy lies within the policies he enacted. In his four years, Trump has reached milestones in foreign and domestic policy that many thought impossible. [Keep reading: MURDOCK: Final, Fair Look at Trump Presidency Shows Abundant Policy Victories]

Click NEXT PAGE to read all of Trump’s policy wins:

  1. All I could say is thank u so much president Trump..u have done a wonderful job and u will always be our pres, I felt so safe with u and u feel like a father image to me! I dredge what’s going to happen with dirty Biden and when his turn comes he will shit in his pants! I know when u put ur head on that pillow at night u don’t have a thing to feel guilty about… u did the best from anybody …..I’ll miss u and I’m going to do what ever I can do to help the republicans ….even if it only means praying…god bless u and remember the one who laughs last laughs best….u will always be in my heart! Godbless!

  2. Thank you for you have done for America and its people. We will miss so much.and I hope you will be our president again . your the best president America has had. I know we are in deep trouble with out you taking care of america and its people. Were in for a big waking with out you people will find out very soon but it will be to late. . We had a president America was very proud of now we are shamed who they say was voted in but we know it wasn t a fair election The democrats will be so sorry for who they voted for. We need God s help now. Thank you and your beautiful, wonderful wife for what you s done for us and america. God bless and will miss you..

  3. This is how an illegitimate candidate is inaugurated.
    We need to sign petitions to get ALL dem of Congress out where do I signed up.
    “But this is going to be much bigger than just one account and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, and this week, and the next few weeks and go beyond the inauguration. We have to expect that, and we have to be ready for that.” Jack Dorsey Twit
    Twitter and Facebook ARE NOT Private companies they have gone PUBLIC as they are publicly traded.
    Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador, is also mounting an International Campaign Taking On Tech Companies After Trump Bans. All this “Conservative” sites should disconnect from Twitter and facebook use something else why anyone is sharing to FB or Twitter they are banning every conservative. Twitter down 15% from $52 to $45, from last week to today, make sure everyone keeps telling everyone else to help this is the war we are fighting.. This is the next path forward, first Blocksite twitter and facebook from your internet provider, the state of Idaho internet provider blocked them both, in North Dakota banned users can sue Twitter and Facebook. Use Ramble, GaB instead. Tech bubble is imminent, close twitter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any from your IRA, 401K check your mutual funds that have Twitter or FB included, Twitter down again, dump before they go to zero, stop buying from Amazon, NO more made in the CCP purchases, buy direct from the mom’s and pop’s stores near you, made in America only, don’t wait DO IT TODAY.×65.png
    Major Havoc
     4 hours ago

    We need to sign petitions to get ALL dem of Congress out where do I signed up.
    “But this is going to be much bigger than just one account and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, and this week, and the next few weeks and go beyond the inauguration. We have to expect that, and we have to be ready for that.” Jack Dorsey Twit
    Twitter and Facebook ARE NOT Private companies they have gone PUBLIC as they are publicly traded.

  5. President Trump is the best, most amazing person ever to have held the office of President. I am eternally grateful.
    We will never forget all you have accomplished and suffered on our behalf. What you have had to endure just to put our own country First, is disgraceful and shameful. But take heart: Justice will ultimately be served by the one appointed by God Himself and who can never be removed throughout all eternity!
    JUSTICE IS MINE, says the Lord! It will be swift and without reproach!

  6. Eneri, Read your comment and really brought tears to
    my eyes. Well said. Thank you for your thoughts as they
    are my thoughts also. GOD BLESS!

  7. Thankyou from our hearts President Trump for loving America First and all your policies that Americans really benefited from. You worked hard to keep your promises. Its the left and the swamp that want to change America into a 3rd world nation.

  8. Thank You for all of the good you have done for the USA. I was so sure you would have the next 4 years in peace to finish your great projects. We have never had a President who worked as hard and was as devoted to the betterment of all Americans. I feel so bad about the way the Demomarxists treated you with all of their fake allegations. They are the party of corruption and they are lazy. I am just sick over Susan Rice, Anita Dunn, Jen Psake and the bunch of Obama retreads.. The next 4 years will just be Obama’s third term. I have to wonder if the Chinese sent the China Virus to the USA and around the world to help Joe Biden since he is such great friends with the CCP. He is on track to do such massive damage to the USA. I have a feeling that to have a woman President and a Black woman we shall be stuck with a corruptocrat with only 2 years experience in the U.S. Senate.Her parents each had Doctorates yet her higher education and Law School were paid for by Affirmative Action and even so She flunked her Bar Exam. She is not always truthful.. l hate to have to listen to that loud cackle she makes. I hope you will have declassified everything with few redactions. The Biden Crime Clan need to pay for the corruption Joe arranged for them to enrich themselves. CORN POP and CRACK PIPE in the White House and the oval office. I hope you enjoy a well earned rest. All The Best to you and your great Family.. Frances R. Campbell.. .

  9. If the numbers included in the “Wall” success story, the percent decline should be shown as 53.1%, not 5.31% You are short-changing the success with your number!

  10. There has never been any President so successful and winning than Trump. We have all experienced 4 years of wonderful, free, economically grand and safe America under Donald Trump. We have also experienced a criminal act so massive as to never be witnessed again (hopefully), the theft of an election.

    Trump was so clean that the politics in Washington, D.C. did everything they could to destroy him. The only way they did it was to cheat his re-election.


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