A group of 10 Republicans is meeting with President Biden to discuss Democrat’s proposed $1.9 trillion and hopefully find a compromise. While Democrats are ready to charge ahead without Republican support the group being led by Susan Collins has not given up on bipartisanship. Unlike the Democrat’s proposal, the GOP is seeking more targeted relief citing the fact there are unused funds from the Coronavirus relief bill passed last month.
Keep reading for more details on the Republican Covid-19 proposal:
Interesting group of RINOS. Maybe they should just cross the floor and sit on the other side. I haven’t seen such A-kissing in a long time. The chickens are finally coming home to gut the economy.
They the rinos have in all way’s except changing their claim to be Republican, are demoncrats at heart, soulless arse kissers, basically irredeemable.
The only saving grace is that the young indoctrinated woke morons will be the generation that suffers the most!!!!
God tells us what happens to nations that fail to follow Him. Borrowing money and throwing it away like our country has been doing is setting us for judgment, which will not be pretty. It could be the end of our nation. Where do these people think this money is coming from? It’s great to want to help people, but we really need to get people to work and stop all the shut downs. The mask wearing, social distancing and keeping things closed is NOT stopping the virus! If it worked, then we would be done with this. Now there are new strains and they are vaccine resistant to what has been created. But hey, lets keep throwing more money we don’t have to people so they don’t work, businesses shut down because they can’t open and are going bankrupt, and borrow from who – China? What could possibly go wrong!
Good luck GOP, but dems don’t listen to anyone, why do you think they will listen to you from across the aisle? They won’t. Don’t waste your breath nor time. It’s a done deal!
Yep the elites once again bought America back. Demturds will give them everything they want it will be twice as bad as obummer.
We need a God intervention ppl pray plz.
This is what Pelosi & her minions have in the COVID Stimulus that has nothing to do with COVID hidden in 5,993 pages: 170 billion to China, 175 billion to Russia 20 billion to Iran & Syria. 10 mil to Pakistan for Gender studies,700 mil to the Sudan, 506 mil to Central America to fight corruption, 300 mil to the Caribbean to study how many fish they have there, 500 mil to Jordan to build a border wall, 86 mil to Cambodia 1.3 mil to Egypt to buy weapons from Russia SPECIAL INTEREST 3 more million to Russia to send their student to American Community Colleges, 37 million to the Filipinos for a study on why their children play hooky, 150 million to Kenya for Art Classes, 6 million to Washington DC to build a bike park, 1.3 million to study if Americans will adapt to eating insects, 4.5 million to spray alcoholic rats with bobcat urine to study alcoholism. 1.5 million to study Lizards on treadmills, 1 million to study why people fear Dentists 715 million to re coup 500 million BHO admin lost in 2015 to train 5000 Syrian Rebels to fight ISIS, 2 million to study if hot tubs relieve stress
What happen to balance the budget, and Americans First
Democrats will only listen when they need you, not when the Country needs help.
NO compromise. The whole covid thing is a control scam.
Fight tyranny.
You get what you pay for & “BOY” have the lobbyists hit it big time! In 12 days Biden has cut millions of jobs, screwed uo the Covid vaccination roll out, messed up TRYING to speak from a teleprompter,KILLED our economy & done absolutely everything to destroy America.The “rest” will be done by Pelosi, Schumer & the corrupt Dem “Hill”.Saul Alinsky’s plan for communism is in full force & the Federal Police will soon be knocking on our doors hauling “us” off to jail for speaking our minds. He’s given away our country & China & Russia are lauding this “bumbling idiot!
WE THE PEOPLE have te demonic democrat dictatorship liars a election that was so badly twisted that the blind, deaf and dumb knew it . But the educated people who are in DC stuffing the pockets didn’t care about the taxpayers hard earned money. Children starving in America, wearing raged clothes and being abused by rich people who could care less about small businesses or the poor people period. Demonic democrat dictatorship liars rigged elections with the help of republican rinos. Sickening. Truthfully all we have in DC is about 1/3 rd of Republican Christians trying to help 80 million Americans who voted for PRESIDENT St. DONALD TRUMP. SEMPER FIDELIS
So what the hell Republicans are they talking about? Collins, Murkoski, Romney, McConnell, etc. All full-blown RINOs and traitors to the American people. These are all GOP turncoats, liars, and opportunists ready to assume their natural positions on their knees to service the Communist Party.
Yes, they all are as you describe them. Are you forgetting Alexander, Capito, and Portman?
The Republican proposal looks much better than the Democrats bloated liberal grab bag, which will retard the recovery when people can get back to work.