GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz and Rep. Adam Kinzinger got into a heated back and forth on Twitter as the two argued over the future of the Republican Party. Gaetz has emerged as one of Trump’s most loyal allies in the House while Kinzinger has been one of his fiercest critics. Kinzinger has even gone so far as to launch a political action committee that focuses on going after pro-Trump Republicans.
The Twitter exchange was sparked between the two Republicans after Kinzinger specifically called out Gaetz as one of the pro-Trump GOPers his PAC would be focused on defeating in the upcoming election cycle. Gaetz fired off on Twitter that he welcomed the challenge telling Kinzinger to “F—ing bring it.”
— Adam Kinzinger (@RepKinzinger) February 11, 2021
Fox News reports:
Pointing to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by right-wing extremists and other Trump supporters to unsuccessfully disrupt congressional certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory over Trump, Kinzinger said earlier this month in a video announcing his new “Country First” PAC that “this is no time for silence. Not after the last month. Not after the last few years. Someone needs to tell the truth.”
Kinzinger, who was first elected to Congress as part of the conservative Tea Party wave of 2010, has lamented that “today’s Republican Party is not the one I joined.”
“The future of the GOP is on the line,” he emphasized as he launched his PAC. “Let’s take back our party.”
Gaetz, who was first elected in 2016, has become one of Trump’s biggest allies in Congress. Last month he headlined a large rally outside the Wyoming state Capitol to target Rep. Liz Cheney in her home state. Cheney was the most high profile of the 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Trump.
To read more about Kinzinger’s PAC against pro-Trumpers click HERE.
I support the MAGA movement and Gaetz, Kinzinger is just another RINO republican that hopefully gets defeated in 2022. My money is with Matt Gaetz.
Amen brother!
So let it be written, So let it be done, so do I 👍🏻👍🏻
Yeah kinzinger your right ” the future of the GOP is on the line ” because of rhino wimps like yourself that are more concerned with maintaining the corrupt system and abandoning core values and principles of America first. like any liberal you try to use a slice of what you know Americans want, you call your pac “country first ” what was wrong with America first ?
It’s people like Adam Kinzinger who give conservative Republicans heartburn there is no med to treat! He is from the area which is BHO’s home turf and none of us should be surprised at his RINO status! The only thing surprising to me is how did a Republican in that district get elected……I guess the only reason is he promised to be a “good” RINO.
Adam Kinzinger is what people use Preparation H on! Yeah, he’s a pain in the drain!
Adam Kinzinger doesn’t have anything better to do than try and destroy the Trump policies as if they aren’t the same as the TEA party? Trump got the TEA Party agenda enacted, what did Kinzinger do to accomplish that agenda? He fought Trump as he tried to put those things into law? At some point the never-Trumpers have to decide if they like Democrat policies better than Republican policies or is it more important to bash people that voted for Trump because the old guard of Republicans do not actually care if their agenda that they pretend to support gets enacted.
I swear I am watching professional wrestling in DC and it is all scripted and the Republican is the guy scripted to lose every time and guys like Kinzinger relish the role of losing a little too much. If you don’t want to enact common sense policies OK, but tell us that first. Let’s put it this way, the never-Trumpers think Trump is an idiot, I am assuming, right? Well that idiot just got the agenda through that you guys pretend you support, so you either don’t support those policies or you are incompetent, please tell us which it is.
Yiy go Matt we are on your side and screw the garbage Kinzinger.
MAGA, and nothing else.
Then please explain to how facial recognition software says 95 plus and counting of the rioters in the halls of Congress were antifa and blm members? this comes from past news channels and pictures taken at riots sites showing their faces? the software is 95% or better matches.
Out of all things that a person can lose, the mind is the single greatest tragedy!
kinzdingleberry is just another schock wanna be and look where his career went,so Adumb you are headed the same way
Although I cannot vote for Mr. Gaetz nor against Mr. Kinzinger I support those who know Donald Trump was and still is the best thing to happen to this country when it is needed. Contrary to many people thinking this sham of the impeachment is just that a sham. If they the Dems wanted this to be official why did Pelosi wait so dam long in sending her BS to the Senate?
kinzinger – this isn’t the party you joined, walk away you pos.
You aren’t wanted, or needed, in fact no one even knows who/what you are.
Walk little boy, walk. Or drive, run, take a bus, whatever, just Fn go
Go Gates, man I love your spunk. You need any help, I’m here.
How can this eight ball call himself a “Tea Party Republican”? Isn’t that kinda like “cultural appropriation”?
I live in Illinois, but not in Kinzinger’s district. First thank him for his service.
Now the good part. I received a, beg for money, email yesterday as to how the FAR LEFT
is attacking HIM. Will, as I see it too bad. I do support REPUBLICANS, but not him.
He is the far left best friend!
Go Matt. I have no idea what Kinzinger is talking about. What does he stand for? And what doesn’t he like about the MAGA agenda?
The Future of the GOP does not include Kinzinger or other Elite Rinos We the constituents will take control of the GOP Behind President Trump the GOP Is our party screw you interlopers This means you McConnell and the rest of the never Trumpers
It is very sad with the country in the state that it is under Biden Amin and where the Democrats are leading the country . for the Rep to be split, but we will at least know who a the true conservatives are and who are really the liberals. We have known some but the rest will emerge.
Nice Job Mr Garth! All those weak republicans should get their asses handed to them, my money’s on you SIR! Set those hypocritical jackasses straight! STAND YOUR GROUND! Mr Matt.
I think these guys (Repubs and Democraps) are missing the message….quite simply our legislators should make America First in their legislation undertaking. Quit worrying about China, Russia, salmon and start producing for the American people.
Kizinger better worry about his own primary. He has turned his back on the true conservative majority of the Republican Party and joined the John McCain Memorial Demotard Lite we’ll cross the aisle in a heartbeat branch of the Republican Party. If I were one of the RINOs I would serious think over my party loyalties and decide if I want to get back to the patriotic conservative roots of the Republican Party, keep down the path I’m on and run the very real risk of getting primarried out or join the Democrat Crime Organization. This war between the parties is escalating. The nation is more divided than it was in 1861. You either have to be 100% dedicated patriotic conservative in the Republican Party or get out. That’s the only way we win this war without it going hot.
It sounds like “Rep. Adam Kinzinger” has gotten INDOCTRINATED into the leftist idiocy and has FORGOTTEN what the TEA Party was all about and what it stood for.
He’s a plant.
Any Republican who goes after Trump supporters will lose in their next election.
Adam Kinzinger is known as “CNN’s Favorite Republican” for a reason. He’s a turncoat RINO, and sadly he’s my Representative. He hasn’t held a town hall meeting in my county in at least 6 years. I can’t remember the last time — if ever — that he attended one of our Central Committee meetings. The LaSalle County Republican Central Committee voted to censure Kinzinger, I wish my County Central Committee would do the same.
Well isn’t Kinzinger special?
As a proud TP member, I heartily disagree with Kinzinger…MAGA/KAG forever
Adam Kinzinger is not a Republican or a Conservative. He is a piece of garbage and I hope the people of Illinois vote this sorry jerk out of office. Everything Kinzinger does he does for his own publicity. He is not only a RINO, he is actually worse than a RINO. He is a REAR-END of a horse!
Not nearly as strong of language that I’d use describing that asswipe Kinzinger -that🤡💩🐷🦨🧚♂️🤥🐀!!!
Hey kinzinger, since this is not the Republican party you joined you should please just resign! You are a Rino and need to be replaced with a true Republican!
He’s proud to be a Liberal piraña, or rhino, aka: fish out of water!
Kinzinger has the right to his opinion. However, as usual his opinion is not in line with the
majority of veterans in the USA. Thanks for your service, but you need to become an adult at some time in your life. I’ll take Matt Gaetz in my foxhole anyday.
Matt Gaetz is really shining! We need more Republicans, like him, who we can respect.
All these rinos forget, we are watching them and know who these traitors are. However as long as the roulette voting machines are used, our vote is trashed.
Six terms in Congress. The last two during President Trump’s administration, the administration that created the most prosperous period for American citizens in decades.
President Trump spent months trying to expose what Time Magazine’s article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election” revealed in stark detail. The one line that explicitly describes what he knew; “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” President Trump saw it happening, some lawmakers saw it but ignored it, some participated in it. Seventy three million American voters recognized the subversion and voted for Trump. The impeachment was a continuation of that attack, it brought a few out of the shadows with their vote. The comments by McConnell and others after the verdict revealed that though they voted against the impeachment they are a part of the same element that the Time Magazine’s article revealed. The element that despises Trump and his America First agenda.