Disturbing Proof Biden is Failing at the Border

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Not Providing Covid Data

Gage Skidmore Flickr.

Not only has the Biden administration failed to provide vaccinations for border officials but it has also failed to provide accurate Covid data to border states like Texas. Texas Gov. Abbott complained in a Fox News interview that the administration has failed to answer questions as to how many migrants have tested positive for the virus. Many Covid-positive migrants have spoken on their plans to board public methods of transportation like trains and buses to move to other areas of the country, opening the door to infect other citizens.

Governor Abbott said about the administration’s failure to provide timely data regarding Covid positive immigrants: “We need the total number of migrants who have been apprehended at the border who have tested positive for COVID-19. The state of Texas is responsible for fully reporting out anybody in our state who has COVID-19. The Biden administration has refused and failed to give to our state the total number of migrants who have COVID-19.

We expect that data. And we expect the Biden administration to step up and assist the state of Texas in being able to respond to that imported challenge, imported only because of the change in policies by the Biden administration.”

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