Republicans Hit Dem Election Lawyer With Powerful Accusation

United States Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

House Republicans are sounding the alarm as Democrats attempt to overturn election results in Iowa. One major accusation is against election lawyer Marc Elias who works for Perkings Coie. Elias has been sanctioned for nefarious filings recently and is attempting to get the House Administration Committee to investigate and possibly overturn the election results.

There is one big problem, Elias also represents many of the Democrats who are on the committee.

According to Fox News:

Republicans on the House Administration Committee, however, say Hart’s high-profile lawyer on the case, Mark Elias, has serious conflicts of interest because he and his firm Perkins Coie also represent half of the Democratic committee members who will be deciding the case.

In a letter obtained first by Fox News, the Republicans said Elias and Perkins Coie are not only working on behalf of Hart, but they also represent Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who chairs the House Administration Committee, and fellow Democratic members Pete Aguilar of California and Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania.

There are only six Democrats in total on the committee, and three of them share the same legal team as Hart, the Republicans allege in the letter they penned to Lofgren on Friday. The committee is also considering a second election contest involving Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood of Illinois — and Elias is representing her, too.

“We write to bring to your attention to a serious conflict of interest regarding Marc Elias, an attorney with the law firm Perkins Coie,” the GOP committee members write. “In the election contests currently before us, Mr. Elias simultaneously represents Members of the Committee, the triers of fact and law, and parties to these contests, an arrangement clearly prohibited by attorney ethics rules and obligations.”

IA-02 Letter to Chair Lofgr… by Fox News

This is just another example of peak Democrat hypocrisy. They want to protect Democracy only if it serves them, and vilify Republicans who question their tactics.

[Read More: Pelosi Supports Overturning Election Results]

  1. The current Administration along with Democrap majorities in both houses of Congress may become a bigger disaster than Obummer`s Administration if that is possible.

      1. globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ pulled globalist puppet barry soetoro strings and are pulling globalist puppet, chester the molester biden strings .

      2. Obumma is backed by Soros and his anti-Americanism policies causing the surge of illegal aliens invading the US. Why isn’t Soros on the FBI’s most-wanted list? Whatever happened to the Federal committee of “The COMMITTEE on Un-American activities? I wonder how many Democraps would be on their list to investigate and how many would be impeached or given jail time? This would be a way to clean up the swamp in Washington.

    1. When you guessed it couldn’t get worse than globalist puppet bush, globalists appointed globalist puppet cliton, when you guessed it couldn’t get worse than globalist puppet cliton, globalists appointed globalist puppet lil bush, when you guessed it couldn’t get worse than globalist puppet lil bush, globalists appointed globalist puppet barry soetoro, when you guessed it couldn’t get worse than globalist puppet barry soetoro, globalists appointed globalist puppet, chester the molester biden . . . . .

  2. The democommunist party is COMMUNIST. This is what communists do. To make it work they first co-opt all the media. Once the “media” is theirs, they feel there isn’t anything, regardless of how nefarious and illegal it is, they can’t do.

    1. The USA gov’t needs to bring back “The Committee on Un-American Activities” To clean up the swamp in Washington. I wonder how many politicians would be on their list as being un-American? Then there would be probably “0” Democraps left in Washington and no swamp and no COMMUNISTS.

  3. When will Republicans grow a pair and play dirty? It’s the only way we’ll ever be able to compete with the left! Got to meet fire with fire.

      1. I agree that’s why the republicans are so spine less they should have gotten rid of the rhinos years and years ago

    1. Yes, instead of Pathetic Pelosi overturning an election, someone must find a way to overturn her! This can’t be allowed to happen, c’mon Repubs, get lawyers, courts, anybody, to put a stop to her and Slow Schumer too.

      1. Courts are useless when they refuse to even hear a case, and that is what the have been doing for several years now, they only hear the cases that do not cause and controversy.

    2. Your right there is only one way to deal with this, and until the people themselves are willing to take matters in to their own hands and send the traitors to the hangman, things will just continue to get worse, it took a revolt to stop the King of England, {George} in 1776.

  4. Response from demonKKKrats of the House Administrative Committee: “we checked ourselves and we have done nothing wrong and will proceed”.

    Just wait, it’s coming and the demonKKKrats (and RINOs) will allow the election changes in Iowa and Illinois, plus expel MTG from Congress.

    The RINO repubs are worse than the demonKKKrats on all of this becuase they say one thing (sometimes) and do another.
    The repubs need a good cleansing to remove current Establishment-gop members…

    1. You are so right. But I am afraid it is too late to save America. I saw this happening in Europe before Hitler became as powerful and the democratic party is just like they were.

  5. It has become obvious, after many years as a California Democrat, that the entire party is nothing more than a criminal cabal. Any activity they engage in should be prosecuted under RICO statute. This is not, nor I expect ever will be again, the party of principled leaders like John F Kennedy.

  6. Some in congress needs to start banning together and do something. We are dying fast in this country. Why are we letting communism taking over.

    1. I guess you must be joking, those people are as useful as tits on a male pig, the only cases that they will hear are the ones that do not cause any controversy.

  7. Question: Before the recount Miller-Meeks was up 47 votes and Hart was up 22 votes. After the recount Miller-Meeks was only up 6 votes. She lost 41 votes. Hart lost 22 votes. If Hart gets her 22 votes back then Miller-Meeks should get her 41 votes back. The end result is the same. Miller-Meeks still wins. This time by a larger margin.

    Additionally, It is time this double standard stop. President Trump was called all sorts of horrible names for proving the democrats lied, stuffed the ballot boxes and submitted fraudulent ballots. We do not allow dead people to vote yet they did in the elections and many other elections. Dropping a ballot in the wrong box is essentially the same as putting it in the trash. If you want it counted properly complete and submit the ballot. There are no special rules for democrats or republicans who are too lazy to read and follow the directions. Any ballot that does not meet the criteria must be voided per the rules of the state.

    When will someone have the guts to stand up to Pelosi? When will the people of California get their heads on straight and vote her out. OR has she stayed in office by intimidation, fraud, ballot stuffing and dead people voting? It is past time for term limits and mandatory retirement.

    Why isn’t Pelosi in jail for insider trading? And all her other corrupt acts? She must have dirt on everyone or pay off a lot of people to remain in the position she is in and continue to get rich while the American Citizens suffer.

    Interesting yesterday the Government’s financial projections have been changed and we are up due to the passing of the 1.9T bill. Amazing how we can go into debt immediately after Biden takes office send millions all over the world and our economy is projected to be up by over 2 %. Previously it was projected at 4.x now it is projected at 6.x. Isn’t new math wonderful. Make the figures come out however you desire. Is the old adage true tell the lie enough and soon it will be the truth!

    The end result of the Iowa Race is Miller-Meeks is still the winner no matter what you do with the 22 votes so long as you add back the 41 votes. Let’s be fair and equitable in all that we do. Total Transparent in everything.

    And Yes I do want to see all those dead people that cast their ballots.

    Have a Blessed Day.

  8. I think it is time to remove everyone in Congress over the age of 65. Now we are facing a new problem when biden leaves (of is pushed out) harris takes his place and the VP spot is open. Now when this happens there is a deadlock in the Senate. Nothing there but the then president (harris) picks someone to the VP spot. To confirm the House must vote (majority) to keep that person and it goes to the Senate again for a vote but supposedly the Senate cannot have a majority (along party lines) and there is no VP to break the tie. What happens then? The 25th does not cover this where I could find it. Also in the mix can obama be picked as VP?

  9. Some globalist puppet appointed by globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet barry soetoro will allow it to stand .

  10. To tell you the truth I don’t think even had a idea what they were doing in the first place.
    He represents the representatives, so happens to be related to………representation
    There of…..ahhh….

  11. What I like to know, did the democrats find a large stash of gold or something?
    To go beyond limits of normal trust, and representing the people, it doesn’t make sense to ruin a country, and then decide to stay here. If it’s a new world order type of takeout they have no idea they will be considered pawns in the end, unless they promised to let Nancy polosi keep a free hair salon.

    1. It is unreal how Ignorant and stupid Americans are you have to be totally braindead to vote Democrat

  12. If the people of Iowa decide they don’t want their representative then let them vote and decide who they think will represent them best not a bunch of power hungry democrats in Wa. DC.

  13. We have a good start in recalls starting with Newsom in California. Let’s get VIROL and petition other states to follow suit. We have to start somewhere even if we have to start from the bottom up to get rid of the RHINO CANCER that suppose to represent the people and not themselves along with the establishment of socialistic Democrats that DICTATE their own agendas…….and the essentials of our Bill of Rights and Constitution…We the people can do this…..California is proof we can…

  14. I don’t care what we “hit” the Democrats with, they are so corrupt that they will never lose anything! And, that goes for future elections. We are confronted with a choice, take them out of power for good or, become subservient to them and George Soros and the Communist Chinese! We can all see what’s happening by just seeing what Biden/Harris are doing and, what the Communist Chinese are saying/demanding. There is no way to win against a stacked deck, we only have one choice and, that’s to resist, repel and fight!

  15. OK then, can we sue to overturn the big cheat of 2020 where the communist democrats DOJ, FBI, SUPREME COURT decided to let the cheaters cheat.


  17. Grow some repukes, don’t let these commies steal any more elections, they are pure evil, and will lie,cheat,steal, to win.

  18. The Republicans should get every dem out for election fraud that doesn’t live in the District they represent.
    Don’t wait today MUST sue Nancy Pelosi for gross negligence causing the wrongful dead of Ashli Babbit in the Capitol riot, she was unarmed, who gave those orders to the the Capitol police to shot an unarmed person without first giving prior notice of that they will be shooting at them , violating the law.
    No one is above the Law not even the POTUS, Nancy fired the experienced Capitol chief of police days before the riots and placed an inexperienced person to be in charge, refused the offer from the POTUS TRUMP to have 10,000 troops to stop riots in DC, there are multiple videos that show how the Capitol Police let the rioters in the Capitol and also guide them to the chambers then inside to ambush them and gun down an innocent person.
    We The People want the Law to be upheld even to everyone, no one is above the LAW.
    Now the say the Capitol police that shot Babbit is in hiding who is helping him to do so, and why they haven’t open an investigation!!!.

  19. The Biden administration has been chipping away at America’s endemic ethos and the freedoms that we enjoy under the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. These actions are totally destructive to our nation; embedded in this assiduous perfidy is the goal to change America’s government. This action violates the Constitution as do many of the other destructive actions taken by the Biden administration. This violates the freedoms outlined in our Declaration of Independence and as a result, gives Americans not only the RIGHT but the DUTY to abolish the Biden administration. Nothing at this time is being done. To continue delays to allow the Biden administration to continue to act in a destructive manner to our country.

    As Americans, we have been given Second Amendment to protect us against our government, and one must remember that it is the Government who is trying to take our weapons or attenuate their use so that we are unable to protect ourselves against them – therefore, all gun laws throughout the entire United States are illegal, they infringe upon the Second Amendment which in no uncertain terms “shall not be infringed.” As Americans, we cannot sit idly by and allow this to continue if needs be we must take up arms to abolish the Biden administration is required by law.

    There are terms such as pusillanimous, craven, and cowardly which define actions by our body politic to take action therefore, should we look to our military to abolish the Biden administration or is it the DUTY of every patriotic American – whatever the answer, every day we delay allows the Biden administration and their ilk to chip away at our nation’s Constitution.

    I am asking all patriotic Americans who wish to protect this nation to come together, NOW, for every day that we delay the Biden administration chips away at our freedoms.

    1. Yup..

      Backwards.. and upside down too.. down a very long and slippery slope!

      There’s a way that seems right to men.. but it’s the way to death…

      The LGBTQ agenda, is helping to-take us there..

      Read Romans1:18-32; they knew and rejected the Lord!

      …I believe it’s part and parcel of the spirit of the anti-Christ and will probably be one of them; who sits as the anti-Christ himself!

        1. John,

          Did you actually “read” my telling Carol, being healthy was backwards?
          … I said I agreed, with Carol, that you Liberals were leading the U.S.S.A. …backwards!

          …Is it any wonder? That: All of you global warming-preaching Liberals, believe that a 10 million acre bonfire; doesn’t evaporate moisture from the flora, atmosphere, and shallow watershed, or raise global temps! That’s just in the U.S.S.A. for 2020 too…

          Heaven forbid that you might, actually consider the rest of the world and any previous years, in those figures….and how is it, that the sky is falling and the snow isn’t wet, when it melts anymore…

          The way the Liberal Climate Change camp, was blaming record global temps on fossil fuel burning, before the smoke in California had cleared, was literally, a no brainer!
          … It reminds me of the climate change signs, they had to remove from Glacier National Park… for false advertising!

          As I said last year, on the Nevada Independent… what goes up will also come down.. all of the evaporated moisture.. has only begun falling.. since the 2020 wildfires….
          When Texas got hit, I told the Richmond Times Dispatch, it was going to be one for the record books..

          It came down in Alaska, right away… then the hot/cold air currents created the derecho winds… then the late winter snow storms, across the Northern hemisphere in February, then storms across the West, this month.. and we’re not done yet.. Hawaii got some of it recently… Brazil got some too… it interfered with their harvest…
          I don’t believe we’re done yet…

          To help clear up your confusion, I don’t agree with the NWO/socialist agenda…
          However, if it makes you any feel better, I DO want people to be healthy… but unlike you Liberals, not as the result of another manipulative and unjust law!

          I DO wish you well, and good health!

  20. You can bet that another Criminal President is pulling all the strings of the current White House Puppet. Mr. Biden can hardly read a carefully scripted announcement. He has no brain to think for himself. Is it any wonder that world leaders are really not interested in meeting with him?
    They hold legitimate power. Biden is a pretender.
    Period !


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