Could this be a sign that Trump is indeed running for president in 2024?
Sources close to the matter say that former President Trump and former House Speaker New Gingrich have teamed up to develop a new MAGA policy agenda. The agenda is reportedly modeled after Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract With America.”
According to The Hill:
One source told the news outlet that the agenda would have an “America-First” approach on multiple issues such as trade and immigration, describing it as “a policy priority for 2022 and beyond.”
Trump’s team told The Hill that the talks are “still in their infancy.”
Gingrich told Politico that the agenda should not be expected “anytime soon,” but said, “it should be positive.”
“School choice, teaching American history for real, abolishing the ‘1619 Project,’ eliminating critical race theory and what the Texas legislature is doing. We should say, ‘Bring it on,’ ” Gingrich told Politico.
Sources say that Trump has been regularly meeting with Gingrich along with his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) at Mar-A-Lago regularly over the past few weeks to strategize who to win back the House next year.
Make america great again trump 2024
We can’t afford to wait until 2024. Biden is screwing things up at breakneck speed.
They’re working on the 2022 elections, that will definitely help if we can with both the house and senate.
Whether he wants to run again or not, the important thing is that he is involved.
America needs him, his influence for sure!
They will make a great team!
Did Trump win the election? Because if he did than what’s the point we are going to have the same problem next election so if he lost then we have to demand that the Republicans get off there ass and start speaking up and quit being so freaking scattered on issues the DemonRatz will stick together on all issues but the Republicans can’t get there heads out of there ass , I think it’s time for a new party or new Republicans get the Idiots like Romney out and start fighting for America
Dang Billy Boy, I echo your same words, you are Right on. your statement is exactly Truth.
You are so right! Unfortunately easier to say than done!
That was the big problem with Reps, didn’t foresee the problem ahead!
I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re working on for the 2022 elections, to get the Rinos out and put in the new blood.
Everybody wants to avoid conflict, but it may be necessary.
Trump and Gingrich – a VERY good planning combination. As far as a VP on Trump’s next ticket, the Florida governor would be a good choice. With an even partially fair election in 2024, the Republican ticket would be a shoo-in. And the great advantage of the DeSantis position on the ticket would be a continuation of that Gingrich/Trump program for an additional 8 years.
SO! In spite of the fraud disaster of the 2020 election – an expected takeover of the Congress in 2022, and all that would follow in 2024, makes things look quite bright for all true Americans, for quite a while. Now if we can only get rid of the RINOs in the Republican Party!
Love DeSantis
The Establishment has been working against Conservatism and Freedom, they don’t want Trump in office, no way, thats why we are in the predicament we’re in.
YAHOO!!! Two total patriots with a brain they use.
Why is he involving Lindsay Graham? Lindsay is a total RINO! Very excited to hear Gingrich is involved!!
So, not to argue or disagree with your thoughts, put I am pretty sure the greatest POTUS in our life time, the Donald, understands who his friends are , and who are not.
Ummm. Believe he was already put in as commander and chief March 11 and will be officially inaugurated august 15 ….
Let’s start with election integrity!
We need Red States to trash all Dominion/Smartmatics election equipment after the November 2020 audits.
Newt is a very smart man and a brilliant strategist. Let’s hope their collaboration is fruitful and effective.
My democratic “sister” HATED “Newtie”. TUFF! She’s in Michigan now & I could care less! I want a President who has half a brain, can “act” , put sentences together, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! UNITING with Gingrich is a SMART idea! Unfortunately, “we” ARE “STUCK” with this “jerk” & Kamala AND “every day” is a MESS. “WE” hear “nothing” but nonsense from “press” briefings”.NONE of “what” Psaki “says”, “makes any sense” & I’d BET that any English Professor, could make “sense” out of “what” she says re: nouns & verbs. She “talks fast”& says “nothing”. Maybe the WhiteHouse Press Corp.has picked up on this ? FAT CHANCE!!!
America needs smart, honest, hardworking people in the peoples government that truly love this country America and love Americans
I don’t think people understand what this global agenda is going to do to this country. We have been far too passive in letting socialism permeate and destroy America. Once its here in all areas of the government and society, its very hard to reverse. Theres been too much complacency and no Godly or Constitutional values represented. Too much greed, and lust for power!