Democrat Launches Campaign to Defeat Ron DeSantis

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried has officially launched her campaign to defeat popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

According to Townhall:

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) said that Fried, elected to her post in 2018, has used her elected office “working to better herself.”

“Instead of using her office to work for the people of Florida, Nikki Fried has spent the last 2 and a half years working to better herself,” RGA spokesperson Joanna Rodriguez said on Tuesday. “Floridians want someone who will fight for them tirelessly, and Fried’s desperate political posturing and reliance on lies and pandering to make a point prove she’s the exact opposite of what Florida needs.”

Fried is the second Democrat to launch a campaign to challenge DeSantis. Republican-turned-Democrat Charlie Crist is also hoping to win the Democrat primary.

    1. I saw a tee shirt the other day that said — “I don’t approve of politicial jokes — too many of them get elected!!” Certainly true of the vacuous Democrats. 🙂

  1. Rigged, corrupt system??? Woman, you are running IN THE POLITICAL PARTY of the most rigged and corrupt dealings that the USA has ever known!!

  2. Well, good luck with that, Nikki! People already know you and how you operate — typical Democrat. And let me make a major correction to your statement — it’s the vacuous, insidious socialist Democrats who are corrupt at every turn!!!!! 🙁

  3. DeSantis is a very strong Governor for the people of Florida! His constituents know exactly what they have in DeSantis and I do not believe that any young “prissy” female only after her promotion into the governorship as a Resume input is going to get anywhere in that campaign!

  4. Niki Fried, a newby Democrap come lately that knows squat about agriculture, now wants to unseat a good GOP governor. Let us turn out good conservatives of Florida and not let this happen. We have an influx of people from very liberal states because they don’t like the liberal state they flee from, so they may try and turn us into a liberal state. Politics is one very crazy thing.

  5. America has had no good democrat leadership since the Kennedys! Unfortunately the democrat party has become very corrupt and self promoting and therefore, destructive to our American people. It’s time Americans — including democrat supporters — realize that any democrat is a THREAT TO OUR NATION AND AMERICANS! Keep them out of office and America will prosper and bloom! Let them in office and America decays and dies! It’s up to us!!

  6. Whatever corruption exists in Florida, you can count on it being associated with a Democrat. The only way they ever try getting into office is by fabricating something negative about their Republican opponent, which in itself, is a lie. Democrats never seem to get elected as a result of their own marit. They slip into office either in riding the coattails of someone who ran before them, by fabricating some lie about their opponent or by buying their way in with funds they gathered illegally. Just what we need to lead America.

  7. Nikki Fried might have a chance if she repeats Joe Biden’s feat of garnering 81 million votes!

  8. If Biden can get elected President by staying in his basement and being brain dead I guess anything is possible

  9. What platform or issues is she going to run on? DeSantis refused to wreck his economy and said that he did not have the authority to tell which businesses were “essential”. What issues is she going to debate? nope, not a chance. Good entertainment for DeSantis I guess

  10. I guess this “loser” enjoys the prospect of a real political ass-whopping, running against the nation’s most successful governor!!

  11. not a chance she’s not even liked here and she has already made gun owners mad at her by trying to hold up concealed weapons permits and not renewing like supposed to hold them up taking away for no reason

  12. Fried and Crist sounds like leftovers. Neither of them will do for the citizens of Florida what DeSantis does daily. Be glad if you live in Florida. I unfortunately am saddled with Newsom. Fried and Crist will be about as necessary as Covid.

  13. Forgive me,.. but with that acid little smile she looks like an alien double body-snatched by a bean pod from a distant galaxy: no longer quite human. If she contests Gov. DeSantis and his blessed reforms,I would indeed question her humanity.

  14. Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried has done a very poor job. In fact she has been so bad that I would not vote for her as DOG POOP PICKER UPPER. She is joined at the hip with pelosi, aoc, et al. Just another liberal dem who wants to tell us how we must run our lives and what to belief. If she had her way we would still be locked down and wearing mask. I thanks GOD everyday for giving us Gov DeSantis.

  15. Ain’t gonna happen, UNLESS Florida gets “new” voting machines like N.J. just did! I read the Primary Ballot, flipped it over for “instructions” & I couldn’t figure it out! Too boot it’s all TOUCH SCREEN. Doesn’t take an idiot to know that this will spread Covid. AND N.J. was just “beginning” to turn the tide against Covid. Government is ALWAYS the same…the left hand does’t know what the right hand is doing.Kinda sounds like a “Fauci”- N.J. will be in “lock down” again……


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