The Biden administration has tapped six humanitarian agencies to assist with deciding which migrants should be allowed to stay in the United States. The agencies will help determine who is most at risk if forced to return to their home countries. The move was made quietly and was never meant to be made public and the exact criteria the migrants must meet to stay in the county is being kept under lock and key. However, a source close to the matter let a few details slip to reporters.
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Typical of Biden Globalism—america last.
👌🏼By now, it really doesn’t make a difference if O’bidet put’s Antifa, BLM or even Al-Qaeda, in-charge of the border…why should Mexican drug-cartels make all the money? 😈
Which one of those groups are run by the CCP? Maybe more than one???
They are run by George Soros. American Hater #1.
At this point with the job kamaltoe is doing maybe we should have ISIS in charge, brain freeze wouldn’t know any difference.
We have let the illegal immigration crisis go on for too long. The consequences are going to be disastrous.
Hidenbiden is a mentally unstable,unfit,unhinged, blithering,embarrassment,no one should be listening to this senile,frail,old,fool, puppet, he doesn’t have a clue what’s up, and needs to be removed for total incompetence.
I don’t think that’s how it is supposed to happen. Sounds like another illegal move by DEMENTIA JOE and his merry band of SOCAILIST
The more groups to blame the better so Joe can say “Not my fault”.
How much bigger can this asshole grow his balls? Congress makes immigration law. Not some random groups appointed by Biden.
Hey, it doesn’t matter to Joe Blow, ’cause the little ones with outstretched palms he figures will be future Democrats on the eternal dole. Not a concern for the Americans he is sworn to represent and protect!
Do they really think those are democrat voters? When we are outnumbered, we will have Latino leaders. They will vote Latino.
What is wrong with people who immigrated here legally? They should be fighting this tooth and nail. The hardworking Mexicans should be completely against this stupidity. I’m a LEGAL IMMIGRANT. Don’t have to worry about ILLEGALS in my county. Our Sherriff wants nothing to do with them. They get sent back or arrested. As it should be!
They’re not sending us their best!
This ought to be furthering Biden’s escalating disaster – how about the 5,000 kids going to Camp Roberts in the Paso Robles area or the thousands brought in the dead of night to a hotel in Scottsdale, AZ where neighbors are furious. This POS has to be doing this and many other moves on purpose as they will all clearly diminish the living standards in the US – this man is a traitor – some are just too ignorant to see it – America has truly been dumbed down as they will not even stand up for themselves.
When the Latinos are the majority in America, they won’t be voting for anyone but other Latinos. for sure.. They will run Congress and the presidency. That is Mexicos goal and has been for 40 years, Ask La Raza, who has been pushing migration and having lots of babies, once here. They have 8 babies to our one..
Typical of Liberals & Media-doing it quietly, backdoor