A Chicago judge has ordered Mayor Lori Lightfoot to clarify a recent policy where she says she will only grant one-on-one interviews to journalists of color going forward. The comments raised eyebrows and then soon followed lawsuits over the constitutionality of Lightfoot’s race-based interview policy.
The Daily Wire reports:
“Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch asked the court for an injunction against Lightfoot’s policy last week, saying it was unconstitutional, but Lightfoot’s attorneys said at a remote hearing Monday that the policy was not in effect and the request was unnecessary,” Fox News reported. “Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against Lightfoot on behalf of the Daily Caller News Foundation last month, alleging Lightfoot violated White reporter Thomas Catenacci’s equal protection rights under the Fourteenth Amendment when she didn’t respond to multiple requests for interviews, as well as his First Amendment rights.”
News broke in late May that Lightfoot would only be granting interviews to journalists who had black or brown skin color.
NBC 5 political reporter Mary Ann Ahern made the initial allegation on Twitter, writing: “As @chicagosmayor reaches her two year midway point as mayor, her spokeswoman says Lightfoot is granting 1 on 1 interviews – only to Black or Brown journalists.” Chicago PBS news anchor Paris Schultz responded: “I was told the same thing.” Chicago PBS political reporter Heather Cherone said that she could “confirm” what Ahern was alleging.
In trying to explain her actions, which some blacks called “racist” and “embarrassing,” Lightfoot appeared to demonize white people, saying that it was a “shame” that the media was so overwhelmingly white.
Lightfoot’s new policy has already drummed up multiple lawsuits from white journalists across the country.
We don’t need racist pieces of crap governing in our country. They are truly trying to divide this country, along with the media. It’s worse NOW than ever because of these dirt bags.
She is a pugnacious racist pig and needs to be removed. Maybe all the white folks should BOYCOTT Chicago. Besides shouldn’t she be more concerned about the black on black murders in her city. I guess the brown and black journalists won’t ask the hard questions. That maybe the real reason for her racist behaviour. She is afraid of the hard questions.
White journalists should boycott her.No news stories about her.When election time comes just interview her opponents.
Well now if this was a conservative mayor! Need we need to say anything more?
She’s ganna drive a wedge between blacks & whites & divide us into groups.
This may end up hurting any blacks running for political office.
Whites are still the majority.
Just saying.
The justice department needs to step in. If a while mayor had made the statement about black reporters the mayor would be gone. However, the Justice department needs to bring charges against her for not protecting the young black kids from mayhem and violence
Chicago is just getting what it deserves. It is without a doubt the most corrupt city and Illinois the most corrupt state in the Union.