Conservatives and liberals don’t agree on much in regards to politics and it’s not very difficult to see why. However, a recently conducted poll by Zogby shows that there are some things that are just too blatant to ignore and the media coverage of President Biden is one of them.
The results show a majority of Democrats and Republicans believe that the mainstream media is protecting President Biden and after seeing the endless barrage of media attacks on Trump during his presidency the shift in coverage is hard to ignore.
According to The Washington Examiner:
In the latest Zogby Poll, 62% said the media are “protecting Joe Biden by not asking him tough policy questions on issues.”
Pollster Jonathan Zogby said that 55% of Democrats agreed with that assessment, as did 80% of Republicans.
“A majority of almost every sub-group agreed — strongly and somewhat agreed combined — that certain media were protecting Joe Biden by not asking him tough policy questions,” according to his analysis shared with Secrets.
When he asked about specific issues, some numbers were even higher. On the growing border crisis, for example, 63% said the media are running block for Biden, according to the Zogby Analytics survey.
The poll also said most Americans believe there are figures in the administration who are actively working to shield Biden from the press.
Biden is a loser all the way. A has been. Never did anything good for America and never will
Hidenbiden is too stupid to answer a common sense question, he’s the greatest embarrassment of any president ever,besides obuthead, he is also a lying,corrupt,racist,sexualperv,senile,frail,old,fool,pretending to be the leader of what? He is the laughing stock of the world, with his do=nothing pretending vp, that was laughed out of the country,for being a joker, who is this clown?
He is only president because of cheating so I guess he really isn’t the president after all.
Nope, just the Resident Biden!!
The left is able to destroy because of the stollen election. It gave them the power to push the Global-socialist agenda.
Hitler was a globalist. Wonder how many of these
globalists understand who he was and what he did. Is that what they want?
Laughing because they pulled a fast one on the American citizen!!! Yeah great a joke isn’t it!!?? How does it feel to be one of the worst excuses for a so-called human ever!!
Some of us knew exactly what they were up to.Too bad the Rinos didn’t care enough to help President Trump, the Rightfull, dully elected President.
Does he even know what day it is ?
Biden would have been better off doing nothing over the last 5 months. he has shown to be incapable of doing anything to benefit this country and is a very week leader on the international stage.Russia and China leaders make him look like to be Mr. wishy washy who can be seen as weak and a man who is in over his head on the world stage.
Who in their right mind would even care about the social media.
FAKE news for a FAKE President. Joe Biden can only be described as Fraudster in Chief.
Duh! Anyone with a pea brain can come to that conclusion about the press.
Democrats + Press = COMMUNISM!
Even psychotic left-wing propagandists have got to be choking on the vomit of Biden’s 48 years of mediocrity and failure. They savagely attacked Trump for 4 years?? For this?? Really?! Stupid fools.
This clown has been in political office for almost 50 years. He is a pathetic joke. However, the good news is he is exposing the media for their bias and stupidity. Americans can now see that the media is now nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat Political Party.
Here is an example of the American media in action:
“Mr. President the American people need to know………what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?”
Komrad Biden is lifelong commie – as wil become clear to the voter majority soon.
“They” are not shielding him, .”They” are HIDING him because he “can’t think”- period! My question “IS”, who’s PAYING all these people to keep their mouths shut? SOMEBODY, & I’m positive it’s not just one person, but a cabal of big bucks people who want to “run the show”MORE then PELOSI ! Question is ‘WHY”? Right now it’s “the haves & the have nots”, & those of “US” who have anything, will soon HAVE NOT! AOC’s got 2 homes & an upscale car. Obama has 3 homes worth millions. Biden’s got 2 homes that I know of & a “Stingray” which ain’t cheap. Kamala has her assets “hidden”.So , ‘”can anybody” tell me what’s going on? Our kids are taught to hate anyone “different” than them. Religion is evil & God is non-existent.Four letter words, smacking anyone on a street, perversion beyond belief & Biden & the Dems say “What’s the prob”? Let’s “see” what “they” say when Antifa shows up in their backyard AND NO COPS OR EMERGENCY SERVICES TO HELP THEM. THS I”D LIKE TO SEE!
Dark money.
Joe Biden is “no damn good”, has always been “no damn good”, and always will be “no damn good”! How ANY American could vote for Joe Biden is impossible to believe. And Harris is worse!
Biden isn’t capable of running the country and neither is the laughing Vice President, the country is being run behind the scenes, and not by these two. I fear that this country will be in crisis after crisis because of them. Obviously they don’t care to do anything about porous borders and the dangers invading the US.
Of course the press protects Biden. It is not in their interest to have him destroy himself trying to field complicated (as well as trap) questions. The media doesn’t care how stupid or incapacitated Biden is as long as he is promoting their favorite leftist agendas. If they were to expose him for what he is it would undoubtedly damage the leftist causes.
The press IS protecting these global communists. They follow the money/power and each other and are afraid to rat on each other-they all are in it together and are all cut from the SAME cloth-hire like kind & clones of each other. NO NEW IDEAS.