Mike Pence Says He’s ‘Proud’ Biden Was Certified on Jan. 6

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Former Vice President Mike Pence rebuked Trump’s claims he had the ability to halt Congress’ certification of Joe Biden on January 6th. During a speech at the Reagan Library on Pence reiterated that he did not have the Constitutional power to reject electoral votes for Joe Biden.


The Hill reports:

“Now there are those in our party who believe that in my position as presiding officer over the joint session that I possess the authority to reject or return electoral votes certified by the states,” Pence said. “The Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority before the joint session of Congress.”

Some Republicans, including former President Trump, called for Pence to reject electoral votes on Jan. 6.

“And the truth is, there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president,” Pence said. “And I will always be proud that we did our part on that tragic day to reconvene the Congress and fulfilled our duty under the Constitution.”

Pence has been rejected by some in his party due to his stance on the issue, and was recently heckled during a speech at a conservative conference.

Pence has previously said he’s unsure if he and Trump will ever see eye-to-eye on the events of January 6th.

    1. What nonsense. Mike Pence is 100% correct. Nowhere in the Constitution does a VP have such power. Mike Pence was a loyal and outstanding Vice President. He is capable of
      being an equally fine President.

  1. That is WHY Pence will never be elected again…..

    I BLAME the Riots on Pence…. he stated UP Front that he was going to Certify Biden WithOUT reviewing the Evidence…..

      1. Both of them are part of the Deep State. They care more about their fellow Republican politicians than they care about the future of the USA.

      2. Truth all talk no action turn coats both are on my 💩list. Pence could’ve stopped everything by wanting count ability. Shame on him…

        1. Indeed, he blocked the truth from coming out about the fraudulent election. The Rinos can quit sending emails to support them too….they are despised.

      1. A nice Christian guy would not vote for the plagiarist womanizer and money grabbing Joe Biden .A nice Christian guy would not vote for a former VP who cashed in on his VP title with China, the Ukraine and Russia. Some one ask what this’nice Christian guy’ thinks of his hero now that Biden want’s to cancel Christianity, and pay for abortions in America and other countries. He should be forced to answer that question before the voters who had faith in his honesty and words. Seems he and his wife played their constituents for suckers.

      2. Even Biden pretends to be a Catholic, they pretend to be for God, and they doing everything against God, including destroying his people, and future generations.

    1. Yes! For an upstanding religious man, Pence did a complete turnabout showing even supposedly “good” guys can turn evil! He has been a “fake” all along. We’ll never trust that con artist again!

    2. “The truth is there’s almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.” Pence said.
      Well….pray-tell Mr. Mike Pence…of course no “one person” could choose American president…American citizens choose our president. Made no sense for him to even make that statement because NO ONE was asking that of him…and it WAS LAWFUL to send back to states/allow a congressional committee time for scrutiny of election, considering the overwhelming evidence of existence of fraud.

      1. Truth but whomps always the devil side. If you want to fear something fear God the ole mighty who gave the devil his job duh. He giveth and can taketh away dumb butts

      2. Pence actually betrayed God by his dishonesty because the election was fraudulent and illegal and he is condoning what happened and he is destroying the will of the American people by putting an illegitimate President in office.

  2. At this point it’s irrelevant. You did show however you don’t have the backbone to stand against the Democrats, their power grab, nor politics in general the way it’s being played now days, underhanded and down right dirty. Go home and read a book Pence.

    1. Pence should go home and actually read the Bible that he likes to quote. ” Matthew 15:8. These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but the rules taught by men.” They have pushed aside the Bible and made up their own God and religion, one that is more palatable and (politically correct to them.) The most diabolical thing about this is that many have done this in Jesus Christ’s name……This is the greatest deception. Men thought they could do anything and that God wouldn’t see; or if He saw He wouldn’t care. They have grossly underestimated God.

  3. This is why the GOP isn’t successful. They don’t stick together against the forces that are hurting this country.

    1. And they NEVER play DIRTY like the DEMOCRATS, and they never try very hard to stop-um. Too weak , that being said I’ll be a conservative REPUBLICAN, until i die !!!!

  4. The only thing I have not figured out yet is whether Pence is a traitor to the conservatives or if he is just that stupid. I guess it doesn’t matter because he is “toast” to any intelligent conservative.

    1. Not stupid, he knew exactly what he was doing. I’ve seen his wife cozy up to HillRot and Bill. She’s a closet liberal who is now out of the closet. She absolutely should not be teaching children.

      1. I believe the Trump family intimidates timid and insecure people, to the point that even though owing President Trump his being in history books, him and the three SCJ, their envy of Trumps was greater than their appreciation by being grateful, hence betraying him!

        1. Ha, Its the Left that has intimidated, lied, cheated, bullied, put the citizens of this country at risk, and stollen the election. Its the left that deceived people about Wuhan China, The Virus, the Mask mandate, Lockdowns, Covid tests, vaccines, and destruction of businesses. Their day of judgment is coming on this earth as well as all liars, pediphiles, murderers, and child molestors who will be thrown into the abyss and the Lake of Fire.

    2. He decided to GET! RICH! with the SWAMP! He never really came across as one with a backbone! He made his BED! NOW HE CAN SLEEP IN IT! POS! TRAITOR!

  5. What Cruz and the rest were asking for was 14 days to review the election, not overthrow. I have lost so much respect for Pence. Trump/DeSantis 2024.

    1. You’re right. But with compromising Gov of TX not finding ways to pay for a border finish and with millions coming over the border, TX looking democrat.

  6. I don’t see what Pence did, or his clarifying remarks as being anti-Trump. He did what the law called for and what he felt was right. He did not slam Trump. When Trump runs again he will select a female running mate. Pence actually did Trump a favor. Had pence been dumped in favor of a woman, Trump most likely would have won.

    1. Constitutionally Pence didn’t have to select either slate of electors from the swing states. All he had to do was send it back to the House of Representatives for a state by state vote, one vote per state. Prior to the senate hearing on 1/6 he had already had a letter he presented to Pelosi that he would not elect to decertify the electoral college. Pence lied to Georgia, and he let our country down. His political career is over. And he has a lot of skeletons in his closet!

  7. It just goes to show you Pence is not an American patriot. He is as much a traitor as all the Democrats in Washington DC. They all voted to Murder all these unborn babies for no reason at all, just because the mothers didn’t want to raise them. I could understand if it was because the mother was going to die if she were to continue with the pregnancy. It isn’t that though.it is because she didn’t take precautions when she was out having fun with men. This is not a good reason, if she had been raped or it was incest I could understand it also. It is getting in the way of their fun is not a reason I understand. If our children had come to us, my wife and I would have taken the child in until the daughter or sons could have taken over, the responsibility of child rearing. Just because it impacts their livelihood it should not be the answer, where are their parents and how could they allow a family member be murdered. This is another ploy by the Democrats because they do not want to pay welfare for all the children that would fall into their system. It is a money issue and it is racist because these clinics are mostly in welfare districts.

  8. Mike Pence was also in charge of the covid pandemic—to do what was right for the nation—look how that turned out

      1. I disagree with you. Fauci, BRIX and the CDC lied to America. They withheld info until Biden was elected because they didn’t want to “associate” with Trump. You know politics before science. Fauci says talking about him is talking about science. What a crock of poopy.

  9. Pence is 100% right! He and DJT will never see eye to eye again because Pence could have stopped what was happening!! He showed his true colors that day —RINO PUKE YELLOW! He is a COWARD and ran and hid behind some hyperbole in our Constitution that he twisted around to his benefit.

    WRONG PENCE! Not only did pence lose DJT’s trust, but all of the Patriots who supported DJT want absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH PENCE — NOT NOW OR IN THE FUTURE!

    PENCE: Time to hang up your “Political Dream” career! No Conservative will ever vote for you again! Why don’t you go lick biddyboy’s boots. He may like a new personal servant to entertain him!

  10. Pence is a lying obfuscator, In no way can the process see Pence handing Trump a second term – the role of the VP is to put the decision back to the states with each state having one vote – the system was designed to overcome the very thing we saw in the November election – electoral college fraud fraud – election theft.
    Again Pence is a Lying obfuscator, bringing shame to American Masonry

  11. And this scumbag wants to run for president LOL I won’t vote for a traitor of my country we all know they cheated and sooo didn’t he… He is part of the swamp, People seem to think that swamp is only in DC it is not they have been working a long long time to move there regs and laws and people into position all over this country just look at the school board meetings people arrested for voicing the disgust and saying no to there BS it is time to push back like never before get involed folks of you will regret it BIG TIME!!!!!

  12. I always had the greatest respect for Mike Pence and believed in my heart that if something happened to Donald Trump that Pence would step in and be a fine President. He has strayed from his commitment and while he might be right about his lack of authority he has demonstrated his disrespect for President Trump on several occasions. It is all about the “power” of the office of the President which seems to captivate politicians. Trump was the real deal, rough around the edges, (the Rodney Dangerfield type) but his focus was never about Donald Trump but always about making America Great Again.

    1. Pence is a great actor, who was playing a role until he no longer had to and the real Pence showed his true colors. Quite a shame really

  13. Pence is, yet again, throwing Trump under the bus. The ONLY THING Pence should have done was tell the senate that they needed to pick ten people to form a committee to look into ALL of the complaints and ALL of the evidence. It would have taken them a few weeks!!!!! That is ALL Pence had to do!!!
    He’s a back stabber and the only thing he might be elected, from now on, is dog catcher!!!!!

    1. True, but didn’t fit the mind set of the real Pence. He had an agenda, and unfortunately he executed it.

    2. Pence isn’t even in the running, the rinos who work for the Democrats are trying to weazle him back into the limelight and into running for office again. Hes another wild card for them to use.

  14. Spoken like a true and blued politician…gone from a Christian to a Satan worshiper. Would be interesting to know if he’s in Epstein’s little black book!?

      1. I read an article about these people getting $2 million to write a book. The aim was that they received no money until the $2 million was paid back from the book sales. George Soros’ name was mentioned as being involved. Can’t remember the name of the Company but Pence was supposed going to write 2 books for them. The people who worked for the Company demanded they not accept Pence. But they accepted Hunter Biden. He was paid $2 million but hasn’t sold even a third of the money he was given. Is the $2 million a payment for something they want?

    1. yes, and I BELIEVE that God’s message is to wake up Americans, you have Freedom and Liberty under God, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT !! WAKE UP AMERICANS!!!

  15. Pence is a Rino’s ass. He will be gone with the rest of them dumb asses. I know he couldn’t do anything on January 6th but his nonsupport for President Trump just killed most of his votes for anything. He’s no good. We know who most of the swamp is now and it’s time to drain it.


    1. Are you saying Mike Pence is a pedophile, Patricia? I may not agree with what he did, does, and says, and I love President Trump. But I have never — never — heard anything like that about him!! I would certainly like to see references for same if you have any? Thank you.

  17. He is going to eat those words! There are dirty vile things in his past that should put him in prison! He will pay for his treason and sedition! Did this Judas get the remaining coins from those vile creatures?! May he rot in hell for all his crimes against humanity!

  18. Mr. Vice President, are you outa your cotton-pickin’ mind? You chose the path of least resistance, methinks.

  19. Pence you betrayed ALL the folks who voted for President Trump! You invalidated our votes and for that you are a traitor to this country, and to those who voted for President Trump! Its now clear in my mind exactly the kind of person you really are and this betrayal will not serve you well. You are responsible for the misery this country is now having to endure, TRUMP/DE SANTIS 2024!

  20. Mike Pence is disappointing to say the least..!! He’s proven himself to be a DEEP STATE ButtKisser…!! IMO, his political career is OVER…!! Now, he’ll probably become a lobbyist for Big Pharma or one of the other Oligarchs..!!

  21. I have been thinking all along that Pence was probably the “leaking mole” in President Trump’s Administration..!! He’s about as Deep State as they come..!!

  22. You sir are a non-Christian traitor anyone that can certify a false hood is not a Christion at all

  23. That is Satan working through that mam’s lips. You wanna go for the root of the problem? Attack through the airwaves.

  24. Whether he had the Authority or not , he should not be Slandering the TRUE PRESIDENT (COMMANDER IN CHIEF) .
    If not for those RIGGED machines and Wealthy HIGH TECH people he would still be in the WHITE House.
    He was our greatest PRESIDENT, bar none.
    He was and still is for protecting Americans, and our COUNTRY. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP !!!!!

  25. Either Pence is too dumb to see the truth, or he was bought off by the far-left Democrats. The chances are? 50/50. Pence could have and should have returned the contested delegates to the various state legislators for proofing. He had a very good historical example from none other than Thomas Jefferson in 1800. His stated idea that “one man” should never elect the president is a total “red herring” – and he fully knows it. He sold out Donald Trump, and did it on purpose! He did not see Trump as enough of an “elitist” to be the American president, and thought he was too “crude” to be in that high office. Pence is more than a little “elitist” himself, and could even be considered a bit of a “royalist” – in the old British use of the term. He is a poor second to Trump, as much as I disagree with much of what Trump did..

    He made the most disastrous mistake in American political history, and we, the people, are paying for HIS mistake.

  26. How can any true American Patriot be proud of the Nov, 2020 Presidential election? The polls in all the urban counties of the battleground states all shut down and machines were recalibrated and questionable ballots (virtually 100% going for Biden) were added to the mix.

    Pence is a disgrace to honest elections.

  27. Guess Pence was not comfortable being VP next 4 yrs. Saw this as a way to be President in 2024. Sneaky way to get around Trump since he stood in the way of him being a presidential candidate in the future

  28. Pence you must live with your decision
    But if you truly believe that Biden is competent, and is really serving this country, please prayer for a sign.
    For abortion, destructions of jobs., Rights and the Constitution as the foundation of this country being deliberately misconstrued is not what he took in the oath of office.

  29. For sure there is one idea “more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.” That idea is that a group of criminals paid for by Mark Zuckerberg could steal election of the American President. And Mike Pence could possibly have forced an investigation into very severe allegations indicating this, Mike Pence folded when things got tough. Mike Pence is a failure.

  30. Now in hindsight I wonder if Pence was the leaker and person installed to keep Trump “In Line.” I would like to see the text that states Pence could reject the state certifications. I think it exists, but I need someone with far better understanding of our Constitution to cite it.

  31. Pence is a weak man. He belongs on the wall of shame. He had the ability to support the will of the people, and not the fraudulent election.

  32. Pence was weak! He was quick to elbow bump with Pelosi. Pence was looking out for his own best interests and a 2024 run. Pence is done ……he is a phony deep stater that gave American jobs to China. He never endorsed President Trump. It still puzzles me why Trump picked him to be hid running mate.


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