Twitter Trends with ‘Creepy Joe’ After Bizarre Press Conference

Gage Skidmore Flickr

Be careful before watching because this will give you nightmares.

Thursday afternoon President Biden’s bizarre and outright creepy behavior sent Twitter users into a frenzy causing the hashtag “creepy Joe” to take over the internet. Biden whispered to reporters during a press conference and it was impossible not to get a shiver down the spine and look away out of sheer embarrassment.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is our Command-in-Chief.

[jwplayer GrUBs6Vn-lzmB6GEw]

With behavior like this, it’s no wonder Republicans are begging President Biden to submit to a cognitive exam.

    1. Not to mention the sniffing of ladies, and lavish weird affections on women in public. I am sick of watching all this stuff while people just turn their heads, its sickening, and we have sunk to new lows in this country.

  1. This only confirms what we already knew. He should join Freddy on Elm Street. Somebody has got to control the mic & pull the cord when he’s like this.This is NOT funny.THIS IS SICK!

      1. Biden should be institutionalized for life because you don’t recover from his problems…they get progressively worse!
        BHO should be incarcerated for life because he is irredeemable and he can never recover, either!
        R-I-G-H-T? Both are 🖤🐗💩 and both are “dog faced pony soldiers!

      2. The problem with arrest, who is to do the arresting??Only police officers and conservative lawyers get arrested


    1. William……You bet…..the man IS creepy……
      but……how comfortable are you with
      Kamala Harris as President
      plus her choice of a new VP?

      1. You’re right – it could easily go from bad to worse. But we cannot allow this to go on. We’re the laughing stock of the world. And it’s clear Creepy Joe should be in a hospital

    2. This is what happens to a country that has abandoned Godly principles. We get the leaders we deserve, without God’s blessings. Biden can’t even take a cognitive test because he can’t pass it, and we are all in danger from the incompetence, and the lack of brain functions, and our enemies love it. Heck, look how the politicians tried to impeach President Trump for Totally doing his job and never pulling this favor your enemies crap. Trump is totally cognitive, smart, skilled, and experienced in leading.

    1. He has always been WORTHLESS !!

    1. One is Joe Biden in a BHO suit and the other is Joe Biden in his creepy suit! Either way, they are one/and the same with one mind between them!

  3. What’s happening? Biden is putting small businesses out of business by giving the low level worker more money than the employer can make. Since Biden has never had to make a business profitable enough to stay in business he’s basically clueless. All he’s ever had to do is confiscate funds from American taxpayers to pay for whatever it is he actually does. He doesn’t have to keep books and make enough to keep the doors open…he just sticks his hand in your pocket or purse and takes what he wants.
    Now we have people who just stay at home and watch TV, or go fishing, but they never have to be productive members of society. He’s making this a country of human parasites and leeches.

    1. He’s not worried, he still gets his checks from CHINA, along with POS son HUNTER.

    2. Socialism/communism = dependency on big government
      Dems are getting the working class people accustomed to living under communism but, what they are not telling them is the calamity, poverty, lack of medical care and starvation when the money runs out! A few people working cannot produce enough to feed and care for America’s 330+ million people!

      1. Did you add all the illegal aliens? According to a Yale/MIT report there were 22 – 35 million illegal aliens in America while Biden kept saying 11 million. That number was used for about 10 -15 years.

  4. This guys worse than a creepy, like father,like son,both are corrupt,racist,sexualpervs,sick,evil,lying,narcisist,dirty,rotten criminals, caught in pay to play,and not a dam thing done. Neither can be trusted as far as u could throw them, the whole family cartel is involved.

      1. ‘Wonder how many of those Latino kids, who have been temporarily housed in the shelters at the border, will be strategically relocated to Pedo J’s basement. OR someplace like E***ein’s Island for their play toys… HC sure tried to “rescue” young children from Haiti after an earthquake. NOTHING our so-called government does will ever surprise me anymore. And, yes, we have become the laughing stock of the world…

        1. I guess everything is relative however, taking almighty God’s name in vain is breaking one of the “Ten Commandments” of the Lord and is something Christians take very seriously!

  5. I talked today with a man who was soding my lawn. He told me: ‘Everything you hear is true. We cannot find workers. There was a demonstration on the steps of the Capitol today to protest the cancellation of free stimulus payments. I cannot find people who want to work.’ Joe Blow has done his dead-level best to cancel the work ethic in favor of a guaranteed monthly wage. Next bus stop on the line: abject dependency on Big Government and socialist totalitarianism. Get off the bus NOW! .

    1. Literally paying people more to sit home than work is not being done by the Dems because they give a rat’s rear about the people. It is to acclimate the working class people to become dependent on big government for their money and care in the march to socialism/communism! There is not enough money in the world to pay for a socialist/communist system. It is designed to fail because until the system implodes in on itself people are confident it is going to work because they have money but, it will reach a point at which it will fail financially quickly. Businesses will fail, jobs will be gone, there will be no medical services, there will be no money to buy anything and not enough food if you had money to buy food! Oh, who will take care of us…..the government, of course! They will have what money there is and give us just enough to keep us alive and working for them and they will own us and all we have! That’s communism just like in China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and many other countries around the planet. Some try to call “it” socialism but the difference in socialism and communism is a pretty bow on top! Don’t take my opinion, do your own research and you will find what I tell you is truth and factual!

  6. Joe Biden just made other world leaders laugh at America when Joe Biden did this on national TV. Joe is a joke

    1. And he has turned our country and us into one big practical joke and the world is laughing at all of us!

  7. Hilarious!!
    This is the goof that the media goofs, antifa goofs, blm scamming goofs, education goofs, school board goofs, Pro sports goofs, corporate CEO goofs, suburban college educated white women goofs, young white college indoctrinated wokey goofs, Hollywood goofs all wanted elected President.
    All of the goofs 🏆 won!!!!!

  8. Good grief! This gets worse by the day. His handlers should rope him, drag him to his room, and tie him up for the rest of his term. And get him a medical exam for god’s sake.

  9. The socialist/Marxist Democrats are using addled old Joe Biden as a figurehead while working to turn the US into a Communist “worker’s paradise” like Communist Russia after fixing the last election just like Joe Stalin would have done. This is consistent. Democrats are functioning just like Communist Russia with all its corrupt federal law enforcement (FBI), fixed elections, and controlled media.

  10. This is the weirdest person to ever serve as President, strange, and afflicted. God does not bless this stollen election, nor does he bless dishonest people.

    1. And, if the rest of us (who voted for DJT) don’t pray for God to save America, He is not going to bless America and us and we are going to lose our beloved country!

      1. There is a point in time when God decides (the wound is incurable,) Nahum 3:19, that evil and corruption, sin, immorality has become too ingrained in the system despite most of the honorable, moral, hard working, honest people. the Bible clearly states there is a “point of no return”. when a nation is in rebellion against God. It is the tipping point where God decides to deliver the nation from remedial judgment to complete destruction. FOR EXAMPLE: God told Jeremiah to tell the people of Judah that their nation was going to be destroyed Jeremiah 30. Their injury was serious because the iniquity is great and their sins were numerous. God will not tolerate unrepented sin forever. Our nation is in full blown rebellion against God, the same way Rome and Sodom and Gomorrah were. Romans 1:18. The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Look how the media, the politicians, and other anti-God groups have lied to the people.

  11. Joe Biden is a failure for all Americans! He has done nothing good in his presidency or have s 47 years before that! No democrat can give you an honest answer of anything good this pervert has ever done!

  12. This creepster is our spineless leader, give me a break, this babbling,buffoon, is the laughing stock of america, and the world. We have a president and vp that are totally unfit for office, both these pathetic phonies, need to be impeached, and run out of office. Then they need to be locked up for impersonating the two top spots in government.

  13. Remember when the Democrats were calling for invoking the 25th Amendment on Trump, who had given us the most dynamic economy we’d had in decades? I wonder why we haven’t heard any calls for that for creepy Joe?

    1. Because the Dems control Congres, the top of the House and Senate have a (D) behind their names and Biden has a (D) behind his name! That is the only reason he is not being either impeached or having the 25th amendment invoked!

  14. Yes it is creepy, but the sly I’m going to whisper what I am really thinking to you so nobody else catches on, is classic for Alzheimer’s patients. As the disease progresses this becomes more prevalent. I watched my Mother do this, she did it all the time.

    1. I understand Biden is having a lot more anger issues with every day that passes and understand it gets really nasty and loud behind closed doors at the Whitehouse, I think that is classic Alzheimers progression also! I am sure Biden realizes something is wrong but, would never accept what it is.

  15. These crazy people don’t know when they need to RETIRE after being embedded in the Government System for DECADES.


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