Joe ‘Mr. Diplomacy’ Biden Sinks Special Relationship

President Donald J. Trump huddles with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the United Nations General Assembly on Manhattan, September 24, 2019. Official White House Photo: Shealah Craighead.

NEW YORK — “We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again,” President Joe Biden pledged in his January 20 inaugural address. He announced on February 4: “America is back. Diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.”

Despite such loud promises that he would make America’s alliances great again, Biden’s initially foolish, now fatal, Afghan catastrophe has atomized U.S. international ties as if with a MOAB, not least with America’s best friends abroad.

Biden has blitzed the United States’ Special Relationship with the United Kingdom. The US and UK have been BFFs since soon after memories of the War of 1812 faded. America and Britain jointly defeated Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin’s heirs, and al-Qaeda & Co. Uncle Sam has stood shoulder to shoulder with John Bull overseas and proudly advanced common ideals, with Anglophone good cheer.

Biden also inherited the cordiality that President Donald J. Trump enjoyed with Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This pair of husky, swaggering conservatives with dramatic blond hair shared an endearing older brother/younger brother vibe and an upbeat, productive rapport. Trump had a highly successful visit to the UK just before D-Day’s 75th anniversary. Queen Elizabeth II welcomed him warmly.

Biden cracked all of this over his wobbly knee.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan revealed this about Biden on August 17, three days after Kabul imploded: “He has not yet spoken with any other world leaders.” Biden’s blackout included Prime Minister Johnson who repeatedly rang Biden and was neither called back nor patched through for a mind-blowing 36 hours. In fact, Biden took Johnson’s call about three hours after Sullivan’s embarrassing admission.

How convenient.

Biden’s failure to communicate with the UK trickled down to the US military. As Steve Swinford reported in London’s The Times newspaper, “Senior [British] military commanders have also not been party to key discussions between the U.S. and the Taliban, so were left in the dark about when they could be forced to pull out.”

The bipartisan rage from across the waves aches the ears of Americans who love Great Britain as much as it must pain the mouths of Britons who love America.

“The abandonment of Afghanistan and its people is tragic, dangerous, unnecessary, not in their interests and not in ours,” former Labour British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote on August 21. Biden’s calamitous mission “seems almost designed to parade our humiliation,” Blair added. He observed that Biden retreatedin obedience to an imbecilic political slogan about ending the forever wars’…We did it with every jihadist group around the world cheering.

One British Cabinet minister anonymously told The Times, “The U.S. remains by far and away our most important ally, but we are not the U.S.’s most important ally by some stretch.” 

Another minister said: “The US had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the First World War. They turned up late for the Second World War, and now they are cutting and running in Afghanistan.”

This rare, Biden-fueled Anglo-American tension even has infected US and UK ground forces in Afghanistan.

“Allies were not told in advance of the accelerated pull out and were blind-sided when the Americans snuck out of Bagram airbase under cover of darkness,” British journalist Tim Marshall of Reaction reported Sunday. 

Later, according to Marshall, “a blazing row” erupted between a senior officer with the UK’s 2nd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment and a top commander with the US 82nd Airborne Division.

“Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue from the 82nd Airborne ordered the British officer to cease operations outside of the airport perimeter fence because it was embarrassing the American military and angering the Taliban,” Marshall reported. “The conversation allegedly ended when the Maj. General was called a ‘bastard’ by a British Major, and the senior British officer told the American to ‘f*** off!’”

Joe Biden ruined America’s best friendship in record time.

Seven months down, 41 months to go.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research. Bucknell University’s Michael Malarkey contributed research to this opinion piece.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.

  1. That picture is photo cropped not actually happening as they want use to believe sorry bunch of politicians not worth the salt that goes in their food give Biden a ice cream and put him to bed so he don’t screw something else up

  2. Biden is clearly a danger to America and must be impeached immediately. Come on, Republican legislators – grow some conjones!

    1. Connie Mays at this time the Senate is 50-50 with Headboard Harris as the tie-breaker and it has to go thru a Demonrat controlled House first and that won’t happen that’s why the Republicans have to at least win back the House and Senate, don’t forget Pelosi’s witch-hunt of January 6th she’s still going thru with that despite the fact that the FBI couldn’t find any proof that Trump and his supporters had anthing to do with it IMO Pelosi has an unhealthy obsession with Trump!

      1. The FBI didn’t find any proof against President Trump (not just because there wasn’t any) but because they were involved in it!

      2. Yes, but it has to be a veto-proof majority in the house and the Senate, if anything is to be accomplished. Otherwise, conservatives have to play defense for 2 years.

  3. Biden recall or the democrat party will become just a memory.White House now, all Biden phone calls are private, are we now in some type of dictatorship governennt? Time for these clowns to go, Public servants like joe biden, don’t have private conversations, with world leaders on the phone, this is why, the phone calls are on recorder and listen in on, by white house security etc, so are the white house logs, which Biden also likes to hide from our public view. Guess also those many conversations over in China, where he and Hunter cut that billion and half dollar deal while on the tax payors dime.Time for any traitors to pay for their crimes against America. Biden has sold our Country down the drain, Where does their loyalty end, Bidens, foreign interest? it’s more then obivious joe biden is making decisions against our American people, this is what happens, when money is exhanged for loyality, the bidens have accepted enormous amounts of money from Russia China as he held the VP office, What did they do, promise to get that money? We are at a point it’s time, for the Biden’s to explain their actions and motives. He will be impeached for his actions an forced to explain his role in aiding China and Russia, the decisions he makes on their behalf. Biden’s Plans are National Security risk, under the left’s thinking in our Country, it should not seem unreasonable to exchange, joe biden for any hostages left behind, all things considered, it should be OK, we left fellow Americans our allies behind, in a war zone right? on a battlefield, that was OK . We left 80 billion dollars plus of hard earned tax payor equipment behind, for no good reason, guess what, that was OK too. The only problem is that the Taliban probably wants him less then we do, there happy exactly where biden is at, as you can easily see their was no justification to why biden, his generals or his cabinet heads, to make the unAmerican decisions they did, leave Allies, Americans, Equiptment to the established declared enemy’s of the United States.

  4. BIden has repaired his alliances – With China – Iran – Afghanistan – he’s opened our borders to our enemies and punished American citizens on a daily basis – he has driven inflation thru the roof. Why is anyone surprised. He campaigned on undoing everything that Trump had accomplished. You may have noticed that sorry assed left wing comedians are out of business – they have nothing to “joke” about anymore. Sucks to be wrong huh Noah? Kimmel? Colbert? Baldwin?

  5. Joe Biden is the worst of all Treasonous Fools, for he’s defiant about his Idiocy and way too stubborn to admit he’s wrong. A perfect Sixties Liberal if ever there was one. Where’s Raid cockroach spray when its needed

    1. Biden and Harris are not the only communists running the show…..they’re just there for show…..what’s behind the curtain is so ugly, so filthy, so corrupt…’s called the Chinese Communist Party and now it’s in our White House, executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch…….

  6. Biden can’t communicate intelligently with a First Grader, what makes you think he can keep a decent conversation with England’s Prime Minister? That old feebleminded FOOL is the BIGGEST DANGER AND EMBARRASSMENT TO THE UNITED STATES! Please God send something to take that old Fool away—any place but the U.S.!!

    Half the time biddyboy “thinks” he is playing in a video game by the actions he is making! The other half of his life is spent searching for the White House restroom! He keeps forgetting where it is. That makes for a messy situation! I bet he has a box of Depends under his desk for emergencies!

    Come on INTELLIGENT AMERICANS! Don’t you see what is happening right in front of our eyes? Biddy is FAILING faster than a hot air balloon that sprung a leak! His administration is nothing but airhead losers that cannot express themselves but always say the same thing: “I’ll get back to you on that.” Which means end of a one way discussion!

    There is ABSOLUTELY NO DECENT INFO EVER COMING FROM BIDEN NOR HIS ADMINISTRATION! It’s like they are secretly running this government to hide their inadequacies as a federal govt employee!!


    Biden and his lackeys must be removed from OUR WHITE HOUSE, NOT HIS WHITE HOUSE, BUT “OUR” WHITE HOUSE! He never belonged there from the beginning and must be removed FORCIBLY NOW! Any ideas how this can be done so we can sanitize the White House from all the stupidity that stains it’s walls?


  7. Nothing but a house of incapable and despicable people. They will try to ruin our country. They hate us and want turn the US into a sewer. Time to clean house has come. I’m ready.

  8. From all his executive actions it appears that when Biden was Vice President under Obama and Muslim adviser Valery Jarret – Biden converted to Shiite Islam. Since the inauguration we are seeing Biden’s his pro-jihad actions at work
    Its the only answer that makes sense.
    All Biden’s actions are irresponsible to the UNITED STATES and beneficial to Jihad Islam.
    You cannot make this up

    1. Didn’t you hear in the media that Biden is “a devout Catholic” who is quite “religious?”
      I mean, don’t ALL good Catholics support infanticide and all forms of sexual confusion?

      1. Not Traditional Catholic’s sir. Read the book “The Rhine Flows into the Tiber” and “Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre” to find out what really happened to the Catholic Church after 1962 Vatican Council II.

      2. yes, and I remember Obama was touted as a devout christian, until he admitted he will stand with Muslims if SHF. Obama is illegal alien who usurped Office b y fraud I.D. and racism and PELOSI/HAWAII POLITICAL corruption with total biased media support to censor all facts about Obama, Now HARRIS IS ALSO ILLEGAL ALIEN not eligible for POTUS usurping VP Office by way of MASSIVE FRAUD in 2020Election to install her and Biden. America is in Constitutional Crisis, and those corrupt officials in authority are protecting Biden, Harris, and Obama instead of USA. We need President Trump now more than ever IMMEDIATELY, We the People lawfully elected President Trump for his 2nd Term that isbeinfg usurped by criminals Biden/Harris, et al.

  9. Hidenbiden is an embarrassment, he is running a circus, with a bunch of clown,generals, who need to step down,with blinken,sullivan, and all the other minions who were in volved in this disaster,and catastrophe that has left hundreds of hostages, with no way out.They all need to be removed ,and then arrested and charged with treason ans espionage.

  10. Our IIC (Imbecile-In-Chief) won’t last through 41 “sundownings” let alone 41 months. After that, it’ll be interesting to see how the communists use HUH (Heels-Up-Harris). I predict the democrats will lead her impeachment.

    1. O-Biden/Harris, et. al;., are racing to destroy USA before We the People take direct action to arrest them out of the WH and install our lawfully re-elected President Trump to tru to save what is left and lead our Nation to secure borders, bring Americans home from all Muslim-run countries, re-establish USA as World Leader for Peace, Freedom, Human Rights, Economic Stability, Education, Military Power and Allied Power to protect and defend our Christian-God Inspired Constitution FOR the USA! Without our Christian-God and our Constitution FOR the USA, there is no USA.

  11. Biden is a moving but mindless disaster waiting to happen everyday. What new conundrums will he plot, to destroy the once greatest nation on planet earth.

    1. HE doesn’t plot anything; he simply reads the scripts prepared for him. Remember a short time ago when a reporter asked him a question about Afghanistan? His response was “I’m told not to talk about Afghanistan” or something close to what I quoted.

      Nuff said.

  12. Biden didn’t even have the courtesy to remove his sunglasses when he met the Queen before the G7 Summit, courtesy is a foreign word to him!

  13. Question? Are there still enough pro-American brass in the military to overcome this Biden/Democrat disaster? When Barack Obama was first elected, the American military should then have removed the civilian government, as being anti American and unacceptable. They didn’t do it then. NOW, it is even more critical, and the pentagon seems even more helpless in the face of Joe Biden, the completely crooked Democrat Party, and the most anti- American, pro-socialist, pro-Communist social movement in the history of the country. We have even had a small demonstration of what it would be like to have civil war, yet again, in the country with blood in the streets, and brother again fighting brother. Congratulations, Democrats. You are well on the way to doing what the war in 1860 could NOT do – destroy the American dream.

  14. Joe Biden was the wrong man at the wrong time! He actually wasn’t at all suited to the work that he had to do to keep America running well! There were enough problems for those who are sound of mind and body but Biden was suited for neither! It will be much better when he is removed from congress as he is really having a difficult time as Pres. of America!

  15. We and Great Britain and all of our trusty allies are reaping the bitter results of the engineered COVID scam. A virus per CDC >99% survivable was falsely inflated into The Black Plague of the 21st century to enable the fraudulent mail-in ballots. We lost our rightful President through massive voter fraud, accepted and certified by a milquetoast VP and now America is very nearly in the toilet. You cannot negotiate with the Taliban, who are sworn to take US down. And now they have an impressive arsenal of American weapons which Biden and his ‘woke’ military goons left behind in the desert. They are now so concerned with anti-racism, LGBTQ and eradicating conservative ‘extremists’ in the ranks that they have lost sight of their primary mission: to protect America and to win WARS. We had better pray and pray HARD. And don’t forget: 9/11 is only four days away!

  16. First POTUS in history to be condemned by the British Parliament. The article also fails to mention that British troops went into the city and rescued British citizens as well as a few Americans, which was why the American command was so angry. The Biden administration refused to allow our troops to go look for Americans.


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