Liberals are losing their minds as the Supreme Court determined that the Biden administration and the CDC lacked the constitutional authority to ban evictions.
Most rational-minded Americans understood that this type of ban would have to be passed by Congress.
NBC News reported on the decision:
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court late Thursday blocked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from enforcing the federal moratorium on evicting renters during the coronavirus pandemic, a defeat for the Biden administration’s effort to continue the moratorium even though the court had signaled that the action lacked the proper legal basis.
“Congress never gave the CDC the staggering amount of power it claims,” the landlords argued in their filing in the Supreme Court.
The justices agreed:
“It would be one thing if Congress had specifically authorized the action that the CDC has taken. But that has not happened,” they wrote. “Instead, the CDC has imposed a nationwide moratorium on evictions in reliance on a decades-old statute that authorizes it to implement measures like fumigation and pest extermination.”
The opinion added, “It strains credulity to believe that this statute grants the CDC the sweeping authority that it asserts.”
Representative Cori Bush (D-Mo.) lost her mind. The Democrat spends big money on private security while demanding the police be defunded:
“We were outside the Capitol for 5 days. Rain. Heat. Cold. If they think this partisan ruling is going to stop us from fighting to keep people housed, they’re wrong. Congress needs to act immediately. For every unhoused or soon to be unhoused person in our districts.”
The right of property owners has been rightly returned.
Justices, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor dissented openly.
About time they DID something for America business!
it’s not just American business. millions of people have invested their hard earned money in rental properties in order to make extra income. My next door neighbor is a dead-beat renter that hasn’t paid rent since March een though he still works and refuses to move out and he won’t take care of the place. The owner, another one of my neighbors, can’t get the scumbag out. Now he can, hopefully!
It’s time all deadbeats to do the right thing instead of taking advantage of other people’s hard work.
Yes, I am one of them who is counting on my return of my hard earned money invested in rental property. This is part of my retirement.
Evict him for other violations of the lease. Under the moratorium, the cannot be evicted for not paying rent, but they CAN be evicted for other lease violations. From what it sounds like, the tennants have violated the lease by neglecting or abusing the property.
My son has lost $22,000.00 on one property as he has had to pay the mortgage regardless…………it’s really been tough on him.
When is this insanity of the hidenbiden administration,going to end, when we remove all of these incompetent, idiots from office, for treaon and espionage.
And the fraud is rampant in the recall in CA. Old Nanc has the dim wit fraud machines in full force for there nephew!
I wonder if Larry Elder still believes that there was no fraud in last November’s election.
We have to have Faith that God is over all. I for one am voting
for Larry Elder. A lot of democrats and independents are voting for him too!
ONLY sure justice end to dem dictators is public execution as examples for treason ! Rope is cheap and there will be many miles necessary for all dem leader’s on spot justice !
If by “many miles” you mean for hangings, no need – rope is REUSABLE!! 🙂
Ah, but the revenge is sweeter if you hang them with a new rope!
Phil in TX
So sad that low life’s can no longer live rent free while spending their money on big screen tv’s and other unnecessary garbage!!! Hah hah hah
Sniffel… sniffel … so sad …NOT!
If i remember correctly, he’s ignoring it!
What, the Usurper in chief, Obiden.
If there never was a “DAH !!” moment… we got one now~!!
The Supreme Court shouldn’t “do” anything for business OR renters. They should follow the Constitution. That’s why justice is always depicted as a figure wearing a blindfold.
Cori Bush, if YOU want to fight to “keep people housed” — why don’t you donate some of your salary to low-income renters? Hold fund-raisers for them? Use your fame for something besides your own self-aggrandizement?
That goes for any other endeavor. If YOU want to help out financially or in other ways, you will not be stopped.
You may donate money and time to any cause you want. But don’t expect public funds to do your work for you.
Wow, so right!!
What would she do if the shoe was on the other foot? If she was renting a house to someone and they didn’t pay up on time she would use her right and all the laws to evict them .
There is another way to get free housing, (join the military).
she is not interested in justice, she’s interested in publicity.
We did not have those chances during the Bush Adm where one loses everything immediately, unlike the moratorium moments
if smart one would been planning
Oh dear, means everyone will have to get back to work and pay their bills like the rest of us.
“Everyone” except, blm, antifa terrorist thugs that dem leaders support for their nazi type gestapo to loot & riot for the dems phony stats to pass commie laws and be dictators !
i hate to say it but they are 100% right in deciding this . The people that own those properties don’t get relief from bank or taxes that the same government imposed on there property to rent is that stupid or what
But they did pay lost rent to rental corporations.
Imagine that, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor dissented!
Yep. The liberals always side with the criminals, malefactors, etc. as VICTIMS. I’m sure the poor landlords and landowners also have mortgages to pay on the properties they own and are not collecting the rent which pays the bills. This is not bloody Britain where a clannish tribe of royals owns gazillions of acres of property rent-free. No, the landlords here invest in properties hoping for income to feed their families.In this case the poor landlords are the REAL VICTIMS.
You can’t break a liberal’s heart. They don’t have one!!
Nor a brain but the vacuum between their ears, like biden, will implode for justice !
Ya, they only have a thumping gizzard .
It’s going to take a L-O-N-G time and a L-O-T of Common Sense -Constitution based Decisions to restore any kind of trust and respect of the SCOTUS by American citizens. We EXPECT fair and just COMMON SENSE decisions that invoke our Constitution FROM ALL JUSTICES – AND NOT BASE DECISIONS ALONG POLITICAL PARTY LINES .
SCOTUS has to “END” the dem losers terms in U.S.Government and support their treason indictments that are very destructive to U.S.A. along with impeaching biden and cronies !
The fact that Cori Bush feels responsible for “…fighting to keep people housed…” exposes her as an incurable communist. She and those like her believe the government is America’s sole property owner and is responsible for residents. Further, the fact that Justices, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor dissented, reveals how near we are to slipping into the communist abyss.
Yea, just like the fraudulent, American hating (muslim loving) Obiden. Responsible for putting our men in harms way and leaving.
That was no accident & all the proof is obvious when biden abruptly E.O.’d the U.S. pull out without concern for U.S. Citizens escape from terrorists ! Treason aiding & abetting U.S. enemies by giving the isis & taliban $$’s and weapons !
We are already there. The repuplicans are tring to get us out of it.
These renters (most of them) have had unemployment insurance and money added to that plus the stimulus money, they should have to pay all the back rent owed to these landlords who have had to pay their mortgage payments, insurance, real estate taxes, upkeep, etc. while the scum have been living in their property rent free. Thank you to the Supreme Court.
Thank you Lord.
These people are so delusional it’s shocking. The Democrats don’t even try to hide the fact their lying. Case in point, “We were outside the Capitol for 5 days. Rain. Heat. Cold…fighting to keep people housed…” Why would anyone believe this woman? She blatantly lies while claiming to be fighting to keep people housed?? Our country is in serious trouble. There are too many idiots voting for these liars without concern for their freedom (and ours)!! Just promise to give them something for nothing and they’ll ignore your lies.
Oops! -the fact *they’re* lying
The question for me is, did SCOTUS slap the CDC and the administration for their obvious disrespectful behavior in blatantly ignoring the Court’s prior ruling on this?.
King Biden breaking the law again,Crocodile tears from Biden, We have to hold those in charge for our Countries both losses human and materially criminally responsible If we don’t, we will not have any nation moving forwad. Biden, his back room bafouns have to pay a price for their unAmerican actions. It’s obivious boots on the ground advise, were totally ignored, trying to blame Trump is gutless , giving the names of standed Americans to the enemy is treason to the Taliban, need i say more? Mussolini was strung up for less,If the Public can’t see the biden’s taking a billion dollars from China is not corruption we deserve what is currenty happening. Is their no loyalty from the swamp today for our Country? We now have a stain on our Country that will never go away the least we can do is have the biden’s and his band of cowards go away.
So landlords who still have to pay their mortgages should continue to house squatters who refuse to go back to work????
Everywhere I go I see HIRING SIGNS. People are purposefully staying home to receive joe’s checks. Sorry if you end up on the street.
As for the CDC. Who the hell gave them such power? They’re corrupt and have become political. No wonder no one believes them.
Was a landlord back in the 60s … got it stuck in my ass real good … vowed then “never again” … Hey, what about “mortgage payment forgiveness” … what is good for one, should be good for all … Just askin …
That’s good news for a change from them; However, from all of their other past decisions, I’m still going to refer to them as the Un-Supreme court.
He broke the law again, with another one of his executive mandates, it had to go to our highest court at the tax payors expense, in order to enforce the law, Biden can’t make laws, only Congress can, why is there someone in office who has such little regard for our government and the laws of our land? Impeachment time.
Ummm … just curious. When did the Center for Disease Control become a branch of our Federal government?
Does anyone in the Democrat/Communist/Muslim Party even pretend to follow the Laws of the Land any more?
We have to demo this rental property.
the smell was bad
more pics. Free toilet seat for anyone that wants it.
The CDC needs to be slamdunked on a whole lot more.
Congress does not have the right or authority to empower the CDC to make such decisions.The CDC are not a group of elected officials .We do not vote for these fools. This was illegal from the beginning. We don’t need the Supreme Court to rule on something that was illegal and unconstitutional from the beginning. These are litmus tests to see how ignorant the population has become about how our government is supposed to work.People better learn the Bill of Rights,the Constitution and the branches of our govt and their roles…becasue they are all being abused and attacked in some form or another in order to take away our freedoms.The politicization of this virus is a great example.
How is Congress going to pass an unconstitutional law? It can’t. Govt cannot simply take goods or services without reciprocal compensation., for the same reason govt can’t forgive college debt without reciprocal compensation to those owed the debt. Renters haven’t been forgiven any debt. The debt has simply been deffered to a later date. Of course they can do this. Who’s going to stop them? The Judicial branch can tout all the Constitutional rhetoric they want, but they can’t enforce it without the Executive Branch. Law enforcement is the purview of the Executive Branch. The only legal course then, after the Executive Branch tyranically ignores the Constitution and the Judicial Branch imposing whatever policy thecwant, is for the people to have Congress impeach the administration leadership. But how will that work when the administration leadership is simply the puppet of the majority political party in Congress? What happens when renters can’t pay the landlords the back rent when it comes due, and the landlords can’t pay mortgages on the rental property AND personal lodging to the financial organizations? It’s was ironic when I met a homeless person that owned rental property, evicted by the bank after his personal home was foreclosed on. Can’t sell his rental properties, because they have tennants who aren’t paying rent and can’t be evicted in favor of someone who can pay rent. He will most likely lose those fully owned properties as well to the State, since he can’t pay the property taxes. This administration is intentionally and irresponsibly sabotaging Capitalism by causing businesses and owners to fail with overreaching restrictions that will require Socialist policies, criminal under our Constitution, to overcome. It was completely avoidable. It is obvious their goal is to create unnecessary circumstances that will require tyranical Socialist mandates to overcome.