Democrats are nervous they will not be able to keep their majority in Congress heading into the 2022 midterm elections. Now, the Democrat Party is getting more bad news as the number of registered Republicans in Florida is poised to outnumber Democrats.
Newsmax reports:
Democrats had 23,055 more registered voters than Republicans in the Sunshine State at the end of August — that was down from the 700,000 voters advantage President Barack Obama won the state in 2008.
“Without a full-frontal, professional and accountable partisan effort to turn it around, sometime before the end of this year, there will be more Republicans registered in Florida than Democrats — that has NEVER happened before,” longtime Florida Democrat operative Steve Schale told Politico.
“And, given their voters have higher turnout scores — this isn’t a great place to start.”
“Democrats in Florida are facing a five-alarm political fire headed into the 2022 midterms,” Politico wrote. “They’ve known about it for years, but have been unable to extinguish the blaze.”
Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ popularity has helped push Floridians to become registered Republicans. The Sunshine State has long been considered a battleground state and Democrats have hoped to make moves with the prominent Latino population, however, they have ultimately fallen short of winning the key demographic over.
I was a Democrat untill the Obomination failed to keep all his campaign promises but one.
He “fundamentally changed America” for the worst.
Now that Grusom Newsom excaped recall, we are planning on fleeing California for Florida. Will more MAGA supporters be welcome?
Glad you see the truth. PLEASE make sure to leave your Democrat-self in California. Florida is doing well because the people in Florida vote Republican.
As for Obama, I could see he was going to be a disaster from the beginning. Unfortunately, neither John McCain nor Mitt Romney were much better options.
Well said; spot-on Dom!
Trump is the only Republican option.
That is why Biden is in White House and Trump is not.
Desantis would be a good presidential candidate, too. Trump could run for the Florida House. When Republicans take the house they could appoint Trump Speaker .. make that bitch hand the gavel over to him… LOL
Oooohhh, I LIKE that, Maureen!
He is in the whitehouse because he cheated like he always does.
Biden is in White House because Trump too weak to stop a sleepy old man from cheating
The Deep state supported by the globalist cabal and all their dishonesty, with the help of China and Dominion systems stole the election. Biden is terribly unpopular and totally defunct at doing anything productive.
Yes you will
I left California in 1993, bounced to Nashville, moved to Tampa Bay in 2013. I am a certified MAGA Republican. I left Nashville because I lost my 50 year old manufacturing company to China. I left California because I saw the bull scat piling up, moving the business to Nashville. I looove Florida; it rocks! Hell yeah, c’mon down, but we do not want to turn Florida into California. Goes for Yankees also. Conservatives are gonna kill it in 2022!!
You are a malcontent.
Conservatives got killed 2020.
And 2018.
They are on a roll….
Dream on, dude.
Obama told many lies that he was going do such great things for America and it turned out be nothing but bunch shuck-N-Jive
What were Obama’s lies?
”What were Obama’s lies?’
Well, how about that he was pro-American.
People who are angry losers always seem to go after the best things about our country because it’s safe here for them to do so. Does anybody think Obama and members of his Lefty ilk would be able to say the same things about China if they lived in China? Tearing good things apart seems to make angry people feel momentarily satisfied. But they always want more bad, are never happy unless they see somebody suffer. They think we are their enemy, they just don’t know how to succeed in their own lives.
Obama was not a loser.
Trump is.
Biden is in the White House. .
You think that they are your enemy.
Everyone who does not think like you is.
You backed the loser, a bigger loser than Biden.
You are SUCH a pathetic DICKHEAD! Go to your room…and STAY THERE! SCHEISSTKOPF!
Trump is not the current President.
He lives in Jersey.
Trump lives in Florida and I feel sorry for New Jersey who houses the bimbo bobble head who pees on himself as I have heard.Did you notice that you did not say the whitehouse?
Nah, he’s just a troll.
They are counting the fraudulant ballots in several states and already found millions of fraud. They arent thru yet. Other states are doing a recount also. Im anxios to see how many votes crooked Biden got that should have went to Trump
The latest AZ recount gave Biden more votes.
Which judges have seen the millions of fraudlent votes.
Facts matter.
As a matter of fact you backed the loser.
Your information came from fake news, and proved to be untrue. You need to open up your mind, if that’s possible, & see both sides. Yes there is always two sides to every story.
I really don’t know if you are illiterate, or just plain ignorant Your choice of presidents make’s no since you hate so much you can not see how much tragedy and corruption Biden has brought to our country. plus he is senile and is a laughing stock in other countries. Trump was a strong President and was the best President we ever had, in a very long time. Maybe you should go to another country to live, where you don’t have the freedom Biden is trying to take away from
we Americans. Have a good trip to where ever, we won’t miss people like you..
I have news for liars, you are all losers because your time for power is passing away and you will be judged by a power that is higher than mans.
Hey there Hess. I remember when Obama was a smooth orator at the Democratic Convention. He said “We are all Americans not African
Americans or White Americans” for example. Well, he turned out supporting the Florida kid who was shot by the Mexican and the black kid was a liar as were his parents. Obama also supported Michael Brown of Ferguson,Missouri who was a lying THUG. No respect for the half breed who embaresses the white half.
Trump would not be allowed to say the the things he does if he lived in China, they would put him in jail.
Trump may go to jail for things that he has said.
Trump is not happy unless he sees his ennimes suffer.
Trump has so many ennimes.
How many new one’s today?
That’s because Trump wouldn’t live in a socialist/communist country. Maybe you should move to China, that would be the best for you. Then you can see what you left behind, freedom, freedom. You love Biden the person who loves China & gets money from china & others, through his son.
The only enemies Trump has are the radical Democrats, the crazy four, people like you and stupid people.
Thats what queers do also known as bath house Barry.
Nothing to say make it gay.
Is that why you won’t talk to your uncle?
You hate that what he did to you felt so good and so wrong.
Republicans are moving to FL from CA in numbers. Every day I talk to people that have moved to the Sunshine State – more conservative, less taxes, easier to do business, more activities for retired and warmer ocean waters to name a few. My CPA still has his business in CA, but lives in FL full time, purchased a house on the waterway, and bought a boat. Friends followed. Yup – FL is looking good Ron. Keep it up –
How many people have moved from CA to FL this year other than your CPA?
FL to CA?
Numbers count.
One does not.
CA to FL, good riddance to bad rubbish.
You can tell a Native Floridian by his framed GED diploma.
How did build the wall go?
How many miles per year.
Thank God God Damn It Hell that there is no God Dam Obamacare!!!
Thanks to Trump endorsing that uppity Nigra Newsom won by a landslide..
People who can’t compete are fleeing CA.
Would you F Off you ignorant POS, surely you must realise at this stage that you are the most hated individual commenting here, you never get a thumbs up for any comment but plenty thumbs down. Time for you to leave the stage and F Off back to Auschwitz where your ould fellow incinerated the six million Jews in the 1940s.
wash your mouth out with soap. Newsoms opponent is a wonderful person. I can see you are racist.
Newsom’s opponet is BLM scum.
I can see you are a Nigra lover.
Or at least their stink stars.
Floridians welcome everyone who has figured out that the Democratic plan is socialism, One World Order, and death of our Constitution and freedoms. Those of you who actually want that anti-American nightmare, please stay where you are.
Hooray, next CA???
And BEFORE you can leave your room…EAT SHIT and DIE!
I am JSixer. I don’t eat fecal matter, I smear it so that everyone can enjoy the pungent aroma.
Total corruption probe into the bidens is long over do , how about it Congress ? Monday, September 13, 2021) Freedom Watch’s Citizens Grand Jury will put Joe Biden before its Citizens Grand Jury on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, and present evidence of alleged homicide, treason, involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and death to children to seek his indictment. The actions of Biden have caused the deaths of American servicemen and Afghan allies, and scores if not thousands are to be expected in the near, medium and long term at the hands of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists, as a result of the recently obtained arsenal the terrorists here allowed on behalf of Biden and his cabinet. This man is now wanted for criminal actions by the citizens of the the United States where is Congress on this matter?
The republican party needs to get rid of the weak-kneed “go along, get along” members if this country is to survive. It’s never been enough for them to just hold a majority because so many of them cave to the left when in office. I’m sick of it.
Latinos in Florida are different than Latinos in California, Colorado. More conservative here in FL.
Yes they are more family oriented and hard working, they want to be responsible people and have a dependable future.
Probably more appreciative if from Cuba.
As a native Floridian, I’m loving this news.
The end of democrats is near, too many failed polices, they will loose the majority of offices in the mid terms, thank you joe biden, Country does not want your failed polices, or the idiots who are pushing that adjenda of unAmerican ideas.They caught up with the clintons their lies, they will catch up with biden his lies understand Hunter’s computer finally proven factual.Time for Congress to impeach all traitors. Too many failed policies to rehash, but let’s just stay on the computer content, trading loyalty for money, mark of the bidens wealth, do we really need someone in office, who has sold out Americans, for foriegn interestforiegn money? Who is controlling the loyalty on those in office, time for full investagations into the decisions being made against America.Wake up Congress what are you going to do about this delusional denial of American laws? corruption probe into the bidens is long over do, how about it Congress ? Monday, September 13, 2021 Freedom Watch’s Citizens Grand Jury will put Joe Biden before its Citizens Grand Jury on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, and present evidence of alleged homicide, treason, involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and death to children to seek his indictment. The actions of Biden have caused the deaths of American servicemen and Afghan allies, and scores if not thousands are to be expected in the near, medium and long term at the hands of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists, as a result of the recently obtained arsenal the terrorists here allowed on behalf of Biden and his cabinet. This man is now wanted for criminal actions by the citizens of the the United States once again. where is Congress on this matter?
You do know it’s September 25, don’t you?you keep posting this drivel but I have heard nor seen anything about this on any of the news feeds I religiously watch. Put up or shut up
You are completly blind too. I watch Fox News every day, all day and it has had plenty of it on there. I also get the GLOBE magazine and there has, recently been a big story of Hunter’s and his crooked dad and uncle bribing foreigners and getting lots of loot. It made the whole Biden family wealthy. WATCH THE NEWS. Hunter is dispersing the loot to the family members. sad, sad, sad, what our country is putting up with. Who has the authority to arrest them????.
The President.
satanic Demonics & Globalists DRUID Occult Run This GLOBE!
THey have DOMINION !
You have squat.
The squat from Trump’s Stink Star
Hopefully more folks will finally get smart and get the heck out of that crazy Democrat/Socialist/Communist so-called party…
The majority of the Latinos in Florida are Cuban. And the democrats think they can win them over? 😂😆😂😆
Yeah no kidding; the Cuban people already know just how terrible Socialism/Communism really is…
Is that why they rebelled against Castro?
Most Cubans are Communists.
No they aren’t. The want no part of communism!
The ones that lived under the Castro’s dictatorship will NOT submit.
Castro is still well respected, in Cuba.
He’s dead.
Muslims can’t be trusted. They lie alot. Don’t ever belive one, even if he is your closest friend. In Kiran, it is taqqiya.
Muslims are very Conservative.
They live by very strict rules..
Their women are punished for having sex outside of marriage.
As the Bible demands.
What about the men who have sex out of marriage?
Oh, they think that’s just fine, Mary. The women they take are stoned to death, though. 😵💫
Yes, there is a five-alarm political fire in FL, and the Democrats set it! Heap on the fuel! Keep it burning high to act as a signal light! The country needs a visible guide out of this mess that the Democrats and MSM have got us into. It is all based on lies.
Trump will lead the way.
From Jersey.
If they do not get rid of CHEATER Joe Biden, they are going to lose every state in America in both the 2022 and 2024 elections!!! Every thing that he has pushed as his policies end up a failure and the Amercain people hate a failure!!! You hear a lot of talk from the American people to “dump the whole CHEATER criminal Democrat Party Mob all across our America by voting a straight Republican ticket to get out fofthe mess that CHEATER Joe Biden has created here!!!!! Simple American common sense solution to solve all of our American government problems today!!!!
Biden won.
Newsom won.
Trump lost.
BIDEN did not win. It was handed to him on a platter of fraud committed by the swing states electorate, zombie voting machines, invalid ballots, dead people, empty lots etc.
The Bible says don’t fool with a fool.
Please don’t respond to Albert or even give down votes. He can type and whine all he wants in his pjs with hit cocoa and his crayons!
Ooooos… hot cocoa
God put Biden in the White House.
God is all powerful.
The Bible says so.
Are you having fun with your non=sensual words? It’s time to ignore you.
Hess has no words of wisdom, his job is to lie, provoke people, and cause division.
Who put Biden in White House?
Was it the God that sleepy old Joe prays to every Sunday.
He even stays for the crackers and wine.
He IS rather tedious, isn’t he? I’ve stopped reading his hate.
Who are the leaders of the Republican Party?
Is there just one.
Not Pence, if he had done his job our country wouldn’t be in this situation right now. He was a chicken, afraid to make the right decision, probably coerced by Pelosi. What a loser!
Why did Trump pick Pence for his VP?
For the same reason he picked Milley for Joint Chief?
They are both true Patriots?
This proves that Conservative Governors are working for the people, their policies are beneficial to the life’s blood of America, The globalist take over of America is despised, and especially for any nation that wants to live, prosper, and be free.
Trump Org is a Globalist company.
Russia, China, you name it,they are there.