Biden Approval Plummets in Iowa

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America

Americans across the country have become less pleased with Biden’s work as president in recent weeks. While Biden was already experiencing a downward shift in his approval ratings it seems his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan coupled with his border crisis has sent his approval ratings into a free-fall. In Iowa, a new poll conducted by the Des Moines Register-Mediacom nearly two-thirds of Iowans disapproves of Biden’s job as president.

The Hill reports:

Sixty-two percent of those surveyed say they disapprove of the job Biden is doing in the White House, compared to only 31 percent who give the president positive marks. Another 7 percent say they’re unsure about his job performance.

An earlier Des Moines Register-Mediacom Iowa poll conducted in June showed Biden’s approval hovering at 43 percent, with a slight majority — 52 percent — disapproving. The last time the poll showed Biden’s approval above water was in March.

Biden’s current 31 percent approval rating among Iowans is lower than former President Trump’s worst score in the state. In December 2017, Trump’s approval in the Iowa poll dropped to 35 percent.

Despite voting twice for former President Obama in 2008 and 2012, Iowa went for Trump in both 2016 and 2020.

President Biden has faced declining approval ratings across the country spelling trouble for him as Trump continues to hint at another presidential campaign in 2024.

    1. I completely agree with you.
      Very seldom do the alphabet stations talk about his approval rating. However, even ABC has him at 44% which I absolutely DO NOT BELIEVE.
      Those that approve must be living under a rock.
      Oh, never mind. They’re all on the government dole. Evey single person that voted for this debacle, is 100% responsible for what’s happening to our country.

    2. The Democrats believe the continuous lies they hear on MSM, which is probably why the figures are above 10% approval.

      1. The Progressive Socialists believe what the MSM says. They want this Nation to collapse. True Democrats and I sure hope there are some out there want this Nation to prosper. They just think you can spend you way or anything. They are not too smart sometimes.

  1. This just proves that 38% of Iowans have a “MENTAL HEALTH” problem. If 31% give Dementia Joe a positive rating for the job he is doing, and 7 % don’t know what kind of job he is doing, then 38% of Iowans are OUT OF THEIR MINDS.

    Or as Joe would say, “Ahhhhh, You know, the thing!”

  2. Biden, has become the loose cannon that can’t be allowed to continue, this person has lost all American values, He has forfeited his right, to any position of power, If he won’t resign it’s time for impeachment, let’s get this done, before it’s too late. THE FREE WORLD STAGE WILL NEVER TRUST ANOTHER DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT, BIDEN, HAS SEEN TO THAT FOREVER, WHAT A CORRUPT DISLOYAL PERSON, NO SOUL NO HONOR, NO LOYALTY, NO ALLIES, JOE AND HIS LACK OF MORAL TURPITUDE, Time to hold the Biden family responsible for their crimes against our Nation, Time to hold his radical cabinet members responsible for their crimes against the American people, Time for full accountability on acceptance of money from foreign sources, who are adversarial to our Governmental and it’s ideals. principals. Biden crime family has been allowed to continue for too long. Time has come to hold the Biden’s for criminal acts against the American people. The Country can not continue on this path without the full input of Congress to hold the executive branch to the laws they created and that are in place to stop incompetent self elected dictatorships from taking our country and overreaching criminal political obfuscation by a mindless leader.

    1. So true Charles and imo, the dims picked him for all the above reasons. No democrat would have cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, just one of the job destroying actions that he did causing us to go back to energy dependence on people who do not like us. And he shows signs of real mental decline, a useful demented idiot,imo

      1. It all makes sense when you consider the the Marxist plan is to rebuild a communist existence, but first the existing system must be destroyed. Thats’s why the fascists believe they must destroy it all first.

    2. But Bidden is supported by Milley and BIdden supports Milley’ – who benefits?

      Q. Did Obama and Valery Jarret convert Biden to Iranian Shiite Islam while he was VP?
      Q. Biden claimed to quite drinking over his Sons cancer death or was it because he embraced Shiite Islam?
      Q. When Milley was Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan did he convert to Islam?

      Think now.
      If the answers are yes – then absolutely everything Bidden and Milley are doing makes complete sense.

      1. You may be right. How does Blinken fit into the picture? He seems to be more pro-Islam than Obama is.
        Everything that we know about in the surrender to the Taliban supports this being on purpose and not a mental error.

    3. Fine. But it ain’t Joe Blow. Poor old Joe is merely a figurehead puppet for Sadsack Osama and his machine of goons and goonery. Afghanistan? Osama is freeing and promoting his Moozlum brothers and gifted them billions $$$$ of American weapons technology, not to mention greenbacks left behind. He also gave them thousands of Americans left behind, now prime hostages to hold for ransom. Whoever voted for Joe needs their head examined. Or lobotomized?

    4. He’s HORRIBLE, but just think what happens if he is gone- The HO is president ,and then Nancy is next in line. It’s. Unbelievable that enough voters are stupid enough to do this .. The Dems better get the the country destroyed while they can,. because the Rs will sweep Congress next year .. It may be too late to save the nation. .

      1. Kamala can be impeached. Biden knows where too many bones are buried. We would have to get rid of about 10 RINOs in the Senate and 40-50 in the House. That’s a difficult task. They need to apply Article 25 here and get on with the business of the Nation.

  3. U can’t fix stupid, just listen to this clown, and his circus of idiots. He doesn’t have even 20% of American people, thinking he has done anything since he got in. He is an embarrassment,a blthering,babbling,incompetent, sockpuppet,walking zombie, who doesn’t have a clue what the hell is going on.He’s a pathetic,sick,racist,lying, human being that has no respect for anything. He needs to be thrown out office, for total incompetency.

  4. So I would like to know who approves of anything this president has done. From his first day in office, all done to harm our great economy, now the border, and the Afghanistan disaster, all this imo, but its provable

  5. Why would anyone label biden as ‘president’?! He is a usurper who has defrauded the citizens of this Republic. He supports communist china, iran, illegal aliens that are invading this country and using our tax money to support them and buy their votes, and vilifying Conservatives and Christians. It’s beyond the pale that so called Americans have bought the leftist democrat communist lies and deceit even now!

  6. Of the 1/3 that give Biden good ratings/remarks – exactly what the hell are they giving him credit for when everything this administration touches goes to shit?

  7. Any of the 31% need to have their “voting right” revoked and forced to retake and pass 5th grade social studies before they can apply to have their “voting right” reinstated. If they don’t pass they need to be permanently removed from the voter roles.


  9. Bidens speech a the UN WAS A JOKE…World leaders are laughing at you DUMB ASS DEMOSHITS…Biden was just rambling….The world is laughing at you DEMOSHITS.,.,LAUGHING at your dumb asses

  10. Where they get that 31% who approve from??? From among the people in the graveyards who gave him the majority of the ballots he got in 2020.

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