President Biden’s approval ratings keep sinking in battleground states across the country. After his approval sank in Iowa, now North Carolina polls are reporting President Biden’s approval rating has sunk into the mid-30s.
The Hill reports:
The survey, conducted by High Point University, found that 38 percent of North Carolinians approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, compared to 48 percent who disapprove. Fourteen percent of respondents said they do not know or refused to respond.
A majority of North Carolinians also said they believe things in the country have gotten off track: 60 percent of respondents said the U.S. is on the wrong track, with only 28 percent saying the country is headed in the right direction.
The low polling numbers come as Biden is grappling with a series of crises: fallout from the U.S.’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, the rapid spread of the highly infectious delta variant, legislative headaches on Capitol Hill as lawmakers work to pass key parts of his agenda, and a surge of Haitian migrant seeking entry into the U.S. in Texas.
North Carolina voters were nearly split in the 2020 presidential election. Then-President Trump won by just 1.3 percent, which was equivalent to nearly 75,000 votes, according to The New York Times.
President Biden is facing fire from all sides as he struggles to contain crisis after crisis. It seems Americans are already sick and tired of his incompetence less than a year into his presidency.
I told you Biden’s an idiot!! But did you listen to me? NOoooooo. You went ahead and elected him anyway. I hope you’re all having buyer’s remorse. What a total, inept, idiotic failure. Think you hate him now? Just wait til KamalaBama takes over. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
Don’t Blame me I
did not vote for this mess .You were right and now our country is screwed and it is only going to get worse. I think we need a total recount of all votes and the votes of dead citizens thrown out. along with the ones that got dropped off after the polls closed. and the ones with no signature or the signature that did not match the registration card .
Recounts don’t prove anything. Each and every ballot must be forensicly analyzed. Then the dominion/smartmatic systems, routers and logs scrutinized.
Which in the AZ audits has faced significant resistance from the rinos who allowed the fraud and the dimwit nitwit counters and controllers who know now it is jail if they are all recounted and systems examined.
As it is, the state reps and senators are already looking at criminal charges for what has already been exposed. The actions of the ones who were involved in the original steal of the election for whatever reason were fraud and treason against this nation.
They were likely bribed or are just convinced of their superior intelligence allowing them to change results to suit their own choices. How arrogant can these morons be? I would say at the level of a sociopath!
Yes, and then we need a clear and honest report of the results, not like the confusing summary from AZ that can be interpreted any way you want.
NO Chance of ABY recount or proving bad voting machines. It’s DONE, OVER. We need ENOUGH of the Democrat MORONS to SEE just what SICK bastards that party is and ChMgd their thinking and their voting. FAT F’ING CHANCE FOR ANY GOOD TK COME OF ANY OF THIS! We’re Cursed for our PERVERSION of LIFE!
Amen, Mustang
Yep, someone voted for that idiot, but did they? That SOB sat is his basement and won the election? I think it’s BS, but that’s history and that POS is gonna drag this country down until it’s nothing. Look at what he’s done is just just a few short months.
globalists and their puppet, chester biden didn’t win schitt .
I’m with you one million percent.
This country ain’t seen nothing yet.
Doesn’t matter who’s at the helm, because it will be another commie from the left.
Our only hope, let’s get back the house and Senate next November.
Don’t count on that. If that Voter Rights Act, that passed in the House, passes in the Senate, Biden will sign it, the Federal will control all national, state and local elections. The States will have no say. Never again will we see a Republican majority in Congress and never again will we have a Republican President. I would go as far as to predict that the Republican Party will be no more than a fond memory by the end of this decade. We will have a one party system.
Never again will you have any politician elected by the American People.
and thats when we the people need to revolt against them. its happened before let it happen again.
Changing the constitution Donna is not in the current congresses purview. Old Nanc does not have the numbers and in fact is losing support. 2022 will end her reign as queenie over this nation. If the nitwit dimwits push this through it will die a quick death in the courts even if a few lib judges like it. It is unconstitutional unless they have the votes to change the constitution! And there are more GOP states than Nitwit Dimwit DNC states.
Yezzzz, we can Dream, now Can’t we
Your name is WAY too close to that of a particularly Offensive and SICK ol’ black mama Democrat IDIOT.
SAD and FRIGHTENING and CORRUPT as Hell….. and TRUE.
America AS IT HAS BEEN…. is GONE.
And YOU are even RIGHTER! 😩
This country is IN the Trouble that MANY have warned about for Years!
Separate yourselves from God____ you’re GOING TO SUFFER.
no we will have a two party system like they do in Germany. On the left is the communist party and on the right is the socialist party. This is what the globalists want.
So THEN we have another civil war! DUH !!
They have a problem with that bill. It is a contradiction to the rights of states granted in the constitution. That won’t pass with the bulk of the states being GOP and it is standing law per the constitution.
It will be a show against what is written in the constitution. Unless the dimwit nitwits take over in every state and that won’t happen since it equates to a civil war which the dimwit nitwits will lose and lose everything else with it.
And we abominables do outnumber the criminal DNC nitwits thus the reason they always cheat, lie, and steal from all of us in every election.
Gotta laugh at old Nanc, she has steel balls but this challenge is beyond her abilities. She barely has half the house and this is changing the constitution and it won’t happen now or even tomorrow. After 2022 she is no longer in charge and as old as she is needs to retire. Can’t imagine how she has been here so long, must be voter fraud of a total population in her district of dimwits and swishers. Watch!
I fear you are Right
So-o-o-o-o, what can we do about it?
Surely there must be SOME WAY to throw them out? The citizens of this country do NOT want these nut cases ruining this country! How on Earth do people get that way? Are they smoking something?
It is based on voter fraud. But states rights over the vote are in the constitution. The house as it is today does not have legitimate power to do this. And likely the moderates in the Senate will block it too. Just old Nanc and her steel balls raising the threat and she knows she can’t do it.
Wrong! The constitution says the state legislature can set the rules, but Congress can pass a law that supercedes state law. Read Article 1, Section 4. the whole sentence.
MillieK, for the life of me, I don’t know what’s happening to our country?????
I would like to blame the younger generation, however, many older folks fell for this sham too. This is ALL so frustrating to me.
One other thing that frightens me is our military. Not sure we can count on them. Based on the testimonials I’ve heard the last couple of days from the upper in command, they have become political and don’t seem to care about truth or the country.
I believe that much suffering is headed our way very soon. We must personally prepare best we can.
Good thinking. Read “DISLOYAL” (David Horowitz Freedom Center) to see what has been done to ALL the military, including Academies, by the Critical Race Theory. Austin, Milley and others are the culprits.
I agree, about our military, Lt. Colonel in the brig, because he questioned these 4stars, and what they were thinking leaving our citizens in Afghanistan, and surrendering to the Taliban..the soldiers under these so called generals would be afraid to refuse an order
Smoking not necessary. They finally learned how to count ballots Lenin-style. The new bill MUST NOT pass, or fraud will be the law.
There are more American voters than there are globalist puppets; libby snow flake sheep voters and illegal criminal invader voters and taliban terrorist voters and globalists used all forms of voter fraud to appoint globalist puppet, chester biden .
Very true Vlad.
globalist puppets; libby snow flake sheep even know that their god and his puppet, chester biden are idiots but they enjoy all their promised freebies and the thought they can become unicorns and 1,000 different genders .
Again, we do outnumber them. Their desires exceed their abilities. Constitutional changes require more personas in congress to do that and old Nanc knows it. Now senile Biden might not!
He was not elected by the American People. He was installed by the best fraud team ever. Said by Xibiden.
That IS What happened. TRAGIC___ and we MUST FIND A WAY TO CHANGE WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!
Actually, few voted for him. The powers that be rigged the election, making it nearly unprovable,but finally Arizona spent the money and got the facts. The state legislators knew that they had to settle the voter fraud question and they did, wish my state would do the same..
biden is a thief, cheater and babykiller. The election was a fraud orchestrated by peelousi,Soros, and oshitstain
WAY above THOSE Assholes, my friend!
If the numbers are being reported as mid thirties, they may be as much as 10 points lower! Biden is so arrogant he thinks he is doing a wonderful job and Americans really like to be bossed around by someone who has to be explained the difference between his derriere and a hole in the ground!
Joe only ran because Dr. Biden wanted to be first lady of United States. She needs to be arested for elder abuse.
globalists and their puppet barry soetoro appointed all the correct criminals to the correct positions to protect all THEIR criminals .
President employment available. OBVIOUSLY no intelligence required!
no takers either
I wonder how much money Tampax would have to pay Biden to use his forehead as a Billboard for their product? They would have to put a warning below the advertisement caution objects behind this advertisement are smaller than they appear!
globalists own tampax and their chester biden .
libby snow flake male sheep would be irate if tampax had to raise the price on their tampax to pay globalist puppet, chester biden .
Well, we’ll, well. It has come full circle with Biden’s incompetency and will only get MUCH MUCH WORSE!! What did you expect Americans when the demented demonrats stole our Election and put a feeble minded coot in our highest position of the Nation???
So far biddyboy is batting 1000% in DESTROYING OUR INTERNAL SECURITY BY ALLOWING AFGHANIS AND ILLEGALS TO FLOW INTO OUR NEIGHBORHOODS AND CITIES! Then there is the matter of our dead Military in Afghanistan along with those Afghanis that helped our Military. Don’t forget that missile that exploded inside an innocent Afghanis home killing ten people! OOPS doesn’t make up for those deaths! AND THERE ARE STILL AMERICANS TRAPPED IN AFGHANISTAN AND THE TALIBAN! Biden is NOT sending anyone to help get out those Americans! With the Taliban hunting them down, they are as good as dead!
I don’t know about you, but I AM DONE WITH THE IDIOT IN THE W.H. He is a horrible embarrassment to every American along with those absolutely STUPID people he appointed!
Biddy has become a World wide DANGER and The House of Representatives MUST START IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS — but Pelosi will not do this because she is afraid DJT will be reinstated as President!
TOO BAD PANSEY NANCY!! DO YOUR FRIGGIN JOB OR GET OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT!!! If Pelosi can’t do this, someone else in The House needs to step up and start proceedings! Just Step Over Pelosi and get someone else — she obviously is INCOMPETENT LIKE BIDEN!
I truly believe ALL demonrats have a very tweaked gene that tells them they are smart and relevant when in reality they are dumber than dirt!
“Dumber than dirt”…. except when it comes to voter fraud.
It is not over yet and just maybe those pesky Americans have figured it out and that what the “socialists” was a win may just prove we are not buying anything they have to sell.
There are more American voters that are not buying anything that globalists have to sell than there are libby snow flake sheep that buy everything that globalists have to sell . . . . .
There iS a chance that we NEEDED This to happen to once and for all basically KILL the Demonrat Party, or at least Damage them to where they will be a non factor for at least the foreseeable future. ??? We can Only HOPE and PRAY that That’s the case.
There IS the chance that This HAD to Happen to once and for all BURY the Democrats fir the foreseeable future. Even some of the Dumbest of them “should” CATCH ON and jump ship from their SICK Bullshit.
It is quite perplexing and painful to watch counterfeit Joe struggle to be our president. If this is what Democrats call “success” they are going to be in for a very rude awakening come November 2022.
hes not my President. Trump is.
for two years after Trump won, all I head was NOT M/y PRESIDENT from the snowflakes…. well from true Patriots of and for America, her constitution and the Bill of rights…. I agree and cant say it enough NOT MY PRESIDENT. I WILL STAND WITH TRUMP, I WILL PRAY WITH TRUMP, AND I WILL SUPPORT THE TRUE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!
It is more of a pleasure than pain, god allowed his puppets; globalists and demonrats and media to steal the election and it is a pleasure to watch their puppet chester biden struggle .
I dunno…. our luck Ain’t been runnin’ that good.
I cannot understand why so many people would vote for a man who was already losing it.
globalists ran out of votes to count and their voter fraud numbers were still way too low and they simply stopped counting and projected their puppet, chester biden to win .
BECAUSE HE WAS THE DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE!!! Hell, they’d vote for Satan if he was the Democrat candidate.
They basically DID with BlackSack. TWICE!
I do believe that 2nd time around Obama got in by total Fraud!
Ann, there are voters that can only read the letter”D”, and thats how they vote. But in this case there were barrels of ballots counted, without any proof of legitamacy, and ALL were counted after election day, Nov 3
Let’s FACE IT! It’s MOT a “count” thing! It’s WHAT is Reported and ACCEPTED as being honest and factual.
AND FRAUD IS RAMPANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Forces of EVIL have NO boundaries.
I’ve been an Election Judge since 2012, Obama’s 2nd run. Several voters told me that their votes were changing on the touchscreens to the Democrats candidates back then. So, between that and the FAKE birth certificate, Obama didn’t win either. Today they’re ruining our beautiful land in Chicago breaking ground for Obama’s “library” or whatever they’re calling it!! Wait until it’s proven he wasn’t eligible to be President of the US. They’ll have ruined it all for NOTHING. He claims to have been born in Hawaii, he vacations there, and it was HI who is responsible for claiming he was eligible. Let him ruin THEIR state!!!
demonrat criminal party run/ruined chitcago needs a barry soetoro ebook library so the ebooks can read to their libby snow flake sheep that can’t read and they can shoot each other while the ebooks read to them .
He’s ALREADY DONE GREAT DAMAGE TO ALL 50 STATES! And HOW he continues to damage THE PSYCHE OF YOUNG AND OTHER “UNKNOWING”, IGNORANT Americans that “fell” for his Divisive SHIT!
The man is an Ambassador of EVIL, plain and simple, and it MARCHES ON TODAY!
Let us PRAY !
globalist puppet, chester biden approval rate in every state is 0% by Americans and 30% by his libby snow flake sheep .
globalists know that they will simply need to use more of their voter fraud there to appoint their globalist puppets; demonrats and rinos .
Those so called 28 % that said they think the country is heading in the right direction— ARE LYING TO THEMSELVES … THATS THEIR PRIDE TRYING TO STEP IN SO THEY CAN SAVE FACE …. HEY LIBTURDS IT’ ONLY HURTS LONGER THIS WAY 😩😢
Is anyone else concerned about the people who did approve of bidens failures? Would he have to kill someone to get their disapproval? Oh wait, he did kill 13 service men and women!
What about his drone strike that killed an aid worker and his seven children, add this to the total, what about the migrants dying in the desert, trying to get here illegally
And now the new legislation they are trying to pass has an 8 cents a mile driving tax? How is the average guy supposed to afford all this? And listening to Obama explain they just want billionares to pay a little more– okay, but there are only 100 billionares in the entire country. So how do 100 people pay for 350 million? It doesn’t make any sense.
Not Much of what they do DOES. To think these slimeballs have ANY backing in ANY thing is beyond my comprehension.
Well that’s what you get for voting for Biden, you people that did. I knew he would be worthless, he was feeble, dementia. How did he win anyways? You never saw hardly any people at his rallies. But Pres. Trump always had huge numbers of people at his rallies. Hum. He was worthless even when he was a Senator. I guess some people felt sorry for him, see what we got now?? Some people you just can’t feel sorry for. And no I’m not cold hearted but, some people you just know.
The communist democrat cult party is stuffing the poll for the approval rate to even be that high! Just like they stuffed the ballot boxes with fake illegal mass mail in votes!
Not even our allies approve of this demented donkey hole!
But china loves him because he gave them the mining rights to Afghanistan and he is going to give them Taiwan!
If VP Harris fails which she willand they replace her, guess wh becomes our American leader!!! SURPRISE , SURPRISE!!! WELCOME TO PRESIDENT NANCY PELOSI!!!!!!!! IT GOES FOM BAD TO WORSE JUST PLAIN UGLY FOR WE,.THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!! NO WONDER SHE IS RETIRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The solution is impeachment of the whole bunch of morons.