Former White House strategist Stephen Bannon is not folding to Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6th subpoena. New reports reveal the former Trump official is refusing to comply with the committee’s order.
The Hill reports:
Thursday at midnight was the deadline for Bannon and former chief of staff Mark Meadows to comply with subpoenas sent on Sept. 23.
According to CNN, Bannon alerted the committee he did not plan to comply with the subpoena. Meadows also responded to the committee, but the nature of his response was unclear.
According to a letter reviewed by Politico on Thursday, Trump told the men he would challenge the order in court, arguing they are a violation of executive privilege, which can shield White House employees from testifying before Congress.
“President Trump is prepared to defend these fundamental privileges in court,” the letter stated.
While Trump is standing firm against the subpoena’s it’s unclear how Bannon will be able to make the same escape.
No way,sbsolutely not, this is as bad as the russia hoax, the real perpetrators, were the plants, early recordings of thugs in black, breaking in, or let in, doing all the damage, not Trump people. Their the hoax,piglosi and her imagination.
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We all know that Nasty Nancy & her minions were behind it!
The Left looks for ways to do evil continuously. Instead of creating good things, their minds work for evil and what ought not to be done.
That’s what Satan does right
The left is controlled by Satan who wants to derail everything that is good, and everything that is created by God. Satan is the creator of wars, turning man against his brother, as we so clearly can see.
Pelosi is and was responsible for security in and around the Capitol. This was her FAILURE. Her failure to heed or act upon intelligence provided to her prior to Jan 6th. Her failure to plan, develop or ensure security people enacted any contingency plans for the ‘known’ and “announced” rally to take place at the Capitol on Jan 6th. It was her failure to take the necessary actions to request, provide and ensure there was enough security to protect people and property. This politically motivated and biased dog and pony show is to hide the corruption and failures of Pelosi and just another veiled attempt to place the blame for her failure, bad decisions, and mess on President Trump and his supporters in an on going and never ending attempt to destroy Trump and label Trump supporters, Republicans, Conservatives and American Patriots as domestic terrorists. Power hungry pelosi is a greedy, corrupt, conniving, dishonest, evil, vile, contemptible individual and traitor.
Pee pee peelousi needs investigated for her roll in mark midget milleys treasonous actions against Trump. They should be hung. PERIOD
ABSOLUTELY!!! mil ley, aus tin, the DICTATOR & vice DICTATOR, pel osi, waters, may orkas, wray, the squad, schiff, the 4 capital cops that READ PREPARED STATEMENTS, and tried to make it like they were answering questions, and capital cop byrd, he MURDERED AN UNARMED WOMAN A VETERAN!!! You know they should ALL hang, a lot more names to be added, but you get my drift!!
Trump isn’t the lawbreaker….the Democrats are. They scheme and lie continually.
If it weren’t Trump Fat Boy Steve would be behind bars.
you’re an idiot and a traitorous pile
Just keep saluting your fuhrer by saying Heil Groper Joe Bribedem.
Albert just came out fro under his rock.
AH is always spewing nonsense. He’s here because he can’t be blocked as he is on other sites.
Albert,you’re today’s Idiot of The Day Winner, take a bow!
Every time you are on this website, it smells of sulfur.
Albert Hitler-Hess, Nazi!
Albert Hitler-Hess
Albert just wants him in jail so he can have sex with him, because no one else wants to do it with dirty “fat albert” hess.
Trump is a capable industrious man and President, unlike the incompetent, traitorous, insane, corrupt left.
Tp have Executive Privilege you need to be an Executive.
Trump is not. .
Are you really that dense, albert?? President Trump as still President on Jan 6th foolish one!!
And you don’t know what the fuck your talking about
They’re playing this whole thing so that Trump won’t run in 2024. They know they stole the election and it was fraud all the way. They are obviously worried President Trump will win in 2024.
And rightly so that Trump should win. (THE ELECTION WAS STOLLEN FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP.) We have a government of globalist elites, who are greedy, corrupt, and lovers of themselves, they search for ways to do evil and break laws.
The whole thing was orchestrated by Pelosi to make Trump and hiss supporters look bad. FBI and Antifa thugs as well as the Capitol Police were all in on it. They opened the doors and INVITED Trump supporters in so they could play act like it was an “insurrection.”. Too much BS!! Now the one-sided “committee” brought together by none other than Pelosi while they hold innocent people in solitary confinement. Pelosi belongs with her neck in a noise, nice and tight.
Rumor has it that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to retire and take a “$1,000,000(million) job in San Francisco tax free as their new Commissioner Of Human Crap, just stand down wind of her when talking to her “!!!!! She deserves this great do nothing job for she has been doing that for years!!!!! Good Luck In your New Job!!!!!!!!
The Pay back for all the wrong doing will be in the form of God’s judgment, (The Wrath of the Tribulation.)
The truth is that Joe Biden should never have been chosen as Pres of America! Those of his supporters very well knew that he wasn’t capable of the position but they had decided that his name would be good for the election platform! A serious error in judgement! One can only hope that these Dems learned something from this and will keep Biden our of any further Presidential attempts!
Thank God for Sane people like Stephen Bannon, who seek the real truth and never relent on standing up to evil. This is a real battle, and from the looks of the Washington Swamp and their actions, we need God Almighty on our side! Sometimes God allows evil to expose itself to wake up honest people.
Amen, Dee
I hatter say but… subpoena shoud be followed, but not before trump challenges it in court aand it runs it’s course. The dems don’t follow subpoenas and I think they should be thrown in jail at a minimum. I am disqusted at how everyone picks and chooses what laws to follow any more.. let’s keep this dog and pony show going…
Executive privelage is Included over all appointees in the White house from inauguration to exit.
Pelosi simply wants MSM hype and a Kangaroo Congressional Court for the MSM to fabricate unfounded allegations in the hope it will confuse or Turn voters from the GOP in the midterms.