Biden’s SCOTUS Reform Panel Advises Against Court Packing

The group tasked with looking into the possible advantages and disadvantages of expanding the Supreme Court is advising against it. President Biden appointed a panel to study potential “reforms” to the Supreme Court at the beginning of his presidency. So far, the panel noted the potential to undermine the high court’s legitimacy in its initial report.

The Hill reports:

“The risks of Court expansion are considerable, including that it could undermine the very goal of some of its proponents of restoring the Court’s legitimacy. Recent polls suggest that a majority of the public does not support Court expansion,” a draft document released by the White House on Thursday states. “And as even some supporters of Court expansion acknowledged during the Commission’s public hearings, the reform—at least if it were done in the near term and all at once—would be perceived by many as a partisan maneuver.”

The debate over reform comes amid a recent dropoff in the 6-3 conservative majority court’s approval rating and at the start of a blockbuster term in which the justices will hear a direct challenge to the landmark 1973 decision ruling in Roe v. Wade and a gun rights case that could result in the expansion of the Second Amendment.

The group noted the idea of expanding the bench could open a can of worms difficult to come back from.

“We have not sought to determine whether any particular perspective on the confirmation process or on the Court’s composition today is ‘correct,’” the document states. “But the more important point is that different segments of the public and the legal and academic communities understand the determinants and likely consequences of the Court’s current composition differently, and any lawmaker contemplating Supreme Court reform should be aware that the pursuit of immediate Court expansion would involve taking a position in a partisan contest in which opinion is deeply divided.”

  1. The loonies think packing the court would be a partison move?
    Well,since they lost their grip on the supreme court all they’ve done is cry, because they can’t count on liberal judges to rubber stamp all their twisted policies!

      1. They have been blackmailing Roberts for years! Roberts name was on the Espstein flight logs. My guess is Roberts is a pedophile and they have him on video tape.

        1. I certainly hope that Roberts is a Pedo.
          That he has licked your daughter’s Stink Star.
          And that you have it on video.
          (Don’t show it to it until it has made it’s Trans bottom surgery decision.) decision
          Talking pedo is such fun.

          1. Would be for you since that is your favorite pastime. Bet you were part of that Pedo chorus that sang “We are coming for your children”.

      2. Yeah right, like Roberts would respond to a threat from Schumer.
        Light up another doobie.
        Biden is coming for your Stink Star.

    1. The hiddenbiden administration is not stupid, they are evil, trying their best to destroy our great country as we know it! They want our country to be a socialist communist controlled country. We need to stand strong against them! God wins and Satan loses!

  2. These so called ‘leaders’ in our government are socialists, fascists, and criminals, they will find a way to pack the supreme court, stay tuned.

    1. Biden’s Executive Order on the commission dealing with the Supreme Court is a clear violation of the Constitution’s Check and Balance System. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it grant the Executive Branch of government the power to examine, oversee, or explore changes to the Judicial Branch of government. The Constitution clearly states that ONLY the Legislative Branch has power to oversee the Judicial Branch. The President has abused his power with his commission to examine another “separate” branch of government.

      1. “The Constitution clearly states that ONLY the Legislative Branch has power to oversee the Judicial Branch.)
        Ignorance is bliss.
        Only the President can nominate Supreme Court Judges.

    1. Actually, he is a NO term president. Barack Hussein Obama is a 3 term president and that means that George Soros has been running the country for 9 years now.

      1. The only thing Obama did was steal the title of worst President in history from Jimmy Carter and now that has been lost too since Biden made it into the White House. Note I didn’t say he got elected.

  3. Am I to understand that a President can deny an order from the supreme court to keep the rule that “remain in Mexico” for migrants seeking entry to our country? So with all this, what is the court supposed to be? The border is invaded daily.

    1. Friday’s news indicates that Biden is (reluctantly) planning to re-institute Trump’s stay in Mexico policy. Could it be that public opinion will force him to return to more of Trump’s accomplishments that he willy-nilly vacated.

    2. Technically he could be held in contempt of the Supreme Court. Which could allow impeachment proceedings under high crimes and misdemeanors even if contempt of court isn’t viewed as a felony it could hold jail time as part of sentence. Noting a sitting president has never been taken to court it would probably await sentencing until out of office however.

      1. Only the House can impeach the President.
        There are no jail provisions in impeachment.
        The Supreme Court. has no powers of arrest.
        Only the DOJ can arrest the President.
        Is Trump’s guy still in charge of the DOJ?

    3. The main operating mode for the liberals / democrats / progressive idiots is to just IGNORE the Constitution and drive on down the road. We must insure that the Constitution is upheld and followed.

      1. The Constitution is usually an impediment to Presidential action.
        Just think of what Trump could have achieved if it weren’t for the Constitution.
        I trust Trump.
        He will always do the very best for America.
        He needs no oversight.
        His word is better than law.

  4. Expansion of the Second Amendment? WTF do you not understand about ‘shall not be infringed?’ The right is absolute as written – but then the loonies reinvent the English language on a continuing basis. See Alice for the soliloquy on ‘glory.’ Nothing new under the sun.

    1. All the Second Amendment does is allow we the people to have pop guns.
      Real guns can empty the magazine on one trigger pull.
      And with the cops having armored vehicles we the people need anti-tank weapons to protect us from Biden’s government.

  5. What a surprise! It is unusual for a Biden committee to come to a conclusion that Biden obviously doesn’t want to get. Could it be the there are some honest Democrats? They will be canceled before long, if the past is any indication. Maybe they will vote with the conservatives now.

  6. The Republican Court will continue to decide that corporations and religion, and not the government, shall determine how we live. No need for more members

    1. I’m not sure what you mean by ” Republican Court will continue to decide that corporations and religion, and not the government” We want corporations to run their business without government interference. As for religion we want to practices our faith without government interference as well. As for abortion the federal government should stay out of the abortion issue leave it up to the state.

      1. We have seen what unfettered corporations have done in the area of free speech. The government has passed various laws that have basically allowed Facebook, Twitter, Google, the various media companies, and others to muzzle our free speech. Then folks say, well it is just a private company, not the government, so the First Amendment does not apply. The government granted these evil corporations licenses to operate, and release of liabilities for anything posted on their platforms. With those, our freedoms have been restricted. No government nor private company should be able to censor our free speech. However, the fix is relatively simple. Don’t use Facebook, Twitter, Tic-Tock, and other such. Don’t watch the horribly biased “mainstream media”. Don’t buy the lies that they push nor the products that push them. We don’t need them, they need us. CUT THEM OFF.

      2. A Republican Court is as Republican majority Court you moron.
        That is one promise that Trump came through on.
        Why should abortion be left up to the States?
        Why not the county or municipal level, small government…..
        Do you want a country where a simple medical procedure is covered by insurance /taxes and twenty miles away it is First Degree Murder?
        Should environmental pollution be dealt with on a state by state basis?
        How about Federal Income Taxes?

  7. This court packing was not for 80 year old Biden’s benefit – they want to pack the courts so they can push the justices to approve more terms for Obama – or whoever the hell he really is.

  8. The left’s argument with the court now is that they follow the constitution. We see from all of Biden’s ëxecutive orders”(Fatwah’s as Joe’s favorite governments – Iran and the Taliban – call them) that Joe and the left just does not like our constitution. Perhaps they should take a couple of states that don’t care about the constitution – say New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut – and form their own “woke” country. Then let’s see how long it is before they come crying for help because they have screwed it up beyond repair.

    1. Unless we secure the voting in this country, nothing will happen. The slime balls will just cheat another election with the rigged election machines, fake ballots, etc. and go on down the road.

    1. You can thank Harry Reid for that. He changed the rules for voting for judges so it only requires the highest vote. 200 new judges who follow the Constitution.

  9. They’ll need another “crack-panel” with Hunter on it…to deal with even more pressing issues, facing the nation❓🤣

  10. You, and several other sites, hold my comments for approval or delete them but allow certain foul perverted garbage as below to go through without question.

    Want to know why the Communist/Fascists are winning? Because “conservative” sites like this are just as two-faced hypocritical as the Commie/Nazis are.

    Frankly, I think the “Right” media is deliberately throwing the game.

  11. BYE-BYE, TTN. You deleted me again but I see Comrade Hess still has free access for all the propaganda, lies and filth he wants. That PROVES how CROOKED YOU ARE. Get used to living under Communism, TTN, YOU DESERVE IT!

  12. let’s US keep the size and scope of the Supreme Court, as our Founding Fathers saw fit, to take the political storm out of this level of government.


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