Capitol Police Officer Charged with Obstruction to Justice Over Jan 6 Involvement

Reuters Twitter

Capitol Police officer Michael Riley was arrested Friday on two counts of obstruction of justice. Riley attempted to scrub footage of him inside the Capitol during the January 6th riot, however, he wasn’t there as a police officer he was inside protesting the 2020 election.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Riley also told the contact to remove footage from all social media accounts, according to Friday’s indictment.

Following the insurrection, three dozen officers were investigated for misconduct, six of whom were suspended with pay.

The Jan. 6 commission has been working to enforce subpoenas for those believed to have been involved in the insurrection or to have knowledge of actions preceding the event. Steve Bannon, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, now faces criminal contempt proceedings from the commission after refusing to comply, instead citing Trump’s intent to invoke executive privilege as his reason not to cooperate.

    1. Agreed 100%! The Officer in charge that day protected Lt. byrd instead of having him removed from duty and taking his gun and shield. That’s favoritism and definitely does not apply when an officer shot and killed an innocent ex-Military woman who was just standing there not being aggressive but looking around. I watched that video several times, once in Real Time!
      Byrd must be prosecuted, and his commanding officer disciplined for not following officer shooting protocol! Will that ever happen? Not unless Americans scream and shout about that travesty until the Capitol Police finally give byrd up!


      1. Derrick Chavin killed an unarmed Black man.
        Where is the all caps outrage?
        Why aren’t you in charge?
        All caps?
        Trump loves all caps.
        Trump is not in charge either
        Ha ha ha!

      2. It is just not fair that when a good White cop murders a Big Black Cock Thug he is put in solitary confinement cutting him off from Big Back Cock.

  1. The truth hasn’t come out yet about peelousis roll. She had her nasty vile finger on aspects of this protest. If it was an inserection she’d be dead. That’s what Americans want.

          1. Liar your not even from the states. Your an immigrant who’s migrated over prolly illegally. Your nasty troll who doesn’t see his nose before his face. When Satan Takes control he rules everything you do. He controls you just like the demshits are trying to control with covid


    1. The only ones rioting were Antifa.Pelosi’s son in law is head of antifa. they tried to dress like Trump supporters but they wer not fooling any one. The whole sham was planned by Pelosi and Mitch Mconal to make President Trump look bad but I believe all they did was solidify Trump’s supporters.

          1. It is beginning to look like a lot of Republicans are cowards.
            More and more everyday.
            When will the cowards be the majority?

      1. if you were smart enough to understand the True news, you would know that it was a setup. The FBI is almost as Curropt as you.

          1. Trump wasn’t weak.
            He was betrayed by our own government royalty who wanted to destroy him; betrayed by Dems, Rinos, and their supporters clinging to paychecks and “contriibutions.” They couldn’t, and they still can’t, stand to lose one drop of power.
            It was a coup, and it still is a coup against us true American citizens.

  3. I am tired of hearing about this January 6th
    Commission! We watched for weeks cities
    being burned while innocent store and shop
    owners watched their businesses burned to
    the ground or vandalized by hoodlums who
    used the death of George Floyd to commit
    these atrocities. It is sad what happened at
    the Capitol on January 6th, but I do not think
    the men who entered the Capitol building
    should be separated from their families for
    months when they did not physically harm

      1. You lost the skirmish.
        300 plus of those who were there will see jail time.
        Are you proud of what you did there.
        Do you have lots of videos of your achievements?
        Do they show fecal matter coming out your anus and being smeared.
        The sin of pride.

          1. How many judges did Trump appoint.
            How many have ruled in Trump’s favor?
            Are they all crooked?
            When was the last time Trump won a court case?
            Any voter fraud cases?

          1. It has been proven that Trump did not have anything to do with 11/6. You are my No. 1 pick for Idiot of the year award.

      1. The people who just can’t believe they lost are the reason for the unrest.
        The unrest will continue until the votes are counted the Right way.
        Just keep recounting the votes until you get them Right and Trump is back in the White House with Mike Pillow in place of Goofy Garland.
        Don Jr. as VP, luv the scruffy beard, I want to see Stormy rub her stink star on it.

    1. Plus, they are saying that Bannon’s defying of the subpoena is failure to answer to Congress. Is the Committee Congress? I know the actors are members of Congress, but it is not Congress as a whole. So, does the Committee have subpoena power? I am unclear about this. Can anyone help?

          1. Soon as in the Second Cuming of Christ.
            When will the ejaculate squirt?
            There was no ejaculate at the first cuming.
            It was immaculate.

    2. Was the dearh of of George Floyd a tragedy?
      Was George Floyd trespassing?
      Did he enter a building through a smashed window?
      If you enter my house through a smashed window I will shoot you.

      1. 1 Tragedy- NO, Trespassing- YES.2 entering a building- 3 yes after He smashed the window. 4 Criminals like you should not have a gun. Summary- a scum bag useless P.O. S, is DEAD, would you please join Him?

      2. The death of George Floyd was a set up to get the ball rolling on this racist theory and that all cops are bad cops. He took one for the cause because he was going to die anyway from all his drug abuse and did!

    3. I think that people who trespass violently and smear their feces should be separated from their families for years.

  4. Jesus once told a man to quit trying to help his brother get a speck of dust out of his eye, until he got a splinter out of his own eye. Obviously he knew the democrats were coming, and making a big deal out of nothing, while ignoring major criminal activity by their own party members, is the hall-mark of the dem party

    1. Ignoring major crimminal activity by their own party members is a long standing American tradition.
      Let he who is without sin…

  5. Oh by the way democratic jerkoffs, it wasn’t an insurrection because it was planned by the democrats. God is watching all of you liars. You all opened the door and caused an unarmed woman to lose her life by a black cop. Hmm makes you wonder who is running the circus. I already know it is the monkeys hanging by their knees.

    1. Are you equating Blacks with monkeys?
      Browns with apes?
      Yellows as chimps?
      Reds as orangutans?
      Whites as virgin angels.
      So help you God by Jesus.

      1. Actually it is your Scientist that sad, Man evolved form Monkeys and Apes. God created White Man, so go swing from a tree or vine Albert Monkey Hess.

        1. Who created the Black man.
          Is God Black?
          The Blacks are so creative.
          They own music world.
          And are over represented in theater arts
          Under represented in politics.
          Joe is working on that.
          He will appointing Obama as UN Ambassador.
          People of colour seem to do real well there.
          Most of the world is coloured.
          Think Nikki.
          I think of pulling her thong strap out of my way.
          I am sure Obama’s BBC will be a really big black butt buster.

  6. Is is correct to label 1/6 a insurrection since it was a “spontaneous” event rather than a preplanned event? My question is why has BLM/antifa not been charged with insurrection against Portland, Or, Seattle, Wa, Minneapolis, Mn, etc ? I googled the definition of insurrection and it stated it was an “organized uprising” against a government OR authority. It seems to me the riots, arson and looting certainly qualifies as well as a sh-t load of other broken laws!
    Oh, silly me……
    1/6 = Republican event
    Riots, arson, looting = Democrat events

    1. The only “organized uprising” which occurred on 1/6 was orchestrated by the FBI at pew-lousys’ request! There was no uprising on behalf of the conservative right.

      1. This so-called Committee needs to investigate why Pelosi declined Trump’s request to put more security at the Capital. This definitely should be at the forefront. Plus, the FBI already reported that 1/6 was not organized by any particular group. I don’t believe this. It was organized by Pelosi’s group. And, why did Pelosi really not let the 2 republicans be on the committee. Instead, she appointed 2 RINOS. How one-sided is this???

      2. Was the crowd at at the White House Liberals?
        Did they march to the Capitol and smear their feces?
        Al partisans live in fantasy land.
        People who put all of their hope. in one man.
        People who have no substance.

      3. How many of the people arrested voted for Trump.
        Trump was in charge of the FBI for four years.
        What ever the FBI did prior to Jan. 20 is all Trump’s fault.
        It all comes with job he so desperately wants.

    2. 1/6 was justified by by the imprisonment of Derrick Chavin for just doing the job he was sworn to do.
      Clear the streets of unattractivo nigs.

  7. I wonder if sooner or later someone declares “open season & no limit ” would change the daily drivel ??

    1. Let the blood flow in the streets.
      Just like Tiananmen Square.
      No one does crowd control like the Commies.
      The Joy of Death.

  8. Sally Kent, why do you call this election protest an insurrection not once, but twice in your report above?

    Insurrection – “An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.”

    Do you really believe those Trump Supporters on 01/06 were trying to take over the USA?

      1. We didn’t lose. The election was stolen. Enough said. Now you can go crawl under that rock that you just crawled from under.

    1. Of course it was not an insurrection.
      Insurrectionists smash their way into buildings and smear their fecal matter.
      Did you see any fecal matter?

  9. Amazing, isn’t it, how perverted justice has become under the Biden admin: Going after patriots instead of the true violence by Antifa that broke into the Capitol Building and created mayhem; and ignoring the shooting of Ashli Babbitt – even hiding the identity of the officer behind it for as long as possible. It’s past time to clean out the Capitol of all who support perverted justice.

  10. Why “insurrection”?

    The only violence was by the crapitol poleece and the antifa clowns dressed up as conservatives.

      1. The Dems do understand real justice.
        They are putting Trump’s Thugs in jail.
        Maybe even Trump.
        Would that help to heal the nation?

    1. What would you do to a person who climbed into your house through a freshly broken window.
      I would blow them away.
      I would be a hero for defending my house and family

  11. It was NOT an insurrection!!!! The Revolutionary War was an insurrection!!!! The French Revolution was an insurrection!!!! The Russian Revolution was an insurrection!!!! Jan 6th wasn’t even a riot. It was a demonstration. To be anything more would require it rise to the level of the Seattle riots, or Watts, or any of a number of leftist lawlessness!!! Or, perhaps, even the level of shutting down conservative voices by Democrat led government agencies, leftist led corporations, Democrat politicians, etc. Controlling dissent, denying the 1st Amendment, etc., is insurrection!!!!

  12. I will ask again how many antifa, BLM, FBI and others are being charged also? Didn’t I read pelosi and the captiol hill police chief knew about insurrection weeks before it happened. And didn’t I also read pelosi told
    the captiol hill police chief to stand down?

    1. Not only that, Trump offered her 10,000 N.G. troops for 1/6 but she turned him down. She got the outcome she was hoping for!

      1. Nancy was niave.
        She had only seen peaceful transfer of power.
        She seriously underestimated the violent nature of Trump supporters.
        No one had ever smashed their way into the Capitol and smeared their feces.

      2. I want to make sure that I have this right.
        As Commander and Chief of the military Trump offered Nancy 10,000 troops to ensure the peaceful transition of power.

  13. Why doesn’t that Break In Investigation go to the REAL SOURCE BEHIND THE BREAK IN?? Why?? Because the “SOURCE” is Nancy Pelosi, the person who is spearheading the current investigation!

    I believe the term for Pelosi’s actions is called “DEFLECTING GUILT”! In other words, Pelosi is only investigating areas where her sticky fingerprints aren’t all over the evidence! That way she can get everyone to think someone else is responsible for the chaos AND DEATHS associated with that break in. SORRY PELOSI — Ashli Babbitt’s death falls directly on your shoulders for causing the chaos and mayhem with your Trump Supporter Dressed BLM and ANTIFA MEMBERS!

    But don’t let that fool you. Pelosi was behind that break in 100%! She ORCHESTRATED THE WHOLE BREAK IN SO SHE COULD BLAME DJT AND HAVE A REASON TO TRY TO IMPEACH HIM AGAIN!
    Pelosi’s K A R M A is coming and it’s going to punch her right in the face big time!

  14. There was an insurrection? When did that happen? Someone tried to overthrow the government? I heard about a cop shooting an unarmed patriot in cold blood and getting away with it, but that’s all the shooting I heard of. Not much of an insurrection.

  15. Insurrection? More like a “resurrection” as Patriots from all across this great nation tried to bring America back to life under the greatest President of our time by preventing the election being “given” to Joke Frauden.


    1. There is no justice with a Democrat administration except a two-tiered one. Did the hoodlums that attacked the Federal Court House, setting it on fire with Federal Agents sealed inside, get prosecuted? I’ll bet not! Oh, that’s right; they were the good guys from BLM and their ANTIFA army. That made them protestors, not insurrectionists. It was all “peaceful “. The fire is the background was an illusion. Give me a break!!

    2. Ashily was shot for failing to comply with lawful orders to not advance putting law enforcement in danger.
      The cops were there to keep Mike Pence alive.
      They were sucessful.
      Once Ashhole was shot so many of her fellow patriots yellowed out.

    1. I am much better off than I was a year ago.
      My income is up and my expenses are down.
      I invested the money I use to spend on cuuises in Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Facebook and Smith & Wesson stock.
      I am bullish on America.
      Crossover to Positive Space.
      Be with Jesus.

  16. Nothing to see here folks, keep moving, it’s just another scumbag crimminal cop with the same stench as Derrick Chavin.

  17. There is only one important person in the Republican Party.
    The rest are boot lickers.
    There ain’t no spit on Joe’s boots.

  18. Telling people to destroy evidence is a crime.
    If you are Black a Thug.
    If you are a White cop you are a True Patriot

  19. Pelosi and the other leftist libtards like to call the demonstration an insurrection. So here you go: “Insurrection: a usually violent attempt to take control of a government”. In other words an coup or an attempted coup. Neither is true of the 1/6 demonstration. Had it truly been and insurrection, the Capitol Police would have been killed or captured, and no democrat in congress would have been left alive. The truth is, not one single demonstrator was armed, therefore an insurrection was impossible.

    Disgusting!! Trumptrainnews my ass! OPERATIVE for dems!


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