Report: Biden in Talks to Give Illegal Aliens $450K Each

President Biden is reportedly in discussion to award illegal migrant aliens separated from their families up to $450,000 each. The deal seems to be a retroactive “fix” to the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy put into effect in 2018

The Daily Wire reports:

“The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift,” The Wall Street Journal reported. “Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child.”

The report said that many families would likely get smaller payouts depending on their circumstances and that the total payout could be more than $1 billion.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claims that there are several thousands individuals that were separated under the policy.

Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf slammed the move, saying that there were “no limits” to what the Biden administration would do in terms of implementing policy that was damaging to border security and immigration, adding that this latest move “may be at the top of the list.”

This story is developing and will be updated as more information becomes available.

    1. Put Biden the pos on that flight. We all know 80 million people didn’t vote for a demented old man and a nasty old w hore.

  1. I’m seriously thinking about crossing the border as an illegal! They’re getting a whole lot more than any American citizen is from this administration!

    1. Everytime Americans post the truth and hurt libby snow flake sheep and moderators little feelings, they block us .

      1. This is one of the reasons I stopped posting,?too many fact checkers hired from Communist China to suppress our First Amendment Speech and be careful history has away of repeating its self and this is why these LibaRetards are hell bent not teaching World 🌍 History or the basic fundamentals to give our children the tools to exceed in a world market! If anyone can’t see what is happening here then most likely you are a product of this garbage, Common Core Indoctrination! God Help the United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

      1. I’m not so sure about that, Remember the Cue movement is world wide and they are protesting against evil rulers who are trying to take away freedom.

    1. If globalist puppet, chester biden could have purchased 10,000,000s he might have won instead of globalists using their voter fraud to project him the winner .

      1. Solution: Arrest and convict them all for election fraud and treason! They deserve a life term in GITMO at the very least, with no parole or early release!

  2. Need to start contacting all the congress and senate members to let them know that you oppose this. There is strength in numbers.

    1. globalist puppets; demonrats and rinos don’t care what American voters want, they rely on globalist voter fraud to reappoint them instead of Americans voting for them .

      1. We have a lot of evil rulers going back to Bush and probably much earlier. that is why the Military asked Trump to run for president and he is doing a GREAT JOB !

  3. Kick them all back across the border to Mexico and let them take care of it. They helped them get here, let them take care of them.

  4. What fkg insanity. They crossed our borders illegally,it’s a crime,no matter what hidenbiden says,he has broke every law on the books for immigration. No one should listen to anything he says, to a mentally,disturbed,dementia patient.

  5. Biden is really good at giving away the American people’s money.

    For the people who voted for Biden, maybe you should sit out the next few elections. At least until you grow a brain.

    1. Biden is destroying our country and what he is doing amounts to treason. He should be tried and sent to GITMO for the rest of his life.

      1. globalist puppet chester biden is just obeying the globalist orders that they wrote for globalist puppet hiLIAR in 2016 when they imagined they committed enough voter fraud to appoint her .

      2. Under the UCMJ, Treason is PUNISHABLE by DEATH!! That’s what must happen & bid en and the rest of the commies!!!

    2. Those globalist puppet, libby snow flake sheep collect welfare all their life that voted for globalist puppet chester biden, they don’t pay federal taxes and don’t care how much taxes hard working Americans need to pay .

  6. This is totally insane. I would bet that the net worth of the average american citizen is less than $100K. These scum in DC evidently have money hanging out of their butts and are totally detached from the reality of the average American.

  7. Are you SERIOUS?????????? Why? They have INVADED our country!!! This is a slap in the face to all hard-working Americans and legal immigrants. Are these illegals not given enough with free housing, healthcare, education??

    1. globalists and their puppets; $oro$ and barry soetoro and his husband big MIKE and chester biden appointed all the correct criminals to the correct positions to protect all their criminals .

      1. you are right. Once they break America’s back, they can advance their globalists plans, because we will be a third world country just like everyone else and it is moving faster and faster. Trump put a spike in their plans for a while and we all got lazy and were not watching or paying attention. Don’t know if it is possible to save anything now. Just seem like the Bible has it right and we are headed for globalism and a world full of more evil than we can imagine.

  8. Crazy bull. He is buying more votes…
    Everything is money to them.

    Why do ppl running for an office spend millions when the job pays 100.000 a year.

    Yep maybe you figured it out.

    They are all crooked sobs and need to go to g. i. T. M. O…. Every last one of them. And

    Start over

  9. and as a citizen, born here and 74 years old and a taxpayer my whole working life, i get to wonder whether these fools will let social security fail….who elected these idiots?

    1. No one elected globalist puppet chester biden, globalist voter fraud appointed globalist puppet chester biden .

    1. The young generation of globalist puppet, libby snow flake sheep will collect welfare all their life, they don’t pay federal taxes .

    1. Yours, that’s where the money is going to come from. The Democrats want 30 percent of everyone’s retirement savings. Nobody gave me my savings. My wife and I didn’t waste money on expensive vacations, jewelry, clothes, meals, cars, or houses. We lived below our income so we could put money away. Now the Democrats want to take it to fund this kind of nonsense. The takers are destroying America under the guise of equality. But Nancy and Joe will keep their millions.

  10. This can’t be real or true somebody is lying here because this is totall bullshit!!! False misinformation!! These bastards can’t do that Joe Biden and his croonie corrupted democrats is asking for an ass kicking beating up!!! We need to kick!!! These rats corrupted cronies democrats out of the Whitehouse before!!!! It’s too late to regret and lament they’re destroying us as a country ripping us!!!! Off !!!! and driving leading this country to bankruptcy, disgrace and poverty!!!

    1. globalist puppet chester biden is only carrying out the globalist orders that globalist puppet hiLIAR was to carry out in 2016 if globalists would have successfully appointed her .

  11. What in heavens name gives Biden the right to give our hard earned money to illegals? He thinks he is a dictator and he must resign as he wants to make this country a 3rd world country and give it to illegals and to hell with our citizens. Plug in our pipeline and build the wall ad get rid of the illegals/. Illegals do not have to be vaxxed and get more than we can afford and more. The White House staff is exempt from vaccine as well as US postal and probably many more. Yet our citizens loose their jobs if they do not. Our rights are being taken and illegals get more. Sick and treason and he swore to uphold our Constitution. Get started!!!! uphold our laws or resign!!!!

  12. What is wrong with this stupid party isn’t enough they receive welfare now The brain dead president wants to make all the people who came across the boarder illegally millions of hard earned American taxes ! Oh no that’s not correct the trillions in spending COST NOTHING ,ZERO ,IT’S TOTAL BU–S–T

  13. god loves his globalists and their puppets; $oro$ and chester biden and demonrats and rinos and fbi CRIMINAL organization and media and libby snow flake sheep AND altar boy raping demonrat priests .

  14. Biden’s never ending quest to make a liar out of who ever said that crime doesn’t pay. It pays big time for illegals.

  15. The DICTATOR cares more for illegal immigrants and china, and russia as well as ukraine, then he cares about AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! HE WANTS TO GIVE 1/2 MILLION EACH TO ILLEGAL’S!!

  16. where is the money coming from. our grandchildren don’t have much now. maybe George Soros can pay for them, he had them sent here.

  17. Hey all you black folks out there….ya really going to vote for this communist and his regime again? Really? REALLY?

  18. Why are so many citizens so anti-American? Do suppose that the reason is the liberals and professors of our educational institutions. Ninety percent of them should be fired and deported to any place.

  19. This will definitely bring turmoil to our country. We have people here who worked their whole lives and never came close to $450.000. All that this would do is throw this country in the biggest civil war that we could possibly have. Then, what would happen with our Black citizens. Then would come reparations. This can never happen if we still want a united USA.

  20. So I guess the only way American citizens can be treated fairly is to renounce our citizenship, move to Mexico and then cross the border illegally and pledge to vote Democrat.

  21. We all have to call our governor and representatives and tell them NO F—–g way this better happen. We will stand up for our rights. It’s time to vote them out.

  22. Time to do something…it is getting really ridiculous. Who the hell will pay for all the Globalists’ fantasies? You can bet it won’t be George W. Bush, Bill Gates, The Clinton’s, the Obummers, or whacko Biden and his cronies.

  23. More Biden and Libtard absolute stupidity. How about the caravan of 60,000 on the way to the southern border. WIth this message it will soon be 6 million. Just like Obama’s stash with free crap if you voted for him. This is even much, much worse. All while we have veterans living on the streets.

  24. The insanity continues. Pray everyone for our Saviour to help us get out of this. Believe in God to bring justice to this evil illegitimate administration.


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