Trump Bashes Rittenhouse Prosecutors For ‘Misconduct,’ Condemns Waukesha Attacker

White House [Public Domain]

Former President Donald Trump said the Rittenhouse trial was riddled with “prosecutorial misconduct,” and called the Waukesha attacker “crazy” during an episode of “Hannity” on Tuesday.

“He’s a really good young guy … just left Mar-a-Lago a little while ago, and he should never have been put through that. That was prosecutorial misconduct, and it’s happening all over the United States right now with the Democrats,” Trump told the Fox News host. 

Rittenhouse was acquitted of shooting Gaige Grosskreutz, who testified at his trial, and killing Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, during the August 2020 riots and looting in Kenosha that stemmed from the police shooting of Jacob Blake. 

“[Kyle] should not have had to suffer through a trial for that. He was going to be dead if he didn’t pull that trigger that guy that put the gun to his head in one-quarter of a second he was going to pull the trigger. Kyle would have been dead,” he continued.

Trump also admonished the liberal media for their one-sided coverage of the trial. “They are the enemy of the people and we could have a country that would be able to heal and get together, except the media foments it. They’re so corrupt,” he remarked. 

“The fake news [media], but it’s really the corrupt news. It’s corrupt what they do. I had to devote a lot of time to fake investigations,” Trump continued. “People have gotten wise to it … and it’s just a shame.”

He also spoke about the heinous Christmas parade massacre in Waukesha, Wisconsin, that killed six people, including children, and injured 62 others on Sunday, when 39-year-old Darrel Brooks intentionally drove his car through the crowd.  

“He was out on bail and he was a rough cookie,” Trump commented. “This guy was crazy and a real professional criminal and a bad guy. And the good news is he hated Trump, OK? He hated Trump – based on early reporting – and he should.”

“He should not have been out. He should have never,” he went on. “Can you imagine? I looked at that car going in … I’ve never seen anything like it … . All because of a bad guy. And he was out on bail, very low bail. Just a terrible, terrible situation. I mean, just terrible.”

  1. As bad as the Rittenhouse trial was,from a prosecutor point, the way the january 6, prisoners are being treated, is even worse. And even sadder, we the people have to sit back and watch, wondering if it would ever happen to them/us.

    1. I got $97450 up to now this year working KJH on the online and I’m a full time student. I’AM profited. It’s really simple to know and I’m in order that cheerful that I got some answers regarding it. 

      Here what I do…. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟎𝟏.𝐓𝐤

      1. great question…
        what treatment are you getting for doing that???
        lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

    2. There has to be civil litigation recourse for all of them at some point….
      They should all be wealthy individuals at some point in the future!!!

  2. President Trump is SO RIGHT on this. Who made the terrible decision to allow this dangerous criminal out of jail? They should be arrested for stupidity. The criminal justice system failed us.

    1. The criminal justice system almost ALWAYS fails us!!!
      If only the millions of darrel brooks’ running amuck throughout Amerika would target the millions of albert hesses in America….then maybe…just maybe….. I would FINALLY BE ABLE TO SAY THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM WAS WORKING!!!!!!

  3. Majority of American prosecutors are scared to death of a courtroom and look for the easy way out e.g. lowering the charges & plea deals.
    Not only was this prosecutor a goof and he acted more like your typical defense lawyer during the trial.

  4. God Bless Donald Trump! He was a great president and the only one, in my lifetime, that actually looked out for the American public FIRST AND FOREMOST!

  5. Trump is NOT our enemy, though those who are would like to get everyone to think so! Via deception, true racists and bigots and fascists have grabbed the pen & microphone, – (the media), and are using it to get their fingers into key government positions & mess around with our legal system. While ignoring the provisions of the Constitution, they use it for their own anti-American ends, “cooking the books” of law-and-order, hamstringing law enforcement, enabling rioting and cutting corners on bail and incarcerations of dangerous lawbreakers. All of that set the stage for the carnage that took place in Waukesha…And unless we wake up & learn from it, we’ll be seeing more of the same.. Be VERY careful who you listen to and who you vote for at every level!

  6. I agree with the evidence that Trump has considered and agree with what he has said!
    As for Kyle Rittenhouse, he did what was necessary to keep him alive! That all this happened is totally to blame for those who took weapons in their hands and chose to create chaos! It didn’t go too well for them and Kyle and his cohort fulfilled their end of the saga admirably! Despite all that adjusted well, there were enough unpleasant hoodlums to make a noise but fortunatly, nobody was seriously injured! Hopefully, we won’t have to go through such a situation anytime soon!

  7. I. Totally. agree. This. Country. is in. A. Big. Mess because.of. the. Stupid. Scumbags. People. Getting. Treated. Real. Bad. Too. Me. This. Is. Not. The. America. that. I. Knew the. American. People. Are. Getting. Treated. Like criminals. and. The. Media. Is. Just. Sucking. It. Up. They are. Just. As. Bad. All. The. Good. Is. Gone. Nothing. Left. Is the. Bad. My. Thought. Is
    Where. Did. All. The. Good. Times. Go no
    Peace. In. Sight. Hate. Is. Now. The. Common. Word. For. America. We. Are. In. The. Darkest. Times with. No. End at. Sight. Surrounded by. Stupidity. inflation mandates. Surrounded. by. A. Goverment that. Are. A. Bunch. Of. Laughing. Clowns in. The. Fun. House. And. The. Media. Are. Jesters. For. Entertaining what. A. Sight. To. Shameful. To. Call. This. Place. America

  8. The Democrats are just about there.The republicans have bought all the guns and ammo while they were bad mouthing Trumpers.The hunters will become the hunted.Clean an Sweep.


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