Key Findings from the Investigation into the Finances of Federal Lawmakers

Photo of the US Capitol / Photo by the US Capitol via Flickr

Senators Given the Danger Ranking 

Senators Dianne Feinstein and Tommy Tuberville / Official Congressional Photos

Sen. Tommy Tuberville(R-AL): Senator Tommy Tuberville was found to have 132 separate violations of the STOCK ACT. When asked by Insider Tuberville claimed to have paid all of the fines associated with these violations but did not provide any proof. 

Sen. Dianne Feinstein(D-CA): Senator Dianne Feinstein was found to have violated the STOCK Act one time. It was also found by Insider that staffers working under Feinstein had violated the STOCK Act on 3 separate occasions. When asked by Insider Feinstein claimed to have paid all of the fines associated with these violations but did not provide any proof. 

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