When talking about election security there are a lot of different things to consider and many perspectives when it comes to the discussion around election integrity that should be taken into account before any meaningful debate as to whether or not a particular law is going to help secure elections.
This is everything you need to know about election integrity and securing our election:
Every American election must be honest, dignified, safe in Every City & State in the USA no Illegal aliens is allowed to vote in any city or state of any ethnicity they are not above the law in the USA
Well if this were true. Then maybe, just maybe those elected Democrat officials should give a exact breakdown of what their definition is for Democracy and what the goals are for the Democracy.
Because everything I’ve seen the Democrats do this last year, makes me seriously question any and everything that they say, what they stand for.
Cause it’s not about the constitution, or the values of what America is about, nor is it about having integrity in the election process.
No, Democrat officials aren’t even worth whipping off the of your shoes on. We can only hope that the sheeples are opening their eyes and we’ll see an end to this wicked Democratic game.
VOTER ID everywhere, that will stop some fraud, but not all.
All mail in ballots except military people out of the country should be stoped. And do not tell me that poor blacks will be unable to vote because of this, all they have to do is ask for help and 50 persons will come to help.