Rockstar Makes Stunning Reveal into Trump White House Visit

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During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, famous musician Kid Rock reminisced on a meeting he had with former President Trump. The musician remarked that he and Trump discussed a range of topics from ISIS to North Korea.

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The Washington Examiner reports:

“I was there with him one day when he ended the caliphate,” Kid Rock said in the interview that aired Monday evening.

The musician, who noted in a quick aside that he did not “want to speak out of school,” said Trump wanted to put out a tweet and suggested something along the lines of “you’re going to be dead” for joining the caliphate.

Kid Rock admitted that the tweet that was ultimately sent was reworked to be more “politically correct.”

Kid Rock also said they were looking at maps that he questioned were appropriate to show someone like him. “I’m like, ‘Am I supposed to be in on [this] ****?'” Kid Rock quipped before he and Carlson burst into laughter.

North Korea was apparently a subject of conversation too.

“‘What do you think we should do about North Korea?'” he said, appearing to recall a question Trump asked of him. “I’m like,” Kid Rock continued before guffawing into his hand, “What? I don’t think I’m qualified to answer this.” More laughter ensued.

The musician said that he first met Trump at a White House dinner and the two have since become golfing buddies.

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