The rumor on Capitol Hill is that Biden might not pursue a second term as President, now that’s just a rumor but with that in mind who would take his place in the Democrat party?
There are several Democrats who could take his place and there are many who would square off in a primary for the nomination. Here are the Democrats that could run if Joe Biden steps down:
It’s so sad that they are all losers and would definitely destroy the country more beyond than it already is!
oh my
Since the Dimocrats have “No Real Contenders” they are operating on the theory “Throw enough $*it at the Wall and some of it is bound to stick” Looks like “Slim Pickins”
As usual, the Democrats have no one worth wasting a vote on. All of them mentioned are worthless do nothing politicians. Butigeig, as the folks of South Bend about him. What has he done as transportation sec? Nothing.If you have been paying attention lately, you will know. The only one maybe worth a vote would be Klobachur(sp) but no Democrat is getting my vote.
No Democrat only a republican
This is laughable. All the losers from the last Democrat primary plus Pelosi and Schumer. And, Pelosi is as senile as Biden!!
a queer pres that figures
Not one of them fit to run for dog catcher. Buttegieg and O’Rourke !!! What in God’s name are they thinking. The rest are bad enough bot those two would be suicide.
All losers. All left-wing idiots.
the demon rat party is toast there policy totally suck and we have rhino that are no better either THIS WHY PRMARY”S ARE IMPORTANT PEOPLE VET THEM BEFORE THE GET ON THE REAL TICKET!!!
I can’t believe there are democrats that can think for the betterment of the USA instead of destroying the USA by Biden-Obama administration.