South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg has been convicted by the state’s senate on two impeachment charges related to his deadly 2020 car crash.
The Daily Wire reports:
“The convictions required a two-thirds majority. Senators only mustered the bare minimum 24 votes to convict Ravnsborg on the first charge, with some senators saying the two misdemeanors he pleaded guilty to weren’t serious enough crimes to warrant impeachment. The malfeasance charge … sailed through with 31 votes,” the Associated Press reported.
On the night of the crash, Ravnsborg reportedly called 911 and told the dispatcher he thought he struck a large animal, such as a deer, The Daily Wire previously reported. Once the sheriff arrived, said Ravnsborg, neither of them suspected a person had been hit with the car. Because the attorney general’s car was undrivable, and a tow truck would have taken over an hour to arrive, the two went to the sheriff’s house and Ravnsborg borrowed the sheriff’s personal car to drive home.
The following morning, the state attorney general said, he was on his way to return the car, along with his chief of staff, when the two stopped by the site of the accident to see if they could find the animal he believed he had hit the preceding evening.
“As I walked along the shoulder of the road, I discovered the body of Mr. Boever, in the grass just off the roadway. My chief of staff and I checked and it was apparent that Mr. Boever was deceased,” said Ravnsborg, who added that he promptly drove to the sheriff’s home to notify him.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem will be responsible for appointing a new attorney general to take his place before voters decide in November who will ultimately take the office.
Too bad his name wasn’t Pelosi.
OK democ-rats. This is how adults do it If someone is of a crime, you don’t make a decision on his guilt or innocence based on whether he is in your party. As Jesus said, “Let he who has ears listen”.
I’m lost here, what did he do wrong??
Guilty till proven Innocent?
So he is a Republican so impeached when Dem Kennedy , they make him a Senator until he died!
Those are some pretty scant details. No mention of the time of death, toxicology on deceased or the driver, etc. Cause of accident? Was this AG impeached before or after a conviction?
This looks like a politically motivated impeachment and conviction as Ravnsborg had a tragic accident and complied with the law. There was no indication he was too impaired to drive.