WaPo Column Torches Dems’ ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

Senate Democrats / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)

In a rare action by the far-left Washington Post newspaper, owned by Jeff Bezos, the outlet’s columnist Steven Pearlstein lambasted the Democrats’ so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

“Democrats in Congress are embracing the same fallacy as they ram through a package of climate, tax and health-care initiatives fancifully marketed as the ‘Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,’” he wrote.

He continued:

No less specious, of course, is the Democrats’ claim that inflation will be significantly reined in by a slimmed-down tax and spending bill that closes corporate tax loopholes, extends and expands clean energy tax credits, extends health insurance subsidies to the working class and gives Medicare the power to negotiate prices on a dozen overpriced drugs.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, over the next two years, the Inflation Reduction Act is likely to change the inflation rate by less than one tenth of one percent — but it isn’t sure whether the change would be up or down.

Even over the next five years, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the package moving through Congress would reduce the federal budget deficit by a piddling $25 billion — a rounding error in a $23 trillion economy. Regardless of the final number, the measure will hardly dent an annual federal budget deficit projected to run at the unsustainable rate of 5 percent of GDP over the next 10 years.

  1. Democrats gave it a lying name to get it passed! I am surprised they allowed anybody to read the crap bill! Like with Obama care that had to be passed before it could be read! Thanks to crazy Nancy Pelosi! WHY ARE DEMOCRATS SO GULLIBLE? And this money will go missing like all the rest they touch! We need to pass a bill they can never pass anything till they find the missing money!

  2. They will never admit to their corruption or their criminal Syndicate ongoing for 40 years, America is sick and tired of these criminals in our public offices only caring about what they want and need to get out of trouble! it is sickening as watching them defend themselves in making laws allowing them to do what we are not allowed to do, time to get a lynching party together, ao hand this over to Donald Trump he will Love it
    Give this to Donald Trump he will Love it 11 judges in the FISA court

    brief already in the court waiting if the defendants will answer and maybe he will want to place an Amica Brief in for the simple questions why did Obama had the Supreme court answer 23 of his cases upon his election fraud and Donald Trump cannot have any Yes it is in the papers and he will love it truly 


    Donald Trump’s time is coming soon, I pray for the day!

    Respectfully Submitted
    Joseph A.F. Sadowski

  3. Yea sure, and Hunter and I never discuseed business,Hunter biden and corruption win the day,Biden/corrupt democrats are now standing on the same level as dog sxxx, what happens then scrape it off the bottom of your shoes start all over, this time you look harder where you step,vote corrupt democrats out of office return it to those who care about our Country.

  4. EVERYTHING that DIMMs say is the OPPOSITE of what they claim! This bill not only will increase inflation but it will also lead us to be MORE dependent on Communist China since nearly all of the components of “green” energy are there!


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