Everything California’s Mad New Climate Policy Could Mean for Our Country

Photo by salewskia via Wikimedia Commons

After the Inflation Reduction Act passed Congress, Gavin Newsom had a field day. He announced that California would “lead the way” in going green across the country.

In case you need a refresher, the “Inflation Reduction Act” doesn’t lower inflation at all. Instead, it massively expands the IRS, pays for other government spending, and $369 Billion is going straight to fighting the climate change boogieman.

California absolutely lit up at the opportunity for government spending and expansion. California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California will “lead the way” in their efforts to save the world from this imagined existential terror.

“The significant funding that will flow to states like ours is essential to protecting people from the worst impacts of climate change and accelerating our transition to a clean energy future. With our own record $54 billion Climate Commitment and world-leading efforts to cut carbon pollution and move toward an oil-free future, our state has been a global leader on climate change. But California can’t wage this battle alone – and thanks to today’s action by President Biden, we won’t have to.”

So what are these grand and glorious changes that California will lead? Let’s break open the damage report…


  1. Just a bunch of chicken little crying “the sky is fall!!” I wouldn’t be surprised if bubonic plague shows up with all that trash and filth in the streets! All that fire and floods are preparations of the final destruction of all Blue States. Better repent!!

  2. I care less about “climate change”; that is a complete hoax. Fossil deposits found in soil borings for building foundations, piers, etc. indicate cyclical deposits indicating climate change is cyclical and nothing man can do to change it. I am glad to heat my place with coal this winter and not depend on high priced oil, gas, etc. Coal my way is $260 a ton delivered and a ton goes a long way in winter. As far as Newsom is concerned, he needs a good heart attack or stroke, along with Biden and his corrupt buddies. God delivers, I pray daily!

  3. I don’t care about climate change. I’m heating my place with coal this winter. No volatile fuel oil, gas, or electric bills. I will never own an electric vehicle. At least one can work themselves on the gas powered cars.

  4. This article may be of interest but spreading it over “ pages “ just so that you can show more ads makes it undesirable.😒

  5. Kommiefornia will lead the way- RIGHT OVER THE CLIFF. My father told me when I was growing up that someday they (the government) would find a way to tax the air we breathe. Well, guess what ? Climate change! Just a BS power grab, that’s all.

  6. Cutting down on carbon dioxide is not “green”, it’s exactly the opposite.

    1. CO2 absorbs less than .02% of the sun’s energy, The vast majority (over 99.97%) is absorbed by that substance that politicians cannot regulate: WATER! Reducing CO2 emissions will have absolutely no effect on the climate.
    2. Do you remember anything at all from high-school biology? Apparently Newsom and Bi-dung flunked (or probably skipped) that class. Plants make food from carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. Less CO2 means LESS plant growth, and thus less food production. More CO2 means more plant growth and more food production. This has been demonstrated by a science experiment that any 8th grader can do for his science-fair project.
    3. There’s nothing wrong with a warmer climate. Geologic core samples have shown that the climate was formerly warmer than it is now, and polar bears weren’t extinct back then. A series of volcanoes spewed so much volcanic ash and other junk into the atmosphere that it started a mini ice age that hasn’t abated yet. If the climate were to get warmer, it would just be returning to normal (like when people in Greece and Rome wore togas). Also, what is the purpose of a “green”house? Do plants grow greener in a colder climate? Just look at all the lush forests in Antarctica and the barren wasteland of Brazil!

    Furthermore, renewable energy is anything BUT clean. The manufacturing process for solar cells uses (and produces) some very toxic chemicals. Giant windmills turn birds into mincemeat, and require magnets made from minerals obtained primarily from our enemy (the one who inflicted the Wuhan bat virus on the world). Dams flood very large upstream land areas. And all of these energy sources depend on weather which we have absolutely no control over.


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