Everything Wrong With Biden’s ‘Soul of the Nation’ Villain Monologue

Screenshot from ABC via YouTube

The Scene Itself

Let’s start with the obvious. He gave the speech in front of a blood red background, with two marines behind him, labeling half of the country as a terrorist threat.

  1. Biden has always been a talented liar. He lied about his first wife’s accident, he lied about how he met his second wife, he lied about Tara, he lied about bussing in DE, he lied about his college class position, he lied about Hunter being smart, when his lips are moving he us lying. I lived in DE for 31 years and knew several people who watched him from a close position. He believes his own lies.
    Worse he has an enormous ego and inflated view of himself. Sorry to say I voted for him several times. He is able to fool people with his lies and smiles. Always pretending to be the good guy. Womanizer.
    Thinks he is a gift to all women and is really as fake as his hair transplants.

  2. No one ever accused Biden of being the brightest bulb in the box. What kind of reaction did his handlers expect when he insults at least 75 million voters? They had to know, probably even planned on it, that there would be a few death threats towards him. That would give them even more reasons to propose more left wing socialists ideas to control the people of this country. Unless we purge all democrats from all levels of government, they will destroy our constitutional republic


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