Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), the chairman of the National Senatorial Committee, has had just about enough of Mitch McConnell bashing pro-Trump Republican candidates in races the GOP must win to take the Senate in November.
Breitbart News reports:
“Unfortunately, many of the very people responsible for losing the Senate last cycle are now trying to stop us from winning the majority this time by trash-talking our Republican candidate,” Scott wrote in the Washington Examiner about the establishment uniparty in Washington, DC.
“It’s an amazing act of cowardice, and ultimately, it’s treasonous to the conservative cause,” Scott continued. “Giving anonymous quotes to help the Washington Post or the New York Times write stories trashing Republicans is the same as working with the Democratic National Committee.”
Scott told Politico, “Sen. McConnell and I clearly have a strategic disagreement here … We have great candidates. … And I think it’s important that we’re all cheerleaders for our candidates. … If you trash talk our candidates … you hurt our chances of winning, and you hurt our candidates’ ability to raise money. … I know they’re good candidates, because I’ve been talking to them and they’re working their butts off.”
Scott noted in the Examiner that the “self-appointed ‘smart guys’ in Washington think they (not the voters) should be able to choose our candidates.”
“The D.C. crowd should not choose candidates, and they do not, and they will not,” he added.
Its what RINOs always do
McConnell is a RINO POS – he should be kicked out of the GOP
McConnell should have been removed from any leading GOP position long ago. Nothing but a RINO and does not support the conservative platform or MAGA. His wife and him are China puppets and their bank accounts would validate that.
McConnel has been a slacker of Late and has been a Deep state supporter for many years,….
McConnel couldn’t beat them so he joined them he might just as well get in the bag with Mittens Romney of the DSA (demo-socialists of Anti-America )
About time they called out McConnell.
called out of his turtle shell?
Must be to many RINO’s to vote him out as the leader of the minority party.
Piling on the Murder Turtle is unacceptable to RINOs and donks.
McConnell can’t hold a candle to being a RINO…he’s too far left.
Mitch McConnell was right for a change!
Rick Scott needs to be the GOP Senate Leader.
YES, Senator Scott, you are absolutely 100% correct!!! McConnell doesn’t want to support these upcoming candidates because they will upset his ESTABLISHMENT Apple cart.
People, please get out and vote.
Thank you Senator Scott! It is way past time for Mitch McConnell to get with the conservative movement or resign. And regardless of his decision it is time for NEW LEADERSHIP in the Senate!!!
This website is a Big Tech CENSOR!
McConnell is between a rock and a hard place. His rich Chinese wife, Elaine Chow, owns a shipping company in China. Who does he root for? China and the income they receive from owning freighters in China or members of the party he really doesn’t care for? If he had a lick of respectability he would have resigned as head of the Republican party when he married Chow. He had to know it would put him in a compromising position. If he didn’t resign the leaders of the party should have insisted he do so. Man cannot serve two masters.
No one who is unfaithful to whose PROFESSED FAITH could everbe true to anyone nor anything that is less! “Man to thyself be TRUE!”
many of those “professing Christians” do not vote, are not registered to vote. luke warm
Many people do not vote in any religion, occupations etc. So lets say many nurses or truck drivers do not vote etc. To attack a specific group when it is general that people in any living situation do the same act is a form of expressing hatred and bias or self serving. Many Democrats do not vote so I guess that makes them also as bad as Christians that do not vote. Same act, so justice should be dealt with same severity. In other words whether you are a school teacher or a clergy person, pedophilia should dealt the same wayor otherwise you are showing bias and prejudice towards justice being dealt fairly..
Censor the rino
Did you ever see the devil’s advocate? I give you Joe biden -as lucifer
McConnell is another 1 that needs to go bye-bye
He’s still in office because the Dems have NEVER come up w/a viable candidate to run against him. And the people in Eastern KY love him…but I have no clue why.
IF “We the Sheeople” of the red states, had a backbone, we would go bye-bye (secede) and get out of this evil empire. Want a 40-50% tax cut? 100% reduction of regulation?
Can’t figure out why it took so long to figure Mitch McConnell out. He is just another Mitt Romney “RINO” among many RINOs who bow down to the “full of hate” Democrats. Biden proved how much “HATE” the other night.
so, hold a meeting and toss his butt out of leadership roles
Will never happen because there are at least 15 RINOs in the Senate to protect old Mitch. Carnyn from Texas also needs to go because he is in McConnell’s hip pocket.
and Ziggy & Robert STILL believe they are free in Amerika? how stupid is THAT ?
Bitch McRINO and his Chink wife are ass deep in Chinese Communist money and he’d rather stay as a Minority Leader than get voted out for Majority Leader if the GOP takes the Senate. I hate the MFer with every fiber of my being
Well, McConnell is the problem since he’s nothing but a RINO who’s only interest is self and he needs to be gone.
It seems to me some of us have that urgent urge to commit suicide. The question I would like to answer is: WHY?
stupidity? cowardice? no back bone? scared of sissies & perverts? all things GOD hates
So try Senator Scott! We have been watching McConnell do this for the past 10 years and actually during his entire time in office. He won’t release contributions to these candidates making it difficult for them to market/advertise
McConnell is a little man. He’s overstayed his usefulness in the senate.
Mitch McConnell, aka “Mitch the Bitch” is one of the biggest and most flesh eating denizens of the DC Swamp.
McConnell needs to leave, whether voted out or retiring. Republicans don’t need a Rino leader. He is one of the chief reasons Republicans have been weak.
“we” in middle America need to leave this evil empire called Amerika
“RINO” Mitch, needs to retire and move to China where his wife makes her money! He along with Lindsey Graham BOTH need to retire! We need people in the Senate, Congress, AND the White House, that are willing to work & FIGHT for Americans.
Decades long Republican here…McConnell needed to be gone YEARS ago! He’s a one person wrecking crew.
Mitch McConnell should be told in no uncertain terms should he be bad mouthing our candidates. It must be made clear to him to stop NOW. If he refuses to listen he must be removed from the speakers position immediately. If he wants to be a democrap he should just join them.
time for mitch McConnell to retire or remove as chair of the senate, he has to be aware is chairmanship is at his hand to control or lose, the good old boys club is done change or move on
of course his wife is a CCP family who run a shipping company
He needs to be replaced by a real Republican.
How about running agsinst him for Leader in January?@
In our state Michey supported a life time politician, just like trump did the last senate election. Trumps pick lost big time and so will Michey’s. We need fewer lifetime politicians and more real people in the congress.
I guess the turtle wants all republicans to be spineless, gutless lickspittles like him.
Vote McConnell out & all the other Rhinos.