All the Most Triggered Responses to GOP Govs Shipping Illegals to Dem ‘Sanctuaries’

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent liberals into a complete frenzy. After Abbott sent a few dozen migrants on busses to Washington, D.C. and DeSantis sent 50 to Martha’s Vineyard, liberals have lost it.

Some echo cries of “human trafficking,” for the completely voluntary trips. Others are even calling for the Department of Justice to prosecute these two governors.

These migrants got on the busses and planes willingly but where the democrats have a point is that it was on false pretenses… false pretenses that they were going to “sanctuary cities.”

Here are some of the worst takes:

  1. Instead of shipping illeagles to sanctuary cities and states, send those politicians to the countries the illeagles came from.

  2. DeSantis is bring REALITY to the North, because they will not go to the border. Our borders are the making of our country. If we do not CLOSE them, and have a LAWFUL entry, we will not longer be a country. The PEOPLE MUST stand up and know that they are loosing our way of life, day by day….. VOTE, with wisdom and pray before going to vote, that God will give each and everyone the understanding of what America means to them and the world., WE are the only country, with the FREEDOM, that every Country looks to achieve.

  3. Of course this is MSNBC. Some of info may be correct, but most is embellished or exaggerated to fit the narrative. ONLY when this organization acknowledges the biden administration’s corrupt midnight plane trips all over the country for almost a year, that has been verified with documentation and conversations showing these unlawful acts will I give ANY thought to what they have to say.

    1. Isn’t it funny that we never hear about all the illegals that Biden and his administration stooges have shipped around the country? How many were there? Where did they get sent? Did the receiving cities/states have any advanced warning they were coming? All these fool democrats talking about “kidnapping” those illegals to send them to one of their sanctuary cities is a joke, and they know it. Should any kind of an investigation ever take place it needs to begin with the Biden administration, since he started it before the governors got involved. In a real court of law these kinds of phony charges would get thrown out before it ever got started. Of course there are enough left wing radical judges that try to legislate from the bench, that one of them would most likely take it run with it. What ever the dems try it will not hold up in an appeals court since there really is no case to be made. Isn’t it great when all these liberals lose their minds over something like this? It goes to show us just how big a hypocrite they really are.

  4. Just morons being morons is all I see here. NIMBYs at best. Illegals are criminals, period, allowed or brought in without proper vetting and those pushing this garbage are complicit in their crimes. Hear that Demonrats???


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