While Canvassing, Rubio Staffer is Brutally Attacked

(Miami - Flórida, 09/03/2020) Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro durante encontro com o Senador Marco Rubio..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Monday, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio announced on Twitter that one of his campaign canvassers was seriously injured while knocking on doors as part of his campaign. In his tweet, he mentioned that the volunteer suffered from internal bleeding and a broken jaw. According to the tweet, the volunteer was attacked by four “animals” and told Republicans weren’t allowed in the neighborhood.

Screenshot from ConservativeBrief _ 102522

Senator Rubio is currently up for reelection in the November 8th elections and is running against Congresswoman Val Demings. As of today, according to FiveThirtyEight, Rubio is ahead in the polls with a 4.8% lead.

A few Democrats have come forward in response to the tweet sending condolences and mentioning they are “not the party of violence.” Though clearly in this case there was definitely some violence since the volunteer will need facial reconstructive surgery.

  1. I have yet to hear this kind of thing coming from the right. It is always from people on the left who have no respect for anyone.

  2. If this has been a Lib person who was hurt, the Liar in Chief, Piglosi, etc would do something, but they are all evil to the core and only have real concern for freaks and other evil humans. If they actually cared about real Americans, there would be arrests and truth, but that’s not in their playbook. Violence and intolerance is all they are ever about! LGB!

    1. AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!! Look at how they applauded the riots, arson, and murders in the summer of 2020!!!!! They even put up money to get violent criminals out of jail so they could do it again!!!!!!!!!!

  3. If voters expressing sympathy say that their party is “not a party of violence”, they should switch to the Republican party or be accused of lying (BLM, Antifa, looting, arson, property destruction, assault and murder of police)

  4. he’s a waste. was here in Miami a couple of years ago on a fund raising mission. On a Friday at 5:00pm he stopped for ice cream. A major highway was closedown both north and south. A major mess.

    1. Nancy, rest assured there will be NO jail sentence, or even a minor investigation since the attack was against a conservative!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Because of the victim being a Republican these attackers will only get a slap on the hand. And having 4 people against 1 is really a typical way of a liberal democrat. Such COWARDS!!


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