This is big news coming from Elon Musk. He has officially taken over Twitter after months of fighting with the company’s shareholders, board members, and others who have made the takeover nearly impossible. He shared on Wednesday a video of him entering the Twitter headquarters, with the caption for the tweet being, “Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!” He was comically holding a sink in the video.
Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 26, 2022
The comical moment came after an October 15 tweet saying he would dress as a sink for Halloween:
I’m dressing as a sink on Halloween, as they will have no choice but to let me in
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 15, 2022
He also changed his Twitter bio to “Chief Twit,” a signifier that he has taken over the company for his around $43 billion investment. Reports note that Musk will serve as the company’s CEO.
Bloomberg reported, “The company is expected to come under Musk’s ownership by 5 p.m. New York time on Oct. 28, as lawyers and bankers on both sides race to finalize paperwork. Leslie Berland, Twitter’s chief marketing officer and head of people, sent a memo to employees Wednesday saying that Musk was visiting the company’s headquarters this week, according to people who received the note.”
He previously wrote on Wednesday morning, “A beautiful thing about Twitter is how it empowers citizen journalism – people are able to disseminate news without an establishment bias.”
Twitter users were quick to respond to the news, with conservatives such as Ryan Fournier celebrating, writing, “Now the fun begins!”
— Jason Jones (@jonesville) October 26, 2022
Leftists previously were quick to claim they would “miss Twitter” when Musk takes over, some even threatening to leave the platform:
I’m really gonna miss Twitter once the bad man takes over and destroys it.
We had a good run though, didn’t we?
Those who are leaving too, remember to download your data before you delete and go.
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) October 21, 2022
Hope the doors don’t hit ‘em in the keister on the way out.
As soon as Musk fires all the socialists who censor everything Repubicans post I will reactivate my account.
me too
Good maybe he’ll be fair, fire the woke. Not just be 1 sided.
i want to go back to twitter if they will not censor me
Now maybe Musk cn reeducate the college trained journalists what real proper news reporting is supposed to be. . .FOLLOW THE TRUTH. . .NOT OUTSIDE AGITATORS OF ANY PERSUASIOND UNLESS THEY HAVE SOLID PROOF.. GOES FOR ANY POLITICAL
I just might consider joining if Musk puts his money where his mouth is and ends the censorship.
So, now every patriot who is not already on Twitter needs to join right away! And we all need to get all the other patriots we know to join. The Left will try to hurt Twitter via a mass walkout … we must counter them.
SIGN UP TO TWITTER NOW! @Doug1943 [Follow me and I’ll follow you back.]
Zuckerberg had a great chance, but he wanted to be the Prophet of a “New Age” in which everything, including people’ minds, was directed in one way – and that is NOT AT ALL DIVERSIVE, BUT EXTREMELY UNIFORM!
Twitter Outcomers:
o Purge staffers
o Purge Co.
o Rebrand
o Expand base
o Open Door
o New policies
Let Mr. Musk expel the crypto-Chinks (Communist totalitarians) from Twitter and then, just watch so many loyal Americans join!