A recent AP and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey yielded interesting results. While the survey concluded that U.S. adults disapprove, more than they approve, of the way Joe Biden has handled his classified documents – the survey seemed to miss his overall approval ratings. While unethical, if you want a poll to follow a story, it is easy to make it happen. And that could be the case here. Amidst the document scandal and theories the Democrats may be wanting to push Biden out before a reelection bid, Biden needs bipartisan support with his state of the union speech coming up. With polls showing him receiving disapproval, he needs a win.
The new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 41% of Americans say they approve of how Biden is handling his job as president, about the same as the 43% who said that in December. In the new poll, 77% of Democrats approve of how Biden is handling his job, while 91% of Republicans disapprove, both little changed since late last year.
More people disapprove than approve of his handling of situation since the classified documents were found, 39% to 23%, Another 36% say they neither approve nor disapprove. Democrats are more likely to approve than disapprove, 44% to 15%, with 40% saying they have no opinion either way.
A majority of Republicans, 68%, say they disapprove, with 6% saying they approve and 24% expressing no opinion either way. Republicans are also somewhat more likely than Democrats to say they’ve heard at least some about the situation, 71% to 63%.

However, when looking at an accumulation of polls surrounding Biden’s popularity, in each one he is disapproved of more than approved of. According to FiveThirtyEight, Biden’s approval rating is at an average of 41.9% meaning he is disapproved of by 52.9% on average from a list of polls conducted to date.

Associated Press contributed to this article.