Trump’s 2020 Claim Proven True, Liberal Media Exposed For Their Lies

President Donald Trump giving remarks in the White House Rose Garden on May 30, 2020. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Trump is proven right…again. Footage from 2020 is resurfacing, showing that President Trump was in the right yet was criticized by the liberal-left media. During an April 30, 2020 press conference Trump stated that he had seen evidence indicating that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Communist China, though at the time leftist media and Democrat figures harshly criticized the President.

Department of Energy Reverses Statement About COVID Lab Leak Theory

February 26th, the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Department of Energy concluded in a recent report that the “COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.” Meaning the Energy Department joins the FBI in stating that the virus arose from a lab leak.

So, apparently, President Trump wasn’t as wrong as the left was saying he was.

During the April 2020 press conference, Fox News’ John Roberts asked the President, “Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus?” To that Trump replied,

“Yes I have, yes I have. And I think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves because they’re like the Public Relations Agency for China. And this country pays them almost $500 million a year and China pays them $38 million a year…And whether it’s a lot or more, doesn’t matter, it’s still – they shouldn’t be making excuses when people make horrible mistakes, especially mistakes that are causing hundreds of thousands of people around the world to die.”

“I think the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves.”

Though after that the left focused their reports on Trump attacking China. This only created more division between the President and his country as a monumental catastrophe was occurring and more division between China and the U.S. Trump clearly wasn’t attacking anyone he was telling the people what he had seen, and what has seen been proven by two Government agencies.

Biden Plans To End COVID Emergencies

CNN, CBS, ABC. Jimmy Kimmel – they all sunk into Trump as he attempted to spread the truth, and for what? As Trump went on and began to call the virus the China virus, which only named the virus after its proven origins, he was hit for that as well. Attack after attack. But who gets the last laugh?

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