Vax Pusher Bruce Springsteen Cancels 3rd Concert This Week Over Illness

Photo of Amanda Head. Photo/ Amanda Head / The Hollywood Conservative

Today in a Hollywood minute Amanda discussed Bruce Springsteen and him cancelling his third concert this week over an illness. Him and his band are sitting out of the third concert this week. He was at the top of the COVID-19 vaccine line and now is sick for a third time in a week? Is it something COVID related? Not sure. But at one point he was charging $5,000 for tickets to his concerts, and while he seems to be an everyman fella, he certainly seems to be catering to the elites there. So no sympathy here. Details on the third sit out were left out of the statement on the sit out, and the date is being rescheduled. Most people have lives and while the date is being rescheduled it doesn’t mean fans will be able to go. But we don’t feel bad for him based on his politics.

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  4. Springsteen is an arrogant, narcissistic and narrow minded obtuse person. No sympathy for the elitist communist.

  5. We all know now about the lies of this experimental vaccine and it was all about the money and NOT our health

  6. Boss of the toilet never liked the stupid looking asswipe or his so called music he deserves what he is getting for being a pos


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