In a Hollywood minute Amanda discusses how cat’s are smarter than Democrats. Sadly yes, a cat can decipher that there are TWO genders and two genders only while allected government officials on the left cannot. If you remember that Rasmussen poll from a little over a year ago that 75% of Americans strongly or somewhat agreed that there are only two genders, now there is an update. Richard Dawkins, a famed atheist and biologist, now claims there are only two sexes and liberals are “pushing utter nonsense.” Democrats used to claim they were the party of science, and here it is. Yet they are moving away from science and going full on into emotions. WHY? Life is not driven by emotions it is driven by the facts and this whole nonsense on “my truth” is wrong. There is THE truth and there is your opinion. It is so insane. Even cats are smarter than they are.
Who’s Smarter? Cats or Democrats?

Photo of Amanda with her friend's smart cat. Photo/Amanda Head
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