Hunter Biden Secures Second Legal Victory in 24 Hours

According to reports, a resolution has been reached between Hunter Biden, aged 53, and Lunden Roberts, aged 32, in their disagreement over financial support for their child in Arkansas. The New York Post reported that Biden has agreed to provide Roberts with a monthly payment of $5,000 to support their four-year-old daughter named Navy Joan Roberts, whose existence was previously undisclosed.

However, the specific details of the settlement are yet to be established and were not verified by Roberts’ attorney, Clint Lancaster. Lancaster stressed the importance of maintaining confidentiality regarding the financial arrangements and expressed concerns about the possibility of leaks to the media, which could complicate the negotiations and potentially require Biden to appear in court once again on July 11.

Initially denying paternity, Hunter Biden was proven to be the child’s father through a DNA test conducted in 2019. Navy has not been publicly acknowledged by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden as one of their grandchildren.

Evidence of this became even more apparent when the current First Lady, Jill Biden, published a children’s book in 2020 titled “Joey: The Story of Joe Biden.” The book was dedicated to her grandchildren, but Navy was noticeably absent from the list. In the dedication, Jill Biden specifically mentioned her other grandchildren, saying “To my grandchildren: Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Hunter, and Beau,” excluding Navy. It is worth noting that Navy is the only Biden grandchild who has not been invited to the White House, indicating a deliberate effort by the Biden family to keep the child away from public attention.

An intriguing observation is that both Google and Wikipedia do not acknowledge Navy as Hunter’s child, even though paternity was confirmed through a DNA test in 2019. Instead, they only recognize Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy as his three children, all of whom he shares with Kathleen Buhle, his spouse from 1993 to 2019.

Hunter Biden and Roberts first crossed paths in 2017 at a strip club in Washington, DC, which marked the beginning of their relationship. During this time, Roberts was employed by Hunter Biden and also had a romantic involvement with Hallie Olivere Biden, who was widowed following the passing of Beau Biden in 2015. It is worth considering that these circumstances, including Hunter Biden’s romantic connections with both Roberts and Hallie Olivere Biden, likely contributed to his divorce from Buhle in 2019.

The news of the settlement coincided with a significant development involving Hunter Biden. Federal prosecutors announced his agreement to plead guilty to two federal tax violations and one gun violation. Surprisingly, Hunter Biden seemed to have escaped significant consequences despite facing two legal cases in less than 24 hours. Although he pleaded guilty to a felony gun charge, he is expected to avoid imprisonment due to this plea deal. Under the terms of the agreement, Hunter will admit guilt to two misdemeanors related to willfully failing to pay federal income tax for the years 2017 and 2018. The felony gun possession charge will be part of a program known as “pre-trial diversion.” Many individuals viewed Hunter Biden’s plea deal as advantageous, as he managed to plead guilty to a felony charge but will not face any time behind bars. Furthermore, despite the felony gun conviction, Hunter will still be permitted to own a firearm, giving the impression that the incident has been essentially erased from his record.

After Hunter’s victory in court was made public, Tulsi Gabbard expressed her thoughts on Twitter, saying:

“Every banana republic or dictatorship has a two-tiered justice system: the ‘in crowd’ like Hunter Biden get a slap on the wrist, while dictators use federal law enforcement and govt institutions as their own personal goon squad to go after political opponents. This is the sad state of affairs in America today.”

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