Things Are Going From Bad To Worse For Joe Biden, Polls Show

President Joe Biden trails former President Donald Trump in multiple polls and is hemorrhaging support in swing states and key voting blocs, according to an analysis of polls by Politico.

Biden’s support among young voters has fallen to single digits in recent polls by QuinnipiacFox News and Morning Consult, polls that show Trump leading among all voters, Politico noted.  Trump actually led Biden among young voters in a recent NBC News poll.

Biden’s drop in the polls has been notable since the Israeli Defense Forces launched military operations against Hamas after the radical Islamic terrorist group carried out a deadly terrorist attack on multiple locations in southern Israel Oct. 7, killing over 1,400 people, including at least 30 Americans. An AP-NORC poll showed that only 50% of Democrats approved of Biden’s handling of the conflict in the Middle East, while 46% disapproved.

Demonstrations across the United States, including on college campuses, featured speakers praising Hamas for “resisting” a so-called “occupation” of Palestine. Left-wing members of the House of Representatives known as “The Squad” released statements calling for a ceasefire almost immediately after Israel began its response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attack.

However, Biden was also losing support before the attacks.

Moreover, in addition to holding leads in national polls, Trump also led in swing states like Arizona and Michigan, which went for Biden in 2020 after going for Trump in 2016, Politico noted. In Michigan, Democrats have counted on heavy support from Muslim and Arab communities, which have been sympathetic to the Palestinians.

Biden also faces third-party challenges from other liberal candidates, including environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, who are running as independents, while 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein announced she is seeking that party’s nomination in 2024. The centrist group No Labels has also floated the idea of fielding a “unity ticket” for the 2024 election.

Harold Hutchison on November 25, 2023

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