HAYDEN LUDWIG: Meet The Left’s Newest Billionaire Megadonor. You Won’t Like What You See

dical Left, most famously George Soros. But few conservatives know about Reid Hoffman—the “Soros of Silicon Valley”—whose campaign to destroy the Republican Party ought to land him at the top of every newspaper in America.

Most know him as the founder of LinkedIn. But my organization, Restoration News, has traced this Big Tech billionaire’s money to numerous far-left groups busy smearing tens of millions of voters for supposedly supporting President Trump’s “corruption, white nationalism, and mass deceit” and meddling in the 2024 Republican primary to keep Trump out of the White House.

The Daily Caller News Foundation first revealed that Hoffman’s “Investing in US” group pledged $1 million to cover the legal bills of Fusion GPS, the partisan firm behind the infamous fake Russian dossier meant to label Trump a Russian crony.

That was just the beginning. My upcoming exposé reveals how Hoffman’s hatred of Trump led him to pay for a $100,000 disinformation campaign dubbed “Project Birmingham,” using dozens of fake social media accounts to flip Alabama’s hotly contested 2017 Senate race to Democrat Doug Jones.

At the same time, Hoffman poured millions of dollars into Democrat political groups to flip Virginia’s General Assembly and elect a Democrat Governor, Ralph Northam. Much of his funding flowed through the obscure PAC Win Virginia. That PAC’s board includes Al Dwoskin, who co-founded the Democracy Alliance to convene the Left’s top donors and coordinate their political spending for maximum impact.

Fast forward to the 2018 midterms, when Hoffman funded phony “conservative” social media pages which goaded angry Republicans into voting Democrat to “punish” the GOP establishment—giving Democrats the edge needed to flip the House of Representatives.

Hoffman later used his private plane—personal flight attendant and all—to fly rape accuser Christine Blasey Ford from California to Washington, D.C., to block Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. “We believed then, as we do now, that it’s important to take seriously accusations of violence against women,” Hoffman lectured the nation, despite Ford’s lack of credibility or any evidence she’d ever met Kavanaugh.

Now it’s Hoffman’s turn to explain his shady ties to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. We know the LinkedIn founder visited Epstein’s Caribbean “pedophile island” in 2014 for a “breakfast party” with Bill Gates and leftist luminary Joi Ito, then-head of the MIT Media Lab and a board member for the New York Times Company, MacArthur Foundation, and Knight Foundation, two major left-wing mega-funders.

Why does that matter? Because Hoffman co-founded and bankrolled the MIT Media Lab’s $250,000 Disobedience Award for individuals who challenge “society’s injustices”—including Epstein in 2017. Oops.

When a conservative reporter later asked a Hoffman-funded chatbot, Pi, about the LinkedIn founder’s well-documented relationship with Epstein, the scandalized AI dubbed the report “false information.”

“Epstein was a wealthy financier with a bad reputation, and Hoffman is a successful entrepreneur and investor,” the chatbot explained. “I’m not aware of any ties between them.”

Denial only takes you so far. The truth is that Reid Hoffman is emblematic of America’s slide into moral decay and corruption. Wealthy “progressives” use free markets to build massive fortunes—then weaponize that money against the capitalism which made their success possible.

If conservatives are serious about restoring our great nation, we need to start by exposing the Left’s hypocrisy and creating our own non-woke alternatives to companies like LinkedIn. The tide is turning against the radical Left. Will we be ready for it?

Hayden Ludwig on December 4, 2023

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